Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Ashen 16x (Minecraft 1.20.6)

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • check_circle Models
  • 14,936 views, 153 today
  • 3,116 downloads, 11 today
  • 79
  • 71
  • 12
Aim_Boot's Avatar Aim_Boot
Level 29 : Expert Artist

Cherry grove header image


Ashen is a 16x resource pack meant to completely overhaul the game's visual style while remaining faithful to Minecraft's original vision. The pack features custom models for many blocks and items, new block variants for added detail for your builds, and mob variants (when paired with a mod like Optifine) for further variety.

While I still think of it as being in its early stages, Ashen has been a hobby project of mine for a while now -- I started working on it as early as 2019 (though none of the textures I made then are still in use). At present, it features retextures for 99% of Minecraft's blocks, all of its items, and a handful of mobs. Many of the block textures are significantly older than others, and will likely see redesigns in the near future while I work on finishing the mobs. If you have specific requests or suggestions, please drop me a line to tell me about them!

Want to stay up-to-date on announcements and development for Ashen?
Looking for pack add-ons to further enhance the base resource pack?
Don't like bushy leaves?
Join the Discord here: discord.gg/k5pDjKbhdh



As it stands, Ashen is offered as-is. I can in no way guarantee it'll be compatible with other resource packs or mods that change block, item, or creature models. If it works out of the box, that's great. However, ensuring mod compatibility is not my first priority. I mostly play vanilla, so I approach Ashen with that in mind. Once I finish the pack's core textures, though, I do intend to go back through and add expanded mod compatibility, and even add support for some mods.

As of Ashen 1.2, the pack should be out-of-the-box compatible with Fresh__LX's Fresh Animations. In order to use both packs together, you'll need to place Ashen above Fresh Animations in the resource pack load order (the panel on the right when you select packs). While I cannot guarantee 100% compatibility, I will do my best to maintain Ashen's mob textures to keep it as compatible as possible. At this stage, Ashen also has some rudimentary support for Stardust Labs' Terralith and Incendium. Several Terralith biomes have adjusted grass and foliage colors, to better fit Ashen's guiding aesthetic, while some Incendium tools have unique textures. While expanding this compatibility is not my immediate priority, Ashen will grow increasingly compatible with Terralith and Incendium as I continue development.

I also do not currently plan on providing support or compatibility for out-of-date versions of Minecraft, at least not as the pack currently stands. I don't play older versions, so my focus is on maintaining its compatibility with current versions of the game. I may offer versions compatible with older updates in the future, but that's pretty low on my to-do list. This also extends to Bedrock Edition compatibility. I've only ever played Java, so at present I have little personal investment in the time and effort it would take to fully port this pack, so that, too, is very low on my to-do list. This is not to say a Bedrock port is out of the question, but it likely won't happen any time soon.


What can you do with Ashen?
- Play with it (obviously)
- Encourage your friends to play with it (please)
- Take and upload screenshots with it
- Include it in videos or other media (I would very much appreciate it if you would credit me if you do this)
- Ask for permission to include it in a modpack. I will grant this permission on a case-by-case basis. Any modpacks including Ashen must have a direct link to the original resourcepack page.
- Modify any or all files for personal use. I will not, however, provide support for versions you've personally modified.

What can't you do with Ashen?
- Redistribute these files, edited or otherwise, outside of a modpack or without crediting me. This includes uploading them to other sites. On its own, Ashen will only ever be available for download from my accounts on Modrinth, Curseforge, PlanetMinecraft, and Discord. Any other site or service claiming to offer it in any form should be assumed malicious (and, if you can, it should be reported).
- Include Ashen in a modpack that is associated with a monetized link of any kind -- such as an (Ad link removed) link -- for any reason or under any circumstances.

- Claim my work as your own. I work in the creative arts for a living, not just as a hobby. Please respect my effort the same as you would any other creative's effort.

Ashen is a labor of love, and has eaten up a lot of my free time over the past few years.
If you really like what I'm doing here and would like to toss me a buck or two to support me (and my coffee habit), you can do so here: https://ko-fi.com/cedricvii

Footer image

Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.20.6

13 Update Logs

Update #13 : by Aim_Boot 05/31/2024 3:22:33 pmtoday

Update 1.5

Natural Terrain:
- New Poppy textures
- New Dandelion textures
- New Azure Bluet textures
- New Oxeye Daisy textures
- New Cornflower textures
- New Blue Orchid textures
- New Tulip textures
- New Lily of the Valley textures
- New Wither Rose textures
- New Allium variants
- New Dead Bush textures
- New Lilac textures
- New Peony textures
- New Rose Bush textures
- New Sunflower textures
- New Pitcher Plant textures
- New Moss textures
- Added custom Moss Carpet model
- New Spore Blossom textures
- New Cave Vines textures
- New Short Grass textures
- New Fern textures
- New Tall Grass textures
- New Grass Block textures
- Tweaked Red Mushroom textures
- New Brown Mushroom Block texture
- New Red Mushroom Block texture
- Tweaked Mushroom Block underside texture
- New Cobweb textures
- New Wheat textures
- New Melon and Pumpkin stem models and textures
- New Cocoa Bean (block) textures
- New Glow Lichen textures
- New Cactus textures
- New Bee Nest textures
- New Lava textures
- New Water textures
- New Fire textures
- New Magma textures
- New Spruce Leaves textures
- Tweaked Spruce Sapling texture to match new Leaves textures
- New Birch Leaves textures
- New Birch Sapling texture
- New Cherry Leaves textures
- New Cherry Sapling texture
- New Dark Oak Leaves textures
- New Dark Oak Sapling texture
- New Jungle Leaves textures
- New Jungle Sapling texture
- New Acacia Leaves textures
- New Acacia Sapling texture
- New Spruce Log textures
- New Dark Oak Log textures
- New Cherry Log textures
- Tweaked Acacia Log textures
- New Jungle Log textures
- New Birch Log textures
- New Stripped Birch Log textures
- New Chorus Plant textures
- New Big Dripleaf textures
- New Small Dripleaf textures
- New Vine textures
- Tweaked Twisting Vines textures
- New Weeping Vines textures
- New Nether Sprouts textures
- New Warped Roots textures
- New Crimson Roots textures
- New Soul Sand textures
- New Soul Soil textures
- New Blackstone textures
- New Gilded Blackstone textures
- New Amethyst Block textures
- New Budding Amethyst Block textures
- New Deepslate textures
- Tweaked all Deepslate Ore variants to match new textures
- Added Tuff variants
- New Dripstone Block texture
- New Pointed Dripstone textures
- New Clay Block textures
- New Sand textures
- New Suspicious Sand textures
- New Red Sand textures
- New Snow textures
- New Obsidian textures
- New Crying Obsidian textures
- New Nether Portal texture
- New Sculk Sensor textures
- New Sculk textures
- New Sculk Vein textures
- New Terracotta textures

Manufactured Blocks:
- New Coal Block textures
- New Copper Block textures
- New Cut Copper Block textures
- New Gold Block texture
- New Emerald Block texture
- Tweaked Diamond Block texture
- New Packed Mud textures
- New Mud Brick textures
- New Mud Brick Double-Slab textures
- New Chiseled Deepslate textures
- New Stone Brick textures
- New Cracked Stone Brick textures
- New Mossy Stone Brick textures
- New Stone Brick Double-Slab textures
- New Mossy Stone Brick Double-Slab textures
- New Chiseled Stone Brick textures
- New Smooth Stone textures
- New Stone Double-Slab textures
- New Brick textures
- New Brick Double-Slab textures
- New Quartz Brick Double-Slab textures
- Tweaked Smithing Table textures
- New Furnace textures
- New Smoker textures
- New Dropper textures
- New Dispenser textures
- New Scaffolding (Table) model and texture
- New Stained Glass textures
- New Concrete textures
- Tweaked Bed textures
- New Iron Door model and texture
- New Iron Bars texture
- New Iron Trapdoor texture
- New Lightning Rod texture (reverted to Vanilla block model)
- New Flower Pot texture
- Tweaked Beehive textures
- Tweaked Ender Chest texture
- New Bell (block) texture
- New Campfire and Soul Campfire textures
- New Brewing Stand texture
- New Respawn Anchor textures
- New Grindstone textures
- New Enchanting Table texture
- Tweaked Barrel texture
- New Fence textures (all types)
- Added Banner textures
- New Candle (block) textures
- New Torch models and textures
- New Soul Torch models and textures
- New Redstone Torch models and textures
- New Redstone Lamp textures
- New Sea Lantern textures
- Tweaked 2x2 painting "Match" texture
- Added 2x1 painting "Sunset"
- New End Portal Frame textures
- New Stained Glass textures
- Tweaked Tinted Glass textures

- Added Axolotl Bucket texture variants (requires Optifine or CIT Resewn)
- Tweaked Sign and Hanging Sign textures (all types)
- Tweaked Potion, Dragon's Breath, and Bottle o' Experience textures
- Tweaked Lantern texture
- New Candle (item) textures
- Tweaked Stone Axe texture
- New Brewing Stand texture
- Tweaked Cocoa Beans texture
- Tweaked Diamond Chestplate texture
- New Iron Door texture
- New Ender Pearl texture
- New Eye of Ender texture
- Tweaked Emerald texture
- Tweaked Gold Ingot texture
- New Debug Stick texture
- Tweaked Torch texture
- Tweaked Soul Torch texture
- New Redstone Torch texture
- New Spyglass textures
- New Music Disc textures
- Tweaked Campfire and Soul Campfire textures
- Added Armadillo Scute texture
- Added Wolf Armor textures

- Tweaked Diamond Armor texture
- Tweaked Iron Armor texture
- Tweaked Netherite Armor texture
- Added Endermite texture
- Added Shulker Bullet texture
- Tweaked End Crystal texture
- New Conduit texture
- Added Wither textures
- Added Snow Golem texture
- New Zombie textures
- New Husk textures
- Added Warden textures
- Added Bat textures
- Added Axolotl textures
- New Bee textures
- Added Magma Cube textures
- New Pig textures
- Added Cow variants
- Added flowery Creeper variant
- Added Charged Creeper texture
- Added Pillager textures
- Added Vindicator textures
- Added Evoker textures
- Added Evoker Fangs texture
- Added Vex textures
- Added Witch texture
- New Ghast textures
- Added Strider textures
- Added Skeleton, Stray, and Wither Skeleton variants
- Added 1.20.5 Wolf variant textures
- Added Wolf Armor textures
- Added Armadillo textures
- Added base Villager textures*
- * Currently only the villagers themselves are finished--professions and biome variants will follow in a later update

- Added Villager Anger texture
- Added Villager Happiness texture
- Added Big (Campfire) Smoke textures
- Added Explosion textures
- Added Generic (smoke) textures
- Added Glint (End Rod particle) textures
- Added Potion Effect textures
- Added Spell textures
- Added Critical Hit textures
- Added Enchanted Hit textures
- Added Spell textures
- Added Waxed Copper texture
- Added Conduit textures
- Added Music Note textures
- Added Sculk Vibration texture
- Added Sculk Shrieker Shriek texture
- Added Slash (Sweeping Edge) textures
- Added Cherry Leaves (falling) textures
- New Experience Orb textures
- Added extra Bubble variant texture

New Experience Bar textures
New Horse Jump bar textures
Tweaked Attack Indicator (hotbar) texture
New Scroll Bar texture
Added Spyglass overlay texture
Added Powder Snow/Freezing overlay texture
New Frozen and Hardcore Frozen Heart textures
New Poisoned and Hardcore Poisoned Heart textures
New Withered and Hardcore Withered Heart textures
New Vehicle Heart textures
Tweaked Loom UI

- Added custom Font (completely replaces the vanilla fonts, including ALL accents available in vanilla)
- Added custom Standard Galactic Alphabet Font (Enchanting Runes)
- Added custom Illager Script Font
- New Enchantment Glint textures
- Added World Border texture
- Added Beacon Beam texture
- New pack.png icon
- Added unknown_pack icon
- Added Command Block, Chain Command Block, and Repeating Command Block textures
- Added many new Block Overlays (requires Optifine or equivalent)

Fixes and Optimizations:
- Optimized End Rod model
- Optimized Birch Door and Trapdoor models
- Optimized Bamboo Door and Trapdoor models
- Fixed Carpet connected textures not displaying with Optifine installed
- Fixed missing Quartz Block textures
- Fixed backwards Donkey and Mule Chests
- Fixed outdated Open Barrel texture
- Fixed misalligned Create New World Tab icons

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12/08/2023 8:41 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Tamaaasan's Avatar
I've tried this texture pack in Java and the results are very satisfying, but I hope you can make it for bedrock too
12/08/2023 1:05 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Aim_Boot's Avatar
Glad to hear it! Bedrock support will come eventually, but I have to finish the Java pack first. Stay tuned!
09/22/2023 2:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Kate1902019's Avatar
I hate that stupid Match painting!
09/22/2023 7:54 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Aim_Boot's Avatar
Thanks for reminding me to replace that screenshot!
09/23/2023 9:46 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Princess
Kate1902019's Avatar
You're welcome.
05/23/2023 7:35 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
SinoKa's Avatar
Damn, this resourcepack is so cool. The only think i dont like - enderman design
05/23/2023 11:50 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Aim_Boot's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback! Out of curiosity, is there something specific you don't like about it?
05/23/2023 8:31 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Engineer
SinoKa's Avatar
The eyes and horns like things
06/10/2023 1:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Aim_Boot's Avatar
As of the most recent version, I've removed the horns from the base pack, if that's still on your radar!
05/23/2023 9:40 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Aim_Boot's Avatar
Gotcha, thanks for letting me know. I'll take that into consideration moving forward. Appreciate it!
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