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{Popular Reel} The importance of mature staff

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EnjoyingYoda's Avatar EnjoyingYoda
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
Hey everyone, EnjoyingYoda here. I thought I'd write my first blog and see if I could perhaps pick a topic that would attract attention and generate some thought within the community. Here it is- please read it, and feel free to leave your comments!


Staff- A short Introduction

So you've joined a server and you are all excited. Whatever your forte, be it Creative or Survival, there is always some sort of Moderator, Staff, Admin or similar rank available. They seem respected and get special treatment, right? How cool would it be to be that cool and liked?! Well, my dear readers- I want to bring you some information that may shock you... Its not as fun as you'd imagine it to be.

So... What's all this about?

You may at this point be thinking, hey, that doesn't seem entirely right... But I assure you, I've been there, done that, and I have a story to tell, hence here I am. As my blog title suggests, this is about the importance of the Staff rank within any kind of server, and the importance for a server owner to pick the right kind of person.

There's no 'I' in Success

Owning a successful server is a huge responsibility, and a LOT of work. It involves aspects some people may not realise- Its more than just generating a world and making sure people don't swear. Owning a server is a lot about doing work behind the scenes, unnoticed, as much as it is actually being seen on the server. The amount of work it takes for a server owner, coupled with the long hours of dedication and the stress of making everything work is incredible. At this point is where a server owner will look for help.

The cavalry arrive!

A successful server has to have 2 things- an active owner who listens to suggestions and is constantly improving the server experience for everyone who visits, and secondly, a team of players who are dedicated to making the server grow. Behold: We have the birth of a Staff rank.
An owner faces incredible risk when he employs any person to help him work his server. Granting a person access to the most powerful tools takes a large amount of trust, you have to make sure you are doing the right thing, because once your 'Staff' has OP and any tools you employ on the server, they can do an incredible amount of damage if your trust is abused.

So... What can I do?

As a server owner, you have to carefully select and monitor any of your potential candidates. However, alerting them in any way as to what you are doing can cause them to change their behaviour while you are watching them, which gives you a false sense of what kind of person the player actually is. They may seem to you like the best candidate ever! Always willing to help, always cheerful and never getting into trouble- but turn your back and they can become an abusive monster, or an immature clown.
The key to picking your staff is to make sure your behaviour towards them does not change in the tiniest fraction.Don't let on that they are being considered, and you will have a much better understanding of the kind of person they truly are. Be critical- don't brush anything away, pick up on every little thing they do.
A successful server depends on you, as a server owner, being able to pick people who you can trust to run the server smoothly and without issues while you are away. They are an extension of you, and carry on the work needed on a server while you are away.

What about me as a player?

Well, my dear readers, this is probably gonna be the bit that interests you the most, isn't it? How do I gain that mystical trust and rank on that server I love? Well, in actual fact, it really is quite simple. I'll let you in on a little secret- Be Mature. That's really all it takes. A mature acting person on the server, who isn't forceful, is polite and is willing to help in any way they can in managing situations, that is the kind of person a good server owner, who wants to be successful, should be looking out for. Here are a few tips for you!

Be cheery! Nothing is as encouraging as seeing a cheery person playing on a server, who enjoys to crack a joke and make the server feel welcoming. Too many times have I checked out a server out of interest, to leave 5 minutes later in disgust at the language and behaviour of players. Its off-putting, and the current staff of the server should be trying to keep it in line. Ask them if they need a hand with anything, be helpful- but don't be 'That Person' that is always meddling- remember to balance things out

Be approachable! Build a reputation for being friendly and helpful. You'll help one person, but go unnoticed. Don't become withdrawn and moody, check out point number 1! A second person helped, a third person, and slowly, word will start to filter out... 'Hey, so-and-so is helpful, they'll take some time to give you advice or pointers!' Building a reputation on the server has an incredible amount of importance- make sure you utilise it.

Be Mature! Remember, just because a Staff isn't on, doesn't mean you can mess around, insult people, be the bully. You have to refer to the first 2 points, and stick with them. A Staff may not be on, but they can see what has happened recently on the server, and word of mouth also gets out too. Remember- your reputation and chance of any kind of Senior position within a server is usually based on 2 things- the first few days you are on, and the consistency of your behaviour.

So what can I do then?

Take a look at yourself. Are you well behaved at school? At home? Just because you are behind a computer doesn't mean that manners are out of the window. Just think, how do you get rewarded at home? Throw a tantrum and cuss people out? No, that tends to get you grounded. Consider this- what would you behave like if it was one of your parents who ran the server, and saw everything you said? You'd be as good as you can, right? Next time you are on your favourite server, and you are still sat there, thinking about why you haven't got that dream position, take a look at yourself and think... 'Have I shown that I am mature, and can be trusted?'


A server owner cannot keep a successful server running by itself. He needs the help of people he can trust, to make sure everything is fine when he or she gets back. The staff can be a make-or-break of any server, so if you really want to be up there, helping out and being praised by everyone, take a look at your actions and think- are they worthy of the praise? Am I mature enough to handle anything that goes wrong on the server, and yet still be liked by everyone?
Being staff is difficult. There is a lot of responsibility and work involved, its no easy life. Dedication and behaviour on a server are the most important aspects. Skills can be taught, commands can be learnt, but some people will be picked while you may not be. And its at that point you must ask yourself- Am I mature enough to be trusted as a staff?


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Any support will encourage me to continue writing these little blogs.
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07/21/2013 11:27 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Charri10's Avatar
wise old yoder ;)
03/07/2013 11:46 am
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Aspiria's Avatar
Pretty good blog. A lot of these sort of blogs having to do with servers get a lot of diamonds and are usualy filled with a lot of BS
03/08/2013 8:01 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Haha, I hope you didn't feel that way about this one ;) My next blog will be coming up next week, keep an eye out :)
03/08/2013 8:12 am
Level 41 : Master Enderdragon
Aspiria's Avatar
03/07/2013 10:48 am
Level 21 : Expert Architect
collin0898's Avatar
I need a staff job I build anything I mean this is an awesome blog but now I want to be on a staff more
I mean I seriously cant make my server cause apperently my mom Amber Burrahm won't let me give out the ipv4 cause of her websites its so stupid but this blog post is downright epic.

03/06/2013 7:51 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Blacksmith
WiseWoodrow's Avatar
Have a diamond~!
03/08/2013 8:01 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Thank you, much appreciated! :)
03/06/2013 4:27 pm
Level 29 : Expert Network
Evanchi's Avatar
This all seems rather obvious, surely to many other people as well.
03/06/2013 5:57 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Ninja
EnjoyingYoda's Avatar
Ah yes, it may seem obvious- but how many people actually pay attention to common sense these days? =)
03/07/2013 12:15 am
Level 29 : Expert Network
Evanchi's Avatar
Well I suppose the young ones are more prone to ignore these pieces of "Common Sense".
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