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English Class - Does it Really Help in Blogging?

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Whoever01's Avatar Whoever01
Level 47 : Master Princess
My opinion is it does... No wait! Blogging has made me better at English.

Hey guys, it is Whoever01 here with a blog. I thought I might write this as I was really bored in English, and thought whether it will actually help me in my career in blogging.

So What is English?

Foolish of you not to know, but in most curricula, English (or relevant language) is the most vital subject. In my school, those who fail (E or D in a E-A marking scale) usually fail most other subjects that require essay writing etc. It seems like Mathematics, the second most vital subject, isn't as important. Those who fails maths can do pretty well in other subjects for the matter of fact.

In my curriculum, English is compulsory from Prep (or Foundation year) to Grade 12. In my state curriculum, P-9 must do a compulsory English course, whereas in 10, most people do the regular English, but some do a "Short Course English" often referred to as "Dumb English" or "Foundation English." In 11 and 12, you can do a "Dumb English", "Regular English" or "Extension English (Companion study with normal English)".

English and Blogging

English can assist blogging in some ways, but may not be the most essential aspect of it. The use of advanced English techniques (metaphors, figurative language, formal language)is not completely necessary, but may be helpful in some situations. It is vital, however, to use proper spelling and grammar as avoiding this makes the blog difficult to read and seemingly effortless looking.

I'm not saying that you need to be achieving Bs or As in English while at school for success it blogging, but try to have the basic schools that everyone has (Grade 6 and below). Although your blog won't look as professional as other English-proficient bloggers, it will still look like a blog and could still get you on the pop reel.

Let's be honest, English is a horrible, boring subject, but not only does it aid in blogging, it also gives you the skills for real life. How are you going to get a job if you can't read? How can you send a letter or an E-Mail if you can't write. This is an unfortunate reality for some, but for most of us, we know how to read and write, so we should be taking advantage of that.

Grammar and Spelling

The 2 most important things about a blog. Would you prefer to read a sentence:

i went 2 the shops the othr day


I went to the shops the other day.

You don't have to have 100% perfect spelling and grammar to write a successful blog, in fact, that is almost never the case. Although errors in spelling are rare due tospell checkin many browsers, sometimes there might be a couple of problems in grammar. People usually don't take this seriously and just read on, no questions asked.

I couldn't spell a single word right if it weren't for spellcheck. I am completely reliant on it to produce what I do today. Nobody is perfect, and that is what life is about. People improve on their blogs all the time. If you were perfect, you were perfect, and it would be impossibleto improve.

Don't Be a Grammar Nazi!

Nobody likes Nazis, nor do they like Grammar Nazis. People who try to take it out on other people for using an extremely minor error in spelling and grammar should not be on this planet. It is ok if grammar is not 100% perfect, but it should at least be readable and moderately professional. Some people blog because they like to write, and many people 'suck' at English. But there is one thing they never not do, give up!


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11/09/2013 7:05 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Prince
MayuriYandere's Avatar
yes it does help very much
also to that dude down there gomenasai ewok-san nihongo ga hanasemasen eitheir uvu

11/08/2013 9:54 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
CuteEwok's Avatar
I'm much more interested in Japanese than English. But it will never happen. -_-
11/09/2013 7:24 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Peko's Avatar
Well how much japanese do you know :o
11/09/2013 2:27 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
CuteEwok's Avatar
Nothing. Plus, I'm always afraid I'll look stupid doing things like this, so I'll probably never learn -.- In fact, I can't even watch a YouTube video without making sure no one is looking over my shoulder. It's a hard life ;(
11/08/2013 9:07 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Bunny
Snow's Avatar
Don't quit. I know you haven't mentioned it, but every great blogger in the past few months has decided to either retire or disappear.
11/08/2013 9:49 pm
Level 47 : Master Princess
Whoever01's Avatar
Don't be silly, I'm not quitting anytime soon!
11/08/2013 9:51 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Bunny
Snow's Avatar
Good c:
11/09/2013 2:09 pm
Level 40 : Master Ninja
Discostu97's Avatar
11/08/2013 2:27 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer
minecraftian2424's Avatar
English is not my first language, but I'm learning it in school, for me Slovenian is same as English for you.
And we have 1-5 instead of A, B, C,...
11/08/2013 1:00 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
DJ_Fazmandoo's Avatar
I hope people write in real English, as it is called English because it is from England and not America. :)
so just use proper grammar and English. :D
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