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Choo's Epic Hex Theory (that'll probably be debunked immediately once the second comic comes out)

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The Local Cryptid's Avatar The Local Cryptid
Level 48 : Master Goblin
One thing about Hex's lore that hasn't been explained yet is how the Magic Needle™ brings the dolls to life. However, it has been implied that this might be revealed eventually in the comic.

Choo's Epic Hex Theory (that'll probably be debunked immediately once the second comic comes out)

So my question is.. How?

Basically, my theory goes that, somehow, the needle "injects" the souls of dead humans into the dolls.

What evidence do I have for this?

Well, consider that:

-Skulls are insanely prominent in the dolls' character designs.

All of the doll characters revealed so far (**minus the dinosaur dog thing but shhhh) have skulls for faces. All of them.

Choo's Epic Hex Theory (that'll probably be debunked immediately once the second comic comes out)Choo's Epic Hex Theory (that'll probably be debunked immediately once the second comic comes out)

Skulls are commonly used as symbols of death, and, if this theory is incorrect, it'd be a very odd design choice to include on these characters.

-A few of the character descriptions mention the characters' pasts.

Both in the character description posts on the Hex Twitter account and on the casting call for Hex, the character descriptions tend to mention the characters' forgotten pasts a lot, whether directly or indirectly. Some of such instances include;

"Splitter is another doll that, much like Kai, was crafted by Penumbra and given life to by the Magic Needle. He also doesn’t hold memories of his past however seems to be held much closer to Penumbra than Kai." (Via the Hex casting call)

"As Kai travels seemingly unfamiliar lands, he meets new friends and foes alike as he tries to unravel his lost memories." (Via the Hex casting call)

Once again, if this theory is incorrect, not only are these details seem insanely odd to include in the first place, but what else could these lines mean?

-Dawko is helping to work on this series.

Okay this is probably one of my weaker points but bear with me here.

Dawko, someone known for playing/creating content for FNAF, y'know, a series about human souls possessing inanimate animal-related objects, is helping with this series.

Considering this, it's not out of the question for Dawko to have gotten some inspiration from FNAF for Hex's storyline.

No idea if it's going to be actually right or not, but yeah, that's the theory so far.

**Quick edit because I have a bit more to add.

Another small piece of Dawko-related potential evidence comes with his Twitter username as of the time this is being written:

Notice how there are ghost emojis surrounding the word "hex." I might just be overthinking this, but why would he have specifically chosen ghosts rather than skull emojis, which do exist and would have made more sense, unless..

Update as of July 2021; The first Hex comic is out, let's gooooo.

On top of that, not only was my theory not immediately disproven, which is always nice, but we did get some more hints n' stuff that support the theory kinda sorta yay *does a jig*.

I'm gonna go into spoilers and all that jazz now, sooo...

If you haven't read the first comic in the Hex series, I highly recommend reading it before continuing this theory. It's very short, it won't take more than maybe 10 minutes to read probably, and I'm linking it right here. If you don't care about spoilers or you've read the first Hex comic, read ahead.

So uh yeah as mentioned before, while there isn't a whole lot to go off of, there is some more stuff that mildly hints at this theory being correct.

One major detail I'd like to bring up is the semi-random graveyard scene. A graveyard in this mostly-empty forest feels super out of place to me, and, while this could easily just have been done to look cool in the dark aesthetic of this comic, I feel like there's more behind it than that.

As mi amigo kw1bli put it in a comment from a while back;

Assuming that Penny/Penumbra is the "necromancer" in question for this series, it would make sense that her house is so oddly close to a graveyard.

Leading in to my next point, Kai, despite seemingly just being brought to life and never having been outside, knows what.. a lot of things are with no prior information, surprisingly, since he hasn't been outside ever and has been alive for like 2 hours.

Not to mention the fact that he instantly knows how to walk, talk, etc. upon being brought to life. It could just be via witch magic (or plot convenience), but I feel like there's more detail put in to Hex than that.

Another thing that I found odd that I think is noteworthy; Kai knows what death is, remarking on it when in the graveyard.

There would normally be absolutely no reason for Kai of all characters to say something in relation to death; He's a doll that was brought to life mere hours ago and therefore should have zero knowledge of human mortality. Unless, of course, he's possessed.

Anyways yeah wooooo an update to my Hex theory. This theory will very probably be updated in the future, presumably when more comics come out and stuff.
CreditHex, a web comic/series thingy! P l e a s e go check it out!

1 Update Logs

1st Comic Update : by The Local Cryptid 07/24/2021 11:46:52 amJul 24th, 2021

The first comic came out oh boy oh boy.

Will the Clown Train's theory hold up? Let's find out

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06/03/2021 5:38 pm
She/Her • Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy Necromancer
kw1bli's Avatar
Also, hex appears to have a reoccurring theme of necromancy, and according to google (because we can all trust google but shhh) "Necromancy is the practice of magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily."
The Local Cryptid
06/03/2021 7:14 pm
Level 48 : Master Goblin
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05/02/2021 3:28 pm
Level 29 : Expert Procrastinator
NoodleRat's Avatar
"and, if this theory is incorrect, it'd be a very odd design choice to include on these characters."

Or you know, skulls are cool, easy, and fun to design and draw.
The Local Cryptid
05/02/2021 3:28 pm
Level 48 : Master Goblin
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