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Portal Quest: The Thunder Sword

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Portal Quest Project's Avatar Portal Quest Project
Level 2 : Apprentice Team

We are Team Portal Quest, a small studio dedicated to bringing one of if not the oldest animated film franchises that takes place in Minecraft. Portal Quest, rated as a PG-13 action/adventure fantasy film, started as what was supposed to be a modded Minecraft comic book series back in 2013 but turned into something completely different as the years passed. It became a big project but plans were always uncertain, so we had to rebuild ourselves and the initial production plans not once, but twice!

Portal Quest was publicly announced in 2019 when we had our original team once known as Portal Quest Studios. Unfortunately, due to many struggles and uncertainties, we went on hold with the project in 2021. Today, we are still in the pre-production stage and officially returning to full production in 2025 with a brand new team among us, and we’re still seeking new faces. Perhaps this could be the break you've been looking for?

We will be actively sharing updates so be sure to check out our socials or join us on our Discord server to get these updates even faster. Hope to see y’all there!


Copyright © 2022-2024 AvatarKage, Team Portal Quest

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Portal Quest and its characters are purely the product of the author's imagination. Any resemblances to real persons, living or deceased, are entirely coincidental.

Some copyrighted materials are used in this publishing in compliance with the terms of the copyright holders to these materials. Portal Quest is not an official Minecraft product nor is it approved by or associated with Mojang AB or Microsoft.




  Over 120 years ago, a mysterious meteor lit up the night sky of Ermythia brighter than daylight accompanied by a loud crash that could be heard from miles away. At dawn, many people went towards where they heard the sound but nothing unusual was seen. Weeks passed and rumors of strange metal monsters sighted near the Qeorvik Range started to spread quickly. This led to people believing a third dimension possibly lay there but whatever it was, no one could successfully track down the location. Only those who held possession of the 8 relics that were found in that crater caused by the meteor deep within the mountains would know the portal’s true coordinates. Unfortunately for the adventurers, the endermen had found the relics first, and due to their unstable power, the elders ordered the enders who found them to scatter the alien objects throughout Ermythia to ensure no one would ever find them. And if they did, to scare them off. The relics were teleported randomly, sending each of them to unique biomes and locations across the globe by the best ender knights. One young child was lucky enough to spot one of them teleporting and then dropping off a relic mid-air. There has been a report of a lost child in the mountains who was spotted chasing a glowing object but he was never to be found. As old as that report is, it still can be found today in old documents concerning the possible location of these relics. The ender knights who were held responsible for the protection of the relics were sighted at multiple locations each time giving people the idea they were protecting something which led to many fighting back to find out what it was. Eventually, all the knights left and made sure that the locations wouldn't be further revealed by luring them away into fake locations.

  The relics were all the same glowing yellowish color and pretty unique in form. But they all contained a similar strong energy source that could absorb all other weaker energy sources such as redstone and could even absorb a creature's life energy causing death if not used properly which is what made them so unstable and dangerous. Over time that resulted in the relics absorbing the energy of the biomes they were in giving a sort of mutation that finalized in an additional power of their own, finally stabilizing them. At first, all the relics were neutral and could be claimed by either the dark-minded Nether hordes or any other person with evil thoughts such as the infamous Herobrine or they could be claimed by the generous and kind heroes of the world looking for peace and equality. That all changed after they developed their mutated power which resulted from neutral to either positive and could be claimed by people with good intentions or negative and could only be claimed by those with bad intentions or a negative mind. Only two relics stayed neutral, one of them being what is now known as the Enderine.

  Rumors about the metal monsters were spreading rapidly and eventually reached Port Aerial, the home base of some of the most dangerous air pirates in Ermythia. Many flew towards the Qeorvik Range by ship but when they landed, there was nothing. There were no signs of anything regardless of how hard they tried to find whatever they were searching the mountain for and the extreme cold wasn’t in their favor either. Whatever was or may have been there was long long gone. However, there was one clue that the enders missed or just maybe, missed intentionally which led them straight to the portal. Sadly, they all vanished as they went deeper into the mountains. Only one made it out alive which confirmed the portal’s existence to the world and why it should not be found nor tampered with by anyone under any circumstances.

Chapter 1: Origins
  50 years had passed since the rumors of the metal monsters and it was about that time their sightings and the whole portal discovery incident went nearly forgotten, even by those who saw the strange beings firsthand. It was also at that time the world was falling into an unexpected danger. It was at that time a myth had become real. Ancient tales told of this mythical creature with godly powers and eternal life as well as the army of undead he commands at will. Herobrine whom people had only heard stories and many believed to be a made-up creature was more real than ever. Sightings of him came in from all over and news spread like wildfire overnight.

  Herobrine, a possessed human being with bright white glowing eyes who contains the gifts of unlimited powers is considered a god to the undead and to the people who serve him eternally. He is feared greatly by the world and especially by his warriors as one mistake will also be their last. He has an unlimited army of undead and that alone is enough to raise the undead flag across all nations and kingdoms of Ermythia. Herobrine had other plans more important than world domination though and went on with them. He launched a full-scale invasion to retrieve all 7 relics, unaware that an eighth one existed and that is when it all started.

  Maria, a 22 year old young brave adventurer who has a great interest in the End dimension could see how this would end if the relics were not found in time and by the right people. Therefore, she started a lone journey to the End stronghold located in the heart of the dangerous and cold Despair Mountains to speak with the elders. An old friend who was also her best friend was a partially disabled enderman named Elor. She had saved Elor from a group of skeletons up to no good in a cave near the surface on one of her countless adventures as a child. Over time they exchanged languages and learned to communicate with each other nearly fluently sharing hundreds of stories including the story of the relics and what happened to them years ago. Elor had also told her that one of the relics, the Enderine, was somewhere in the End and that it was an amulet. But even Elor didn’t know everything about the relics as most information concerning them was kept between the elders and the upper-rank ender knights. Because many people feared these tall dark creatures, not many from the overworld were ever that close to an enderman, and thus, most didn’t know about the relics' existence as it was a tale only the enders knew of. Sadly over time, they both went their separate ways but never forgot each other.

  Maria had no fear of the enders but her biggest fear was Herobrine. Just the thought that he may get a chance to rule all 13 nations, 7 of which were powerful kingdoms, if he ever got hold of the relics was what kept her going. A few days of her journey had passed and she came across an airship belonging to the corrupted air pirates of Port Aerial according to the flag spread out across multiple locations of the ship. She took over the docked ship in a treeless area in the middle of a forest overthrowing the few guards keeping it and flew off leaving them and the other air pirates stranded in the middle of nowhere. Within half a day of the ship's capture, she had reached her destination and entered the pre-activated portal to the End dimension.

  Very few went to the End making it more dangerous than the Nether. Ender knights guarded this dimension and its cities but once in a while dragon training went wrong and loose dragons would fly throughout the dimension, what was considered a wild dragon. Not long after Maria entered the End she was ambushed by one of them knocking her out and causing minor burns by the dragon’s fire strike. One who was still in training with an ender knight struggling to hold on. The knight jumped off the dragon during the mid-air attack and called an enderman to teleport him and Maria to the nearest city where she was healed with some potions. She was one of the few lucky survivors of a dragon ambush even if this specific one wasn’t as bad as others had it.

  She woke up later on in a room with dimmed lights powered by rods. It was so different from what she had ever seen, almost as if she was in the future. She left the bed and walked towards the door, astonished by the place. Maria slowly opened the door and as she walked out of the room, she was surprised to see humans on the other side. She walked up to one and asked where she was with him explaining that this was a hospital. The ender knight who was riding the dragon showed up from the hallway and suggested Maria stay in bed for a while more. She immediately countered his suggestion and said she needed to speak with the elders urgently, thus why she came here. The knight refused as not just anyone can speak to the elders, especially one from an unassociated dimension. She kept insisting and brought up Herobrine and the Enderine into the picture showing the knight she wasn’t just here to talk about anything.

  The knight and she left the small city by airship and headed to the End capital city where the elders lived. The elders’ guards didn’t let either of them pass so the knight asked that they send word to one of the elders instead while they waited. Surprisingly, the elders did accept to see them both and thus were escorted by the guards to the elders’ room under close watch. Maria explained what was going on in the overworld and that the relics were in danger but the elders ignored her as they were informed about this matter prior. One of the elders pointed to the guards and made a signal telling them to leave. That same elder walked forward towards Maria and teleported out of thin air an old, yet new, shiny amulet and handed it over to Maria. The elder explained that this was the Enderine, one of the relics Herobrine was after but wasn’t aware of it being in the End. The elder continued explaining that 6 others would each find a relic with the guidance of an enderman and that these 6 warriors would join her. They will be chosen by skill, bravery, and intelligence. The elder also told her that along the way they would be challenged to multiple tasks and if they succeeded, then they would be the chosen ones to protect the relics and defeat Herobrine once and for all but if they failed, they would perish and the relic they had will go under total control to the End. If the relics go under total control of the End this means no one from the overworld will be able to use them as the relic will be heavily guarded and possibly tossed off the edge of the End to prevent Herobrine from gaining access. The only reason they weren’t tossed when found was because the relics may be useful eventually. The elder finished off by saying that those who passed all obstacles would meet up at Balion Arena, an ancient and broken-down arena made up of mainly stone in the northern center of the Forest of Valor, which contained an area full of life. There she will meet someone who will guide them.

  Maria stayed nearly a day and with the help of others was able to understand how the relic worked while the enders located the 6 other people and showed them the relic’s location to each individual. She was rather surprised that they let her go so easily with something that powerful and she was pretty sure she would have challenges as well as the others. She wasn’t quite wrong though, her main challenge was getting a dragon. Having the amulet’s power by her side became very easy. She was still understanding and testing her new abilities and when a wild dragon was sighted she gave it all and was successful at taming the massive creature. The amulet’s power was so powerful it sort of gave her control of the dragon.

  Maria left the End on her newly tamed dragon but as she was relying on her abilities for the first time to exit the dimension, she sent herself much farther than she had wanted. She had sent herself pretty far from Valor Forest but with the speed of a dragon she decided to take the long flight trip rather than mess up her teleporting abilities and land somewhere worse. The trip wasn’t too long and lasted less than a week to reach Campbell Pass of both flying and walking as the dragon was still young and needed a lot of rest here and there, let alone mischievous. The challenges she faced along the way were mostly surviving ambushes due to passing through dangerous areas, most inhabited and thus were filled with dangers from either outlaws or the undead.

  While her dragon was resting from flight, she met up with one of the other chosen ones at Campbell Pass, a dry and path-like area connecting multiple dead and dangerous regions. He had recognized her cause of the dragon and the amulet around her neck. His name was Furnacio, a skillful and passive blaze hunter who forged his relic in his sword. The relic was a fiery orb with the ability to create fire on any simple movement as it had absorbed the energy from the Nether. This relic was considered to be negative and due to it being from the Nether, only Nether dwellers could successfully control it. While Furnacio wasn’t with the Nether horde, he had lived in the dimension for so long that anyone could have mistaken him as a threat to the world. He wore netherite armor and had an abnormal number of blaze rods and powder in his possession, but in the end, all served a good purpose during his battles against outsiders who were not at all used to extreme heat. They introduced themselves and Furnacio shared his story of the endermen visiting him in the Nether showing him where the relic was. Maria also explained her story but not completely as she was uncertain if she should right now or not leaving out the fact she had met up with the elders.

  About an hour after the blaze hunter showed up, while they were resting and nightfall was quickly approaching, someone else showed up at Campbell Pass. His name was Caldeo, a bald desert nomad with sandy garments fit for desert survival and a rather reluctant yet aware and aggressive personality focusing primarily on his needs more than anyone else. The relic associated with him was a unique gem that could awaken monsters out of the sand and summon dust storms as well as lighting for a secondary biome ability given by absorbing the desert energy. This relic was considered to be negative or evil and just like the relic, so was Caldeo. Caldeo was a threat to the desert dwellers of Red Barren and the Sainora Desert as he was rather dangerous before getting the relic. Towards the chosen ones, however, he appeared friendly and helpful. Caldeo had a sword, a sword unlike any other. It had a fragmented nether star forged into the blade giving it strong energy which converted to lighting on use making it one of the most powerful weapons to date. He referred to it as the thunder sword and was his primary weapon.

  Furnacio started a campfire as it was getting pretty dark and they were in one of the most dangerous areas on the map due to being two-thirds surrounded by the dead region. At the campfire, Caldeo explained that an enderman taunted him into attacking which led him straight to the relic where he immediately knew something was wrong and it was as if the enderman was telling him to go to a specific location with others on their way right now. Maria shared the fact she met up with the elders and she shocked both of them alongside one outsider who was listening in and immediately spoke up showing no fear. Furnacio and Caldeo immediately readied their swords for combat the moment they saw the zombie-skeleton starting to speak.

  Karno, a bold person with a serious personality had appeared. He was an undead zombie-skeleton wanderer in dark robes and armor whose relic was the withered totem of undying. He explained how he got here and found the relic but with Maria mentioning the elders previously, he wasn’t surprised as to why he specifically was chosen to wield it. Karno had an army formed against the forces of Herobrine and wasn’t just anyone. His army was small compared but it was sufficient to fight back. That night the undead did come out towards the chosen ones but with Karno in the area, they were quickly eliminated by his army who guarded him cautiously. Differentiating friend from foe was difficult but part of it was the plan Karno had in mind for Herobrine. As for his relic, Karno believes that a couple of decades ago when a wither was summoned in the undead lands, one of its charging skulls hit the totem at full force causing it to be withered and thus this relic was considered to be negative. Karno could use it because it required an undead to properly put the totem to use due to the conditions it got its powers. Apart from already knowing how to control the undead, Karno believes using the totem could be now a key towards commanding withers and wither skeletons as well as reluctant undead forces, though there is no evidence proving this at the moment.

  The following day they were woken up by Karno and a strange noise they had never heard before. Karno didn’t know what that noise was either but believed it could be a distress call from nearby. Karno separated from them to investigate the sound and the three others continued their journey towards the Forest of Valor. The three questioned themselves wondering why the forest was called the Forest of Valor or Valor Forest or even sometimes the undead Forest of Valor. Sure there had once been an arena but it still didn’t add up considering why they had to go there to meet some random guy. Regardless, the forest was said to be undead thus filled with living flesh and bones.

  As Karno arrived at the sound’s location and approached the distress call it stopped and he was ambushed by a merman. Seeing a merman for the first time in these areas he was certain he was one of the chosen ones and pulled out his withered totem as the merman attempted to stab him. By simply doing this, the merman understood who he was and helped Karno up. The merman introduced himself as Orman, a generous and peaceful warrior from the deep ocean of Abgoth who made his way here after an enderman personally told him where the relic was and where to go. He also explained that his distress call was just a noise to lure the undead towards his location so he could pull a surprise attack on them that way he could safely pass the forest. Orman had taken a wrong path and ended in the dead swamp rather than the Forest of Valor. Mermen are very territorial and anyone going too far in the ocean will be drowned. They have caused terror on the nearby beaches as humans and merman kind don't get along well due to men's greed for their underwater treasures. On the other hand, they get along fine with enderman as they can’t go in water and, therefore couldn't harm their kingdom. But regardless, the mermen and enders are friends when they do meet on land and mean no harm to one another. Some have even managed to learn each other's language, though, only a few completely understand it. Orman’s relic is an old, yet new, shell-like object that can act as a circuit to those around it and control water waves as its secondary ability by absorbing the ocean’s energy. This relic was considered to be positive.

  Eventually, Karno and Orman met up with the rest of the gang and along the way, they shared some life stories and more details about who each of them were to each other. Maria did show the slightest interest in Furnacio quickly and so did he back to her leaving Caldeo and Karno questioning why they came along in the first place while Orman was pleased they got along so well. Days passed by walking and surviving the undead region before they reached a bigger obstacle that would challenge their teamwork capabilities. Between them and the Forest of Valor was a river connecting the oceans.

  Maria flew across the small river to reach the Forest of Valor in advance with her dragon after helping the others get started with building a small boat to get across as the dragon couldn’t yet carry multiple people, let alone a whole group of people. Very quickly Maria reached the Forest of Valor and soon after, sighted the strangest thing in the world. Just like the elder had told her, it was an area full of life and an old arena-like structure in the middle of an undead forest. When Maria lowered her mount for landing she was ambushed mid-air by what seemed to be a witch from below. Using her new abilities and with the help of her dragon, the witch was quickly defeated and started retreating. Maria calmed her dragon down and upon confrontation she revealed herself to be one of them assuming the ender-powered girl was too. Her name was Herma, a young sorceress who lived in Oakborough as a regular citizen concealing her cursed talents. Her relic was a book filled with ancient spells that came from a swamp where a witch had enchanted the book years before unaware it was special. Due to the absorbed biome power and its additional enchantments, it was possibly the most powerful relic of them all. It was considered positive and the book didn’t contain any negative spells. She told Maria she had just arrived a short time ago and was aware of who she was when she saw the dragon but decided to challenge her anyway as this place was formerly a duel arena.

  Maria and Herma explored the area for a while and were intrigued by how a patch of life in the middle of an undead forest was even possible while farther away Orman took control as boat captain and they together got across the river by nightfall. They later arrived at their destination on skeletal horseback a day later also shocked by the strange sight, apart from Karno that is, who claims to have been there in the past. The last person to show up was Iluq, an Inuit from the southern tundra whose relic was a metal bow with the ability to generate ice due to absorbing the cold icy energy from the snow biome. That ability was like having a bow with infinity only in ice. This relic was considered good. Iluq claimed he was skeptical and waited a while before going where he felt he should be and when he did, he came across air pirates who he paid to drop him off at the shore of the Forest of Valor. Maria smiled to see everyone together for the first time but at the same time, the others were unsure of what was awaiting them.

  A noise was heard coming from a ruined structure attached to the arena and a few looked towards it. The door opened and out came an old man, possibly in his 60s wearing some old clothes with some slightly visible chains appearing through his top. The man introduced himself to the others as Brandon, a former champion of the arena before it got destroyed during the last fight and since then have been guarding some of the powerful weapons and armor that were used previously in battle. He also revealed that at a younger age, he saw a relic fall from the sky and followed it which eventually led him to befriending the elders. That relic, however, was sent back and now lies in a private location that only he and the elders knew of. In the end, Brandon told them the real reason why they came here rather than at the enemy’s doorstep. That reason was training because despite them being already skillful fighters they lacked a lot and he had seen countless battles throughout his life resulting in picking up most of them if not all and is now able to teach and replicate them to a willing student. He also mentioned that Maria and Herma started plans with him concerning the ambush they’d do later.

  The group of overseers accepted and trained daily with Brandon and Karno’s army for nearly 2 months and had learned so much along the way. But when the time came, it came and they were finally needed. Brandon got word from the enders about Herobrine striking multiple places in search of the relics and the time to act was now or never. Brandon met up with them in the plan room where they all had worked on proposals on how to take down Herobrine but Maria knew that they would never work and the rest agreed. Regardless, they were put to use and after a short meeting, yet a long journey, the overseers were ready to fulfill their destiny.

  As planned out they each separated in different directions to sync any potential threats and would meet up with Maria at Herbrine’s latest sighted ambush passed the Central Mountains from where the meeting was held. Each of them took unique paths and ways to get across the land, some even met Herobrine’s undead forces roaming around and about but that didn’t stop them. As planned, they had met up at the location and Herobrine was far away by now but certainly not too far. The marks left behind by the army were trackable and within just a couple of days they found his troops at Port Aerial but no sign of Herobrine. The reports were random, it was as if he was randomly choosing villages rather than a specific path making it much harder. Herobrine knew they were here thus making it exhausting for them to even try reaching him till he decided to give in. A month passed before the overseers found Herobrine and his army but when they did, the battle was tough but it lasted very little. Herobrine at this point knew their power could pose a threat to him and not only that, but they also had the relics he was seeking. Attempts to negotiate weren't on the overseer's list nor was it on Herobrine’s thus he decided this wasn’t the right place or time. He caused an explosion as he vanished leaving behind a map. The overseers accepted Herobrine’s challenge by taking the fallen map which led straight to his castle at Vulcan’s Isle.

  They stayed overnight at Port Aerial and by dusk the next day with the help of a royal airship they arrived and were at the doorstep of his castle. The overseers knew this was a trap but faced it head-on anyway. Herobrine appeared through the mist looking more powerful than ever. At this point, the overseers were unsure of how this would end. The battle started and Herobrine was a madman, having countless abilities, fighting skills, and the least they had expected, volcano control. The battle lasted for a while but the end was here, Herobrine grew a bit tired, and so did everyone, but one. Karno. Karno, having the withered totem was practically invincible and thus he drew the final strike as his sword went through Herobrine’s heart with his totem’s power at maximum level corrupting Herobrine in all possible ways ending him. However, on that final blow, Herobrine’s body had a negative response causing an extreme power wave disabling the totem shortly just enough for Herobrine to have his final response by shooting a lava arc at Karno. This threw him to the side of a small volcanic hill-like wall killing and burning the remaining of his body within seconds. The battle, the threat, the myth, all was over, however, the loss of Karno wasn’t easy for any of them. Upon Herobrine’s death, something interesting happened tho, though the glowing essence of his eyes left and floated away like sparks of fire vanishing as distance furthered leaving behind what seemed to be once a normal man. It was almost as if the glow and Herobrine were two different beings or perhaps the glow was Herobrine and the man was just an innocent victim.

  The overseers were seen as dimensional-wide heroes to not only their allies but also their enemies. By defeating Herobrine they may have saved the world but that at the same time gave the perfect opportunity for the Nether to step forward and follow in their enemy’s footsteps. While some of the overseers enjoyed the fame others such as Orman hated it as it put his home location at risk. But for the most part, the overseers lived a peaceful life afterward as close lifelong friends who saw each other very frequently. Maira got engaged and married Furnacio soon after. Over the years the overseers kept on fighting any rising threats and most of them had children along the way who grew up as great people just like them. But as the decades passed, the world grew bigger and at that point entered a dark age. The number of global assassinations, thievery, and potential threats rose to extreme heights under the secret command of the Nether king, Kardar. The overseers grew old, most in their 60s when this started, and weren’t planning on going back into battle anytime soon. However, that choice wouldn't be up to them. On one of these days they all were visiting Maria and Furnacio but little did they know it would be the last time they would ever see each other again.

  The Nether king, Kardar, went ahead and ordered his five best assassins to take on a mission that would determine the future of the Nether horde. Their mission was to assassinate all 6 remaining overseers. They had carefully watched the overseers for weeks now and when they least expected it, the assassins striked. On that rainy night, Maria being the leader, was the first one killed. When the assassins were caught and chased off by Maria's husband, they claimed they were after her late dragon's egg which has been abnormally dormant yet alive for so many years. Maria’s dragon was unique and was one of the most powerful dragons out there most likely meaning the offspring would be as powerful, if not more. This incident was merely a trap to split them apart for a short time as the assassins knew dragon eggs sold high at the black market especially one like this one which they could sell to the Nether horde for high. Falling for the trap, Furnacio and Iluq warned the others and went to a frozen lake south of Stone City to hide the egg deep down beneath the lake where a cave with lava streams was discovered by the overseers years earlier. A place where both fire and ice meet creating the perfect condition for a dormant egg. Placing the egg right above the heated rocks underneath the frozen lake will prevent the egg from dying. By the time they both got back two more of the overseers were assassinated and only three of them remained.

  Furnacio, Iluq, and Orman met at an old ruin and said their goodbyes knowing they would probably never see each other again. They all split up hoping to prevent the assassins from following them. Furnacio ran the farthest he could in the rain but he was confronted an hour later and had two options, get killed by the assassins or jump down the mountain and have a chance of surviving. He chose to jump down and survived thanks to the fire relic. But he landed hard causing him to lose his sword and break his leg. Being defenseless he was blown by a creeper soon after. Orman went waters to a location where he had not been before but he was sighted a few days later and shot down near an island. As for Iluq, he disappeared into the cold snow plains and froze to death. As his relic had a native power to this biome and could produce ice, he was able to absorb a small amount of the relic's energy and break free. But as his body was frozen, only his skeleton could escape it, therefore turning him into an undead. No one knows if he's still alive since his skeletal body was never found, but if he is, he's the last remaining overseer alive.

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Dreadstrike Inferniclaw
04/22/2024 3:34 pm
Level 25 : Expert Dragonborn
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