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Through the Portal | PMC: Apocalypse Chapter I

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Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
It was a normal day on the Mainland for the people of Planet Minecraft. It's been a few weeks since since the Nether War ended, and things have gone back to the way used to be, with a few minor changes. However, Dr. Golden and her assistant Greief weren't concerned about this. Through the war, they had continued work on Project: Golden Gate in the bunker underneath their warehouse on an island off the northern coast of the mainland. Today, they were joined in their tests on the project, which was a collider, by IGEBM, Si, Peter, and Tzyber.

"Glad you could come and help us." Greief says to the visitors. "Always happy to help a friend." IGE responds, taking a bite of his peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Are we gonna do some testing soon?" Si asks. "Yeah, I just need to work out a few kinks in the collider." Golden responds. "Good, because I'm skipping out on several high-paying jobs for this." Tzyber says, annoyed. "It's a miracle the Council of Mods hasn't caught you." Si says. "And they never will." Tzyber responds. Peter walks out of the bathroom and sees Golden working on the collider. "Are you almost done?" he asks, having heard the conversation on the other side of the bathroom door. "Yup." Golden responds, finishing her fixes to the collider. "Ready for some tests?" "Yeah!" the others (sans Greief) respond in unison.

"Alright, we're gonna have some fun with this." Greief says. "Everyone, line up. The first person in line will say an already-discovered universal cluster name - which we have a list of on the wall - and a random set of numbers, and Golden will punch it into the collider and we'll see what dimension that portal leads to. Now, line up!" The group line up in the order of Si, Peter, IGE, and Tzyber. Si thinks for a moment, then speaks. "Amogus 523.14." he says. "That should be interesting." Golden punches in the universal stream designation and the collider begins to turn on. A blue light glows underneath the panels as a bright blue beam of energy fires out of the collider, hitting the warehouse wall. Instead of destroying the wall, however, a portal is opened. Through the portal, they can see the planet Amogus, with people walking through the streets as usual. Several of its citizens are startled by the portal appearing near them. Greief runs through it, before running back into his home dimension. "It's working." he says. "So far, so good." Then, he picks up a datapad and types the universal stream designation, which adds it to him and Golden's database where they catalog all the known universes in existence.

The others say universal stream designations, and the scientists test them out. Every portal ends up working, so they move on to the second experiment. "Now, we're gonna press the 'Random Universe' button and see where the portal goes." Golden says. "And this time, you'll be the ones going through the portal." "Alright." Peter says. Golden presses the button and the collider activates once again, opening a portal. The portal leads to a universe where the citizens of PMC appear to be monstrous. "This is definitely a Crypticus universe." Greief says, adding it to the list. "I'll go." IGE says, walking through the portal. He steps back out after looking around, and Golden turns off the collider. "Well, IGE, you just entered Crypticus 0523.14." she says as the portal closes. "Time for another test." Greief says. "On it." Golden responds, pressing the 'Random Universe' button again. The portal opens, and when Greief and Golden look at what's on the other side and jump. "No." Greief says. "No. No. No. No. No." "What's wrong?" Tzyber asks. "It's the one." Golden says to Greief. Too frozen to close the portal, and the others confused as to what's going on, they all watch as several armored soldiers charge at a group of zombies with yellow eyes. The soldiers shoot them dead, but then, IGEBM fires a pair of yellow beams at the soldiers, killing them instantly. Their bodies rise, with yellow eyes, and they turn to start shooting at their fellow soldiers. "What- what just happened?" IGEBM asks. "That was me, but I had yellow eyes." The other IGEBM hears this and turns to face the portal. Greief, realizing what's about to happen, finally moves. "GOLDEN, CLOSE THE PORTAL!" he shouts. Before Golden can press the button, the other IGEBM runs through the portal. Golden closes the portal as he charges into the warehouse.

The other IGEBM looks around. "This is the place." he says, before laughing maniacally. "It has begun! The prophecy shall be fulfilled!" The moment the other IGEBM says the word 'prophecy,' Tzyber freezes. His body turns stiff and his eyes stop glowing. "Tzy?" Si asks. "Are you okay?" Greief and Golden draw their plasma blasters, and proceed to open fire on the other IGEBM. "Because I'm in a good mood, I won't kill you immediately." he responds, firing slightly less-powerful beams of yellow energy at them. This knocks the two scientists unconscious and pushes them back. IGE and Peter catch them as they open fire on the other IGEBM. "There is no point in attempting to kill me." he responds. "Soon, this island, along with the entire planet, will be barren wasteland devoid of life." "We need to get out of here." Peter says. "Si, get Tzyber. IGE, carry Greief. I'll bring Golden. We need to run." They run out of the warehouse, carrying their unconscious allies out.

The other IGEBM follows them outside and fires at them. They dodge the shots, and, in a rage, he strengthens the beams. "Get to cover and teleport us out of here." Peter says to this universe's IGE. "I'm on it." IGE responds. Si, knowing what to do, holds his friend's hand. IGE takes the unconscious Golden's hand, who is being held by Peter. However, as they teleport out, the other IGEBM fires an energy beam that hits Peter square in the chest! "No!" IGE shouts as they all teleport away.

The group rematerialize on Zibonzi Beach, on the Cholan Empire's island. IGE and Si take a breather before assessing the situation. "Okay, so basically, we just let a psychotic version of you into this universe, he knocked out the scientists, and shot Peter." Si says. "Yup." IGE responds. "Speaking of Peter, I need to see how he's doing." IGE holds up his friend's hand and checks his pulse. "That son of a biscuit..." IGE says, trailing off. "What's wrong?" Si asks. "He killed Peter!" IGE shouts in rage. The people on the beach turn to them in shock. "Come on, we've gotta get these guys to the castle." IGE and Si carry their friends, including the fallen Peter, off of the beach, across the street, and up to Castle Cholan. They are denied entry by the guards. "Listen, bud, this is an emergency." Si says. "I demand to speak with the King!" "Fine." one of the guards says. "But only because you've got two of his closest friends with you." He gestures to unconscious Golden and Greief. The other guard opens the gate and IGE and Si make their way up to the throne room.

"IGEBM, Si, to what do I the pleasure?" Elightin says, getting up from his throne. "And why do you have three unconscious people in your arms?" "I'll explain." IGE says, proceeding to tell Elightin about what happened at the warehouse. "I think you should call a United Nations meeting." "I agree." Elightin responds. He takes out his phone and calls a United Nations meeting.


Cast (in order of appearance)
Greief as Greief
LegendarySi as Si
GoldenScientist as Dr. Golden
OrderOutOfChaos as Peter
The Maddened One (referred to as "the other IGEBM" in this chapter)
Elightin_elytra as King Elightin Elytra of the Cholan Empire

Writing began 5-11-2023 at 5:43 PM ET
Writing completed 5-15-2023 5:32 PM ET

Released 5-16-2023 at 4:00 PM ET
Written by IGEBM

Why the song?
Well, if you're wondering why there's a Metallica song linked at the top of this blog, I've decided to link a song at the top of each Apocalypse story blog that I think fits the story. In this case, I chose Metallica's "The Thing That Should Not Be" because, for one, the Maddened One is a thing that should not be in this universe, and, for another, it just fits the plot of this chapter well.

People I'm Tagging So They Can See This:
Stormy, ghostoftheglade, Zibonzi, ShadowZibonzi, Firestar2477278, DarkIce8727742, Aspirin60, GhostlyBit_57, Guts N Pixels, Silabear, Rob333, DarkRob333, -Silence-, TheMcPig, Pixella_9487, violiie, ShadowGreief, Sp3nc3r_, Rakkitatoru, LeLovesJazz, CrownDeluxe, AxolotlArmy, BigFatPotat, FE98, ComfySteve12345, Noncommercial, Owange, ShadowOnTheLoose

The first chapter of PMC: Apocalypse is dedicated OrderOutOfChaos, one of my good friends, who was sadly banned for reasons I will not get into right now. (If you really need to know why, PM me.) He was an incredible user, but a bit reckless when it came to religion and belief, and that recklessness was his undoing. Now, I will let some users say things about Peter:

"He was wise and had many good things to share, but with knowledge also comes a stubbornness to share what they thought was right"

- cloudkitty

"Chaos was a wise, wise friend. He helped out with things that I needed help with, and he was a devote follower of God. He might've been banned, but I pray he will continue growing his faith."

- GracieMockingjay

"Chaos was one of the best Christians I knew on this site. He shall be sorely missed."

- Darkfap

"i personally miss this man.... he was one of the best mates ive met. he will be missed. he was very similar to me, and he had similar joking tastes. he and i were both Christians, but he was a bit too extremist about it, and got himself banned. i miss him. there isnt much more to say. he was on my sidebar.

- illager

Here's where I got the messages.
Creditcloudkitty, GracieMockingjay, Afap, and illager for writing messages for OrderOutOfChaos' dedication

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05/17/2023 9:25 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Zettermen's Avatar
Very unexpected to see something like this on Planet Minecraft
05/17/2023 4:13 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

also I've been writing PMC stories since October
05/23/2023 10:16 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Crafter
Zettermen's Avatar
Normally something like this would be seen fanfiction.net.

It's good nonetheless.
05/23/2023 3:31 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar

also I don't think it would be on fanfiction.net because PMC is a place for Minecraft stories, and even more a place for stories about a lore based on the site itself (just saying)
05/16/2023 4:49 pm
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Artist Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
This is so cool
05/17/2023 7:12 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
glad you're enjoying it
the series will only get better
05/17/2023 7:14 am
She/Her • Level 43 : Master Artist Enchanter
WhisperOfTheWild's Avatar
yay! :D
05/17/2023 7:30 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
i'm writing chapter 2 right now
05/16/2023 4:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Geek
Christ8Pizza's Avatar
(sm) interesting...
do u have a license for dimension traveling? if not I won't on the dimension police :3
05/16/2023 4:28 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
those don't exist in my lore, although the warehouse/lab where Golden and Greief are working isn't government-sanctioned (they were fired from the lab they worked at due to an incident where an entire exploration team was ripped apart by beasts from the same universe the Maddened One came from)
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