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A Complete Guide to Presentation

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Frehze's Avatar Frehze
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, today I wanted to talk about presentation in general (Original topic right?). I see so many good blogs without cover photos and it really frustrated me. It's like having a bottle of Pepsi with a water wrapper on it, no one is going to buy it. The blog will be split into sections, so you can easily read everything, enjoy!


"You're" means you are, as in, You're bad at grammar."Your" states ownership of something as in, your grammar is great! There is a rule which is uncommon, "An car" is not correct. "A car" is correct. Why? Two vowels cannot go next to each other, on two consecutive words. "An Elephant" is correct, as A cannot go with E. You see? Also, use proper spelling, I cannot stress that enough. Spell-check it, and proof read it.


Do you see my banner, for this blog? I have made it look interesting, with excellent shadow effects (Even if I do say so myself). You have to make it look interesting and create drama. Nobody wants to click a blog if it just says "please look at my interview" in basic fon't. Use complimentary colours, use gradient, use shadows, use everything at your disposal!

I find a perfect resolution is 640x280. This creates a perfect rectangle, and so the quality looks fine.

As for titles, "FREE BEER CLICK NOW" Is better than "uh yeh offering beer oh yeh for free so go on this post". You see? It's hard to explain, just make it short, to the point, and use words that interest people.


Formatting, the difference between an OK post and an interesting post. You can use Bold, Italic, Underlining, you can change the colours, you can highlight text, literally everything. As a default, I tend to centre my text to add a more professional look. View what I've done in this blog and take note of the different colours, and the bold text. Make it visually exciting.

When your blogging, too much text is boring. Short, sweet sentences are better than long in depth ones. REMEMBER: Even if you leave somebody knowing one thing they didn't already know, then you have succeeded. Remember:Short and sweet.

Another thing I have used is images. The title's of these sections look like really big text, but are actually images. You can use these to make your blog lookvisually exciting, and make it easier to read.


To conclude, make sure your titles are snappy and to the point. Not "This paragraph includes how why why where when what and who". As we can see above, "This Is The End", it clearly states that this is the end, and it's also the name of that Adele song which makes it a little bit interactive.

If you wish to support my dreams of becoming a Grandmaster Narwhal, and this post helped you, then feel free to Diamond! Thank you so much!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Frehze 11/03/2013 4:39:05 pmNov 3rd, 2013

Updated the colours

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11/13/2013 11:30 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
jabb5413's Avatar
11/01/2013 6:52 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
jabb5413's Avatar
What does this have to do w/ minecraft?
11/01/2013 7:28 pm
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
Frehze's Avatar
It doesn't, or it does, just very indirectly.
11/01/2013 11:19 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Modder
CuteEwok's Avatar
11/01/2013 11:28 am
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
Frehze's Avatar
10/31/2013 7:40 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Cake
Sonic0v0's Avatar
"Shrivel" -Grandma
10/31/2013 7:41 pm
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
Frehze's Avatar
10/31/2013 2:52 pm
Level 22 : Expert Spelunker
northmeister99's Avatar
Nice blog, though I have to point out some misplaced apostrophes here and there: it should be "cover photos" in the first section, and "titles" in the third and fifth sections. I always nitpick at those kind of things - don't get me wrong, this is a useful blog. :)
10/31/2013 4:39 pm
Level 20 : Expert Narwhal
Frehze's Avatar
10/31/2013 5:51 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster uwu
Ash's Avatar
hmm. Body of text and presentation are very different things. A few formatting hints for your blog:
A) Headers are far too big. Font size 12 is standard since it's the easiest to read. Going too much over this makes it looked cluttered and people have to concentrate on the words.
B) Yellow highlights, while accentuating from the rest of the text, should only be used when highlighting research notes. If you write well enough, people should be able to get the main point of your paragraph by the topic sentence.
C) Different colors are nice, but keep it to 2 colors. Using more, again, makes it quite cluttered.
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