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[WIP] StarCrest - The World of Stell

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Mxple_Starz's Avatar Mxple_Starz
Level 48 : Master Artist Procrastinator
To StarCrest

StarCrest is a world I have been building for four years now. I've mentioned it a couple times, yet I've never made anything related to it.

This story is still a work in progress, there is a lot of placeholder art to be made, stories to be written, and concepts to establish.
I'm posting this now because a google doc is not cutting it as of rn

THE STORY (Main Character)
The story of StarCrest is incredibly extensive but also has been stored in only my brain for too long so I need to like retrieve all the knowledge from that corrupted json file.

“Ser Eren! Please tell us about your super-heroic-epic journey!” The children clamored, gathering around a middle aged knight. The hero sighed, though smiled gently. Underneath the old oak tree, standing where it always has, the group sat down, as the knight recounted the lengthy story of pasts forgotten and pasts revered all the same.

“One day… an angel descended to this world…”

[​img of Eren and the children under the oak]

The Birth of a Protagonist

One day, an angel descended into this world. Her name was Cynesia, and she was sent by the God of Night. She was regarded as a savior, a saintess. Her good deeds earned her a fable-like life. She fell in love with a runaway prince, and they, together, lived a slow life away from both of their responsibilities, and thus two twins were born. Their names, Eren and Ezra. This is where our story unfolds.

“Ser Eren is related to the evil guy!?”

*sigh* “Ezra was a pure soul, I still hold him dear to my heart. He would never wish ill upon the world, not the Ezra I knew. Evil was that blasted… I’m not sure who to blame anymore.”

Something would eventually twist the saintess. The god who created told her to heed her task and had a method of making her do so. Her beloved was killed that day. Needless to say, she would heed the task, she couldn’t lose her children as well, the remnants of her beloved, the last thing she could hold dear. Ironically, her actions only brought more harm to the children.

Her mission was to destroy this land.

“Even I don’t know why she had to.”

Ezra, who looked so much like her beloved, was the first to be bound to her.
The spawn of an angel typically awakens with adulthood, or when under certain conditions, like desperation in times of extreme distress.
Ezra was eight. He lost his freedom that day.

Cynesia has put a week of her time to create the perfect Ezra. A week for her other child, Eren, to change something, anything.
She ran away, taking the heirlooms left by her late father. An old sword, Curtana, a shoulder guard, and some other personal belongings that she could fit in her pockets. She promised her barely-conscious twin she would return, to save him.
Perhaps she was ridding herself of the guilt of running away from her suffering sibling, deluding herself into the idea she wasn't a coward, trying to escape her own fate.


The sun has risen and fallen one too many times. Beat from traversing the woodlands and avoiding the massive spire that turned out to be Cynesia’s base of operations, Eren made it to what was supposedly Rascht Village. Only, Rascht wasn’t this far out… and more rural. Where was she? A well-established town, a diverse array of people, and a centerpiece fountain statue at the town square…

Eren approached the plaque at the base of the fountain.

“In honor of Aerwyna”

[WIP] StarCrest - The World of Stell

A famous old hero. Eren has heard of her in books before. She was one of the greatest magicians ever, blessed by the gods. Eren looked up to her a lot, as an aspiring mage. But lingering upon a lump of stone in a pool of water wouldn’t get her anywhere. Where was this place? The currently vagabond girl needed to do something, to go somewhere.

She wandered the streets until she came across an adventurers guild. Naive as she was, she entered the building.

The large doors gave way with much resistance, swinging open with a creak. Sunlight met candlelight. Eyes stared down the small frame of an 8-year-old girl. The air was dense with alcohol and bloody musk. The clamor that could be heard from outside stopped, the only sound being husky breathing and water dripping from the ceiling. Despite all this, Eren walked in without a care. Noise picked up again. Past the tables and crate-chairs, ignorant to the murmurs and laughs, Eren asked the lady at the front desk, “Can I become a hero?”


He was just barely eight. He was ecstatic as any child would be when his mother gave him a pretty-looking crystal on his birthday.

“Come here, my dear,” Mother gestured. As any child would, he ran forward, beaming.

Some force hit his chest. He heard the shattering sound of glass. Glass? Was someone breaking in? Where was Eren?

The last thing he saw were stars. Literal stars. It went black for a while.

“... are you awake, dear?” Mother’s voice… which means he’s alive. He opened his eyes… Mother’s face. One eye clouded with a shining crescent pupil. Did she get hurt? He tried to reach out, only for his arm to be restrained by something. A shackle.

The restrained grew more aware of his surroundings. He processed everything around him, properly this time. He wasn’t at home… was he? His arms and legs were chained to the wall. Mother stood at arms reach away, a silhouette against the bright room to the door behind her. The living room. So he was home. Just in a strange room that didn't exist before.

“...where… am I?” He said, voice hoarse and almost unrecognizable. He didn’t know what his voice sounded like before, so there was nothing to compare it to. Wait. What was that?

Something was wrong, very wrong. He couldn’t recall his name, face, anything. Mother seemed to notice his distress.

“Oh dear, you’re not quite ready…”

What does that mean? Mother? He wanted to voice, though his mouth failed.

The room was filled with screams and cries that day.

The door creaked open again, on the fifth day. A girl’s silhouette at the door. Someone about his size. She closed the door behind her, and her face was clearer. So… who was she? She looked meek, afraid, and akin to Mother… though the girl looked like she was on the verge of tears.

“What happened to you?” she cried

He didn’t exactly know how to respond.

They sat together for a while. Sometimes the stranger would ramble about stuff. Apparently, her name was Eren- he feels like he knows that. She loved magic, and wanted to become a great mage. She has yet to receive her Crest, so at the moment, it isn’t possible.

At some point, the presence of this stranger was something to look forward to. She often leaves when she hears the gate open, and soon after Mother would come in, to tend to him. This cycle would continue, it would become routine. Some part of him believes that such shouldn’t be routine. Some part of him wants to escape. But his body listened to him no longer. Occasionally, and purge the thought, he believed he was spectating the life of someone else. The life of a pitiful being.

Two days later would be the last time he heard of Eren. The door opened at the usual time. The girl was wearing something other than her usual. Her eyes glowed with a new and different resolve.

“I’ll be going now. But I promise you. I’ll be a great hero and save you from her, Ezra.”

Ah. That’s right… his name was Ezra.

How this is different from the story is that this explains the core concepts of the world, such as the species both intelligent and not, both flora and fauna. How the world came to be, the secrets, all that. The differences between Stell and Earth.

Intelligent [Humanoid] Species
Aeyrae [​Endangered/As good as extinct]
Deathraised [​depends]
Dragons (Humanoid)
Fiends [​depends]
Jewel Geonoids [​Halted (it's hard to explain)]
Gryphons (Humanoid)
Unicorns (Humanoid)

No, these species cannot mix half-elves are not real (with the exception divine-oriented creatures that bypass the laws of genetics because screw reality they are the reality)

The World Tree
Because of course there is one. The world tree is called "Shan'Etoh" which translates to "Land Tree" (Shan being Tree and Etoh being Land) in Caszch script.
Similarly, the Primordial Goddess of Life is also called Shan'Etoh, and she's the first Dryad (technically).

Reference sheets (later) for each character and a basic overview of their lore. Last time I counted there were 43.

Eren "Quarebia" (Nyxria)
Human? Female

A girl who ran away from home. A girl with a mission to save her brother. She aspired to be a great mage, though certain circumstances pushed her to be a swordsman. She doesn't seem to know much about the outside world, given her obliviousness to the weight of the surname she took from her father, "Quarebia".

"Eren" can mean "Saint/Wise" (Turkish), "Honor" (German), or "Blessed/Pure-Hearted" (Japanese)
(This was 100% on accident but happy accidents baby)
Ezra Nyxria
Angelborne Male

Less than human, simply a vessel. A mother mad with grief felt the need to be in control of her child, who looked just like his father. This vessel would do nicely to aid her in destroying Stell. Though it seems the story of a "heartless child" manipulating his saintess angel mother to do evil deeds was a more appealing story.
Public Antagonist

"Ezra" means "Help/Aid" (Hebrew), though in biblical context it can mean "God's Help"
(This was 100% on accident but happy accidents baby)
Cynesia Nyxria
Angel Female

The god of night was obscure. That didn't stop the herald angel from being revered as a savior. She was a kind and pure saintess, helping those in need and blessing all with their dreams. She experienced humanity, learned to love, to hurt, and to heal. She learned grief. To let an angel become close to humans... perhaps that was a mistake.
True Antagonist

"Cyn" is short for "Cynthia", meaning "From Mount Kynthos" which relates to Artemis, Goddess of the Moon (and Hunt)
Lucien de Luain Quarebia
Human Male

The Second Prince of Quarebia was sick and tired of the power struggle within the kingdom and chose to run away instead. He went to the humble village of Rascht, an unclaimed territory a bit further out from the Quarebian border. He fell in love with the saintess of the village, and they lived a happily ever after... until he died to godly smite.

"Lucien" means "Light" or "Elegant/Ethereal"
"Luain" means "Champion Warrior"
Aeyrae Female

One of the last of an extinct kind. Aeyrae were known to be both all knowing and painfully oblivious to the nature of cruelty. They were hunted for the high magic concentration in their horns. Llajeru, a mere child, is now living only to search for another of her kind, for someone to tell her that she is loved and protected. It is never a good idea for a young girl to wander alone in the alleyways of the slums, though she was fortunate to stumble upon Eren.

"Llajeru" is pronounced "yah-heh-roo"

Theypha of the Starleaf
Demigodling Female

Neither of her parents could keep her, so she was left in the woods and found by a dryad. The dryad taught her how to survive in the world and raised her, until she was old enough to leave and have her own adventures. Now she wanders, training to pay back the debt she owes to the dryad. She was fighting a monster when Eren came to "save" her.
A rival and companion of the main character

"Theypha" is derived from "Theophany", meaning "Manifestation of a Deity"
[WIP] StarCrest - The World of Stell

Hinata Fyrenine
Human Male

Born as the only son of the Magic Tower's Cardinal Nexus, he was raised to high expectations. He was sent out when he didn't reach those expectations. He started to dress up and spread disgrace to the Fyrenine name out of spite, where he crosses paths with Eren at an adventurers guild.
A temporary companion of the main character.

"Hinata" means "Sunflower/Sunny Place"
Arachne Armendawn-Keryniph

A girl cursed with weave and a boy cursed with waltz. Waltz turned to Cynesia to undo the curse, Weave stuck around for the fun. Their task was to capture Eren, alive. And to Weave, Eren was, unfortunately, pretty.
Miniboss, major obstacle, whatever.

"Arachne" is Greek for "Spider", though it also represents a woman who was turned into a spider
Aurora Reichn'ta
Paragon Female

[​I haven't written her]
Paragons are basically artificial angelborne (where ezra is an artificially awakened angelborne, paragons are more like... sephiroth or smth)
First Bossfight

"Aurora" means "Dawn" in Latin though also represents the natural polar light spectacle
Pwysh Drasil

An elven boy that seems to be everywhere. Somehow. He seems kind and always has goods, so it isn't a bad thing. Surely.

"Pwysh" is derived on the pronunciation of "Pwyll", meaning "Wisdom" in Welsh.
"Drasil" or really "Drasill" means "Horse" in old Norse, though in the context "Yggdrasill" (Literally: Odin's Horse), it means gallows
L'reika Kantan
Galeram de Luain Quarebia

Minor Characters
The characters that are there to be there or to build off of the storylines of other characters, or give like two words of advice and a power-up then disappear forever.

Jevaris - Llajeru's elder brother
Heridynne - Chieftess of the Aeyrae People
Dryad of the Starleaf Maple - Theypha's adoptive mother/teacher (and my former fullpower persona)
Darion Yinia - Master of the Magic Tower
Xavier Octryo - Darions best bud and sorta rival-advisor
Lila - Arachne's weave before the curse
Elen - A girl Lila was in love with
Nathaniel - Arachne's waltz before the curse, the one Elen loves
Sheo Courageous - Second Knight Commander of Quarebia's Blue Division
Clyrine Kantan - L'reika's elder brother.
Aether Silver Agmonius - Prime Minister of Quarebia

Figure Characters
Gods, heroes of old, fairy tale heroines, all that. Possibly major in certain aspects but don't really interact with the story itself.

First Crestholders
The first four heros, blessed by Shan'Etoh, that held Crests to protect the realm from the siege of the Divine Catastrophe (affectionately nicknamed the Holy Pancake Incident btw). These are the stereotypes that have to be set in order to break stereotypes.

Aerwyna - Hero of Aqua, party mage and damage caster. Hails from Aquerdale though was of Icthae lineage and likely moved into Aquerdale from the sea.

Aeolus - Hero of Zephyr, party archer and strategist. Hails from Etoh-Caszch and of Elven descent.

Ajax - Hero of Erde, party tank and leader/socializer. Hails from Quarebia. A human.

Aithne - Hero of Pyro, party healer and vanguard. Hails form an ancient village made of dragon bones, and is of dracodian lineage.

And the bonus-
Arcania-Nihelle - The Demon Queen, leader of the forces of the Abyss. The heroes defeated her and ended the war.

Self explanatory

[WIP] StarCrest - The World of Stell
Theypha Art for PaperDemons ARPG

Arachne's two forms, weave (female) and waltz (male).


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