This Map is an entry in the completed Minecraft with RTX ON Bedrock Community Event.

Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Ixellior - RTX Map - From Arctic to Desert Volcano [3k, Download, 1.16+, Multibiome, Java & Bedrock, Minecraft Survival World / RPG Map]

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Bedrock Edition
McMeddon's Avatar McMeddon
Level 84 : Elite Wizard

Ixellior is a realistic Minecraft island with custom biomes adjusted for RTX... it's 3 km by 3 km made by McMeddon. It's a rugged Cliffed Island with multiple huge snow covered mountain ranges, taiga/spruce; oak; birch; and mushroom forests, huge cliffs, a Desert, a huge volcano and a custom arctic region in the north. Dedicated river systems that flow from the mountains all the way to the sea, which crosses through the huge lands of this island. Explore along the paths that connect the world or take a boat and cross the ocean with a near-seamless transition to the default Minecraft (java).

Based on the PBR Texturepack provided by NV_Tim, and Blockworks, the focus of this map was to enhance biomes in a mystical but kinda natural way and enabling new custom ambients. With the help of colored lights and using the hard reflective blocks, the world has an endless surreal and magical experiences.

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Ixellior - RTX Map - From Arctic to Desert Volcano [3k, Download, 1.16+, Multibiome, Java & Bedrock, Minecraft  Survival World / RPG Map] Minecraft Map

Whats in it?



Patreon Village included (with all active Patreons from 2021 Feb 13)



Map Size 3000x3000
Exported for 1.16 Java
Exported for 1.12 Java
Exported for 1.16 Bedrock
Caves, Ores
structures or strongholds (on 1.16 Maps) [+dungeons are located at the center of the world]



❌ 1.121.16
Custom Arctic Biomes
Custom Crystal Biome
Custom Tempered Biomes
Custom Mushroom Biome
✅ mushrooms made out of wool, because of conversion errors
Custom Tropic Biomes
Custom Desert Biomes
Custom River Biomes
Custom Ocean Biome
Custom Warm Ocean Biome



Custom Birch Trees
Custom Oak Trees
Custom Spruce Trees
Custom Taiga Trees
Custom Mushroom Trees
Custom bushes
Bamboo (1.16 Maps)


Landscape features

Water Level 62 (Minecraft Default is 62)
Dedicated Rivers
Rocks and boulders
custom biomes (new)
custom coast
custom cliffs
custom mountains
custom sea floor
custom underground

Minecraft Maps Java Installation Guide

  1. Download map by clicking the yellow button at the top right of the description.
  2. On Windows, use keys Windows+R and then typing “%appdata%/.minecraft/saves/” into the command line. (On a Mac, your save files are in: ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft/saves/). This will open the saves folder
  3. Drag your downloader map (after unzip or unrar) in the zip/rar folderMap into saves folder.
  4. Close windows and reopen Minecraft
  5. .Select your map and play.

For more insights how to install it check out PMC´s Tutorial:

Ixellior - RTX Map - From Arctic to Desert Volcano [3k, Download, 1.16+, Multibiome, Java & Bedrock, Minecraft  Survival World / RPG Map] Minecraft Map

Whats new? Whats Changed?

With each new map i try to develop, evolve or refine a technique. See all my maps as rapid prototype maps.
  • 📀 Nodes: new Biome node distribution system
  • 📀 Nodes: new forest generation node system cuppled to biomes
  • 📀 Nodes: + new onion forest system (outer layer: smaller trees, core forest: Megatrees)
  • 📀 Nodes: River system redone - less noise blocks, more dedicated rivers, less error’d areas
  • 📀 Worldpainter: Added dozens of new biomes
  • 📀 Assets: Build over 300 new assets and a good new part is included in this map

Thoughts on this Map:

Developing this map was quite intensive. Dozens of new Assets have been made, and general structures couldn't be finished in time unfortunately.
Down below i also made some scribbles what i wanted to go for. The main structure would have been a giant lotus flower dome all of colored glass and special effects. But i ran out of time and wasn't able to finish this beauty in time to include it. But the next milestone (500 subs) is coming along, so hehehe.
Any way, this map ... got a lot of new things. The biggest structural change was for sure the mountains, with their overall clean and hard lined edges on the drawback of missing out on enough eroded areas. I´wanted to make mountains with the sharpest nice peaks and edges, that these are 110% fulfilling, but will add more erosion to the bottom side of these to give them at the floor levels more details for players to enjoy.
Another thing i stumbled hard around were the mushrooms. The final ones got the feel also 120% right as imagined. But the drawback to falling back to wool as primary block is a downer. Since the conversion to bedrock broke a lot of those blocks and rendering them incorrectly, leading to many ugly mushrooms *sad noises*. One last thing i wanted to cover is the Arctic region. This was a last minute development based on a small idea that sparked, so i redid the map for this biome, and it was totally worth it! I totally fell in love with this area, and have already more ideas what to include the next time, definitely becoming my #1 Biome currently.

Ixellior - RTX Map - From Arctic to Desert Volcano [3k, Download, 1.16+, Multibiome, Java & Bedrock, Minecraft  Survival World / RPG Map] Minecraft Map

Possible questions:

🞂 Which Programs did you use?


🞂 How long did it take to make it?
  • The Total Development time.. around 200h+
  • Building this export, around: 40h+
  • Building, fixing, improving and adding customized small bits: ca 10h
  • General process
  • - 1 day, creating village assets + creating wp layers/biomes + troubleshooting
    - 1 day, creating crystals + creating wp layers/biomes
    - 1 day, creating mushrooms + creating wp layers/biomes + troubleshooting
    - 1 day, creating more arctic trees
    - 2 days, map development (heightmap, worldpainter developement, & troubleshooting for bedrock map)
    - 1 day, map + contest preparation
🞂Did you make those assets?
  Yes, they are enhanced default tree’s and assets I made.

🞂 What are your plans with these maps?
  These are adventure maps, survival maps, creative maps for you to build, play and explore. For my part, i gain new techniques and experience with every new map, building on that for the next and making map by map better maps.

🞂 Timelapse? Showcase? Breakdown?
  Uploaded, coming soon (follow the yt channel)

🞂 Do you do commissions?
  No - since i dont have the time for the additional workload. My Current workload with management, development and content creation is pretty packed already, but I plan do once or twice a public project per month. For these I'm up for collaborations with people, and teams. So write me on PlanetMinecraft about it!

🞂 PMC Member: "[...] Out of curiosity, if someone else uses your world to build things in and wanted to share, do you just request a credit?"

    • Yes always - please credit the origins of work / the creator. (people want to know where to find the stuff)
    • Redistributing or selling my Intellectual Property without consent is not allowed.
    • Showcase Submissions are allowed
    • (Backside info: I've spent hundreds of hours to achieve the knowledge to create those maps. And can spend days on creating each Map. For the casual people: I encourage you to play..test and build on these maps. I actually like to see what you can do on/with them. I see my maps as canvases for people to explore and enjoy... what i don't like is when people just plainly say: I made that canvas , that's mine. [​analogy end] It's IP theft, disrespectful, and ungodly frustrating to deal with. And there are either Kids who just entered the internet and dont know better and there are 3rd Parties that do that intentionally)

      Click to reveal

        Progress100% complete

        5 Update Logs

        Update #5 : by McMeddon 02/24/2021 11:46:57 amFeb 24th, 2021

        small description update - dont mind it c:

        Create an account or sign in to comment.

        Ender Sparkle
        06/04/2024 8:09 am
        She/Her • Level 41 : Master Enderdragon Loremaster
        Ender Sparkle's Avatar
        download not possible :(
        02/05/2024 8:53 pm
        Level 1 : New Miner
        User5006697G's Avatar
        when I go to download it, it says error 404, requested URL not found, what's going on?
        08/21/2022 7:19 pm
        Level 1 : New Miner
        User4144325G's Avatar
        This is free?
        08/05/2022 8:26 pm
        Level 1 : New Miner
        ShownDown's Avatar
        Can't get RTX to work
        01/27/2022 9:56 am
        Level 1 : New Miner
        SD13N's Avatar
        does this work on 1.17 and plz update to 1.17
        10/29/2021 6:42 pm
        Level 1 : New Explorer
        Drag0nKn1ght's Avatar
        I can't install the map for windows 10. Is there a wat for you to convert the Bedrock Map Version into a .mcaddon file?
        10/30/2021 4:39 am
        Level 84 : Elite Wizard
        McMeddon's Avatar
        go into the ixellior bedrock folder select all files and ".zip" them, rename the zip to .mcworld and execute that file
        01/11/2022 4:56 pm
        Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
        GnarlyBreak2543's Avatar
        How do I do that?
        07/11/2021 2:13 am
        Level 1 : New Miner
        DioSama_'s Avatar
        Hello! I am new to planet minecraft and also to server hosting. Im hosting a roleplay adventure server soon, would it be alright if i used your map? Its beautiful btw :). I will make sure to credit you. Also, if I can use it, may I edit it? (To add some lore aspects, thats all) Hope to hear from u soon :)
        03/12/2021 9:53 pm
        Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
        revulsio_n's Avatar
        can i use for pvp ill credit
        Planet Minecraft


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