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13/11/2015 | Paris Attacks

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TotallyNotMe's Avatar TotallyNotMe
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
Sad to hear about the tragedy in Paris today. So many innocent lives were lost due so many stupid people. For those believing that I am posting this project to make myself popular are scum. Someone who does that doesn't deserve the basic rights.

glish -

What happened yesterday in Paris and in Saint Denis is an act of war and this country needs to make the right decisions to fight this war. This act committed by the terrorist army, Islamic State, is against who we are, against a free country that speaks to the whole world.

It is an act of war prepared and planned outside, with outside involvement which this investigation will seek to establish. It is an act of absolute barbarism. France will be ruthless in its response to Islamic State.

At this painful and serious time, which is such a decisive one for our country, I call for unity, for a collective spirit and for cool heads. I will address Parliament at Versailles on Monday.

France is strong, and even if she is wounded, she will rise once again. Even if we are in grief, nothing will destroy her.

France is strong, valiant and will defeat this barbarism. History reminds us of this and the strength we today bear to come together convinces us of this.

My compatriots, what we defend is our homeland and much more than that, it is our own values of humanity and France will bear its responsibilities."

Tribute to the 13/11/2015 terrorist attack in Paris yesterday. Rest in peace.

French -

Ce qui s'est passé hier à Paris et à Saint Denis est un acte de guerre et ce pays a besoin pour prendre les bonnes décisions pour lutter contre cette guerre. Cet acte commis par l'armée terroriste, Etat islamique, est contre qui nous sommes, contre un pays libre qui parle pour le monde entier.

C'est un acte de guerre préparée et planifiée en dehors, avec une participation extérieure qui l'enquête cherchera à établir. C'est un acte de barbarie absolu. La France sera impitoyable dans sa réponse à un État islamique.

À cette douloureuse et graves tels le temps, ce qui est décisif pour notre pays, je demande à l'unité, pour un esprit collectif et pour garder la tête froide. Je s'adressera au Parlement à Versailles le Lundi.

La France est forte, et même si elle est blessée, elle va prendre la parole encore une fois. Même si nous sommes en deuil, rien ne pourra détruire sa.

La France est forte, courageuse et rejetteront cette barbarie. L'histoire nous rappelle ce et la force que nous aujourd'hui porter à s'unir, nous convainc de ce.

Mes compatriotes, ce que nous défendons est notre patrie et beaucoup plus que cela, c'est nos propres valeurs de l'humanité et la France assumera ses responsabilités."

Hommage au 13/11/2015 attentat terroriste hier à Paris. Reposer en paix.

Progress100% complete

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by TotallyNotMe 03/06/2016 5:06:32 amMar 6th, 2016

Updated the French description so it's clearer and used a different translator.

Made the text bigger.

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07/20/2018 9:07 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
Planet_Grey's Avatar
Spoke to mah... ;(
D a v e
03/08/2017 7:57 am
Level 42 : Master Sailor
D a v e's Avatar
magnifique travail :'( , et je m'en rend compte que maintenant ...
03/09/2017 12:15 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
TotallyNotMe's Avatar
Thankyou :D / Je vous remercie! C'est dommage que cette chose terrible se soit produite. Désolé pour mon pauvre Français, je suis d'Angleterre. ......
D a v e
03/09/2017 12:18 pm
Level 42 : Master Sailor
D a v e's Avatar
very good french :D i'm coming monday in united kingdom
03/09/2017 4:13 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
TotallyNotMe's Avatar
Haha :D

Nice dude, although there's not much over here apart from Crumpets and good old Tea :3
03/24/2016 10:59 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Engineer
Laserbilly's Avatar
I missed this, how's it going over there?
03/24/2016 7:18 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
TotallyNotMe's Avatar
I don't live there, it's just a tribute to the attacks.

I guess it's fine there now, but Brussels are the ones having trouble.
03/13/2016 7:59 am
Level 73 : Legendary Pig
Aequotis's Avatar
New name every month m6
03/13/2016 8:10 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Architect
TotallyNotMe's Avatar
11/17/2015 1:12 pm
Level 48 : Master Lumberjack
Skiasa's Avatar
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