Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Paper Mario 64 Resource Pack

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  • check_circle Particles
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MushroomPwnage's Avatar MushroomPwnage
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
Hey it's me, I added this in the latest update but I figured I would place it in my description so more people could see it. From now on please use the link labeled "Download from MediaFire" PlanetMinecraft is giving me issues when I try to update my pack using the direct link. I let it go for about ten hours today while I was at work and college and when I got back home at around 11 PM my pack was still not updated. The other link will take you to a MediaFire download where you will be able to download the latest version of my pack. I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

So I've been noticing a very distinct lack of Paper Mario Resource packs that are compatible with more recent versions of Minecraft. So I've decided to take it upon myself to make one! Introducing the Paper Mario 64 Resource Pack Compatible with all versions of Minecraft 1.8! This Pack takes textures from the classic Paper Mario For the N64 and puts them in Minecraft for your viewing pleasure. Before I continue I need to say this Pack is in more of an Alpha state than anything else, I hope to have it in a Beta by March.

Now before I get on to some possible Questions and Definite answers, I would like to give credit where credit is due. Big thanks to Dazz of VGresource for ripping the sprites of every item in the game, even ones that went unused. Big thanks to Retriever II on Mario Fan Game Galaxy for ripping all the textures in the game and organizing them in neat little folders for easy use, you seriously rock dude, and made this project so much easier. One more Massive thanks to aldelero5 on VGresource for organizing all the little sound effects into one folder, they were unorganized but hey, It made it much easier than it would have been without it.


Q: Wait, what is this pack again?

A: TL;DR It's a resource pack for Minecraft 1.8.X that replaces textures and sounds with those from Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64.

Q: Wait, if it's in an alpha state why are you uploading it?

A: I like to get feedback on the things I make, and maybe some people can find any bugs I can squash while developing the pack.

Q: Wow, This is really neat! What did you use to make this Pack?

A: Why thank you, I used Resource Pack Workbench v4.3.0, which you can download here. It's really easy to use and even if you do have trouble with it, there are quite a few tutorials you can find on YouTube.

Q: So how often do you plan on updating this pack?

A: As often as I can. I need to keep up with my College classes and Job, so I'm sorry if I can't get an update out every single day. Trust me if I would I could.

Q: I know it says "1.8.X" but can I use this pack with 1.9 as well?

A: At this point you can. I have not gotten around to editing the GUI yet, but hopefully there should be no compatibility issues between versions. Keep in Mind that many of 1.9's additions will have Vanilla textures and sounds.

Q: Do you plan on updating this pack to 1.9 once it is released.

A: I intend to keep this pack up to date with the newest version of Minecraft for as long as I possibly can.

Q: Can I help in any possible way?

A: Sure, if I can find any work for you to do to help I'll gladly let you know. In every update in the "Help Wanted" section I'll let you know if there is anything I need help with.

Q: Hey this "MrRight1196" guy is saying he made the pack on the Paper Mario subreddit.

A: MrRight1196 and I are the same person, it's just the name I use for everything else I use besides PlanetMinecraft.


-Water flow animation.

-Lava flow animation.
Progress50% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

7 Update Logs

11/16/2016 : by MushroomPwnage 11/16/2016 3:23:25 pmNov 16th, 2016

- Added a Texture for Prismarine Shards

- Added a Texture for Prismarine Crystals

- Added a Texture for Nether Quartz

- Added a Texture for Rotten Flesh

- Added a Texture for Slimeballs

- Added a Texture for Soul Sand

- Added a Texture for Mycelium

- Added a Texture for Netherrack

- Added a Texture for Zombies

- Added a Texture for Villagers

- Added a Texture for Bats

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02/08/2021 5:40 am
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
MushroomPwnage's Avatar
[​Update for those still here]

So, its been a very long time since I've touched this project and I'm very sorry to say that it is for all intents and purposes dead. Or at the very least on indefinite hiatus.

College and work have made it very difficult to work on this in my free time as well as a lack of motivation. Minecraft updates would come out so quickly and I wouldn't be able to get all the new stuff textured in time that I just felt awful I was falling so far behind. On top of that, my old hard drive which had many of the textures still on it had to be replaced and I couldn't recover any data from it before it died on me so suddenly meaning that I lost a lot of files and pretty much all the data I had for this resource pack, which served as the final nail in the coffin for this project.

At some point I might come back to this whenever I can find the motivation to, but don't hold your breath. I think the textures should still be compatible with the current version of Minecraft, if you still want to use this pack, though a lot of stuff will need replacing.

For a bit of a silver lining, I do have a couple projects in store that might interest Paper Mario fans. I don't want to say too much right now since I don't want to make any promises I can't keep like I did with this pack.
02/14/2021 4:06 pm
Level 1 : New System
This was an incredible texture pack combining two of my favorite video games ever: Paper Mario and Minecraft. I am definitely looking forward to your future projects! The texture pack does work on the recent version of Minecraft [​1.16.5] and it's worth using just the same! Thank you for the texture pack!
11/09/2017 2:30 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
AbsoluteNewt25's Avatar
Can you update to 1.12?
04/25/2018 3:02 am
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
MushroomPwnage's Avatar
I've been really really really busy recently, so I apologize for the late reply.
I am currently working on updating to 1.13 but I'm running into some issues with resourcepack workbench that is complicating the matter. I have an update ready that might be compatible with some new textures but I have to test it first.Again, super sorry for the late reply.
04/26/2018 11:16 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragon
AbsoluteNewt25's Avatar
ah ok that's awesome ^^
02/22/2016 10:27 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Nerd
SonicHedgehogX's Avatar
This is a really good resource pack. Hopefully this project doesn't fall down an abyss like all of the other Mario Resource Packs ;)
02/23/2016 12:15 pm
Level 25 : Expert Explorer
MushroomPwnage's Avatar
Yeah, I've noticed that most Mario packs fall into the void of uncompleted projects. I intend to update this pack for as long as I can.
02/10/2016 2:10 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Baconator
Tune's Avatar
aaaaa I love Paper Mario! Thank you for doing this!
02/08/2016 5:48 pm
Level 29 : Expert Mage
MissingN0's Avatar
I've always been a fan of the Paper Mario Series, and this perfectly captures my nostalgia for 64 perfectly! Can't wait to use it! :D
02/06/2016 1:15 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
hbl's Avatar
Amazing! Here's a diamond!
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