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Level 6 Apprentice Architect

Premera World Build

The biggest Minecraft project I've ever decided to take on since playing the game. I've recently discovered Worldpainter and Axiom, which have been a god send for being able to build and create to my hearts content. I don't have much time to dedicate to Minecraft and building but these two tools have saved me hours and I hope to slowly build what I've always envisioned.

  Premera is the name of the world I plan to build, It's a word I came up with when mixing around Latin and English words to create interesting names for towns, cities and continents. Premera started with the two words Prime and Aura, switched some letters around to form a pronunciation that sounded good and boom, Premera was invented. To me, the definition of Premera is "Before Dawn". I came to this definition by breaking the word into two parts, pre and emera. Pre meaning before and emera meaning day in Greek. Also to note after I came up with this and the definition I google searched Premera and its a health care company but please ignore that fact.

  I'll be starting with a 30,000 x 30,000 world in worldpainter, and yes, definitely over estimated the size, however, go big or go home. I want a little bit of everything in this map and will continue to add and expand even after I finish. Ill post updates whenever I have time but will not be regular updates since I'm doing this in my limited free time.

  Please comment, critique and shoot ideas on this build or any of my others,

    - nuke_it

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