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Millennium: Chapter 6

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ThatKidAh's Avatar ThatKidAh
Level 28 : Expert Skinner


Hours went by as the capsule continued to drift endlessly on. I unstrapped myself from the chair and drifted over to one of the small porthole windows in the wall. I grasped onto the ledge, peering down into it. Mixtures of blue, deep purples, some warm oranges, yellows and reds around scattered places. Nothing truly seemed to be out there, no debris, other space crafts, absolutely nothing. I was starting to get used to the feeling of no gravity, even though it brought the side effect of some decently painful headaches, I found it to be alright.

“What are you looking at, Fae?” DNA piped up.

“Literally nothing.” I shrugged, turning to him briefly.

“Oh. May I see what this thing called ‘Nothing’ is?”

“Sure, DNA. Sure.” I chuckled at him, shaking my head.

I lightly pushed off the wall and grabbed him, taking him back over to the porthole window where I had just been.

“This thing called ‘Nothing’ is quite the sight.”

“It is. Scary and beautiful at the same time, never thought I’d ever put those two words together.”

“There is no word in the English Language Dictionary that puts the roots of the word ‘Scary’ and ‘Beautiful’ together.”

“Not literally, like relating them to one another in the same sentence.”

“Oh. I will add that to my database for future scenarios and conversations.” He said as his visor briefly went green.

We sat there for a bit longer, merely just floating there watching out the window. I wondered when the ISS shuttle would actually find us, who even knew. We’d been here for almost two weeks. I decided to try and contact Casimir to see if there was any update on what was going on.

“Hey, Casimir?”

“Yes, Faelyn?” His voice came in through static.

“Any update on what’s going on?”

“Not currently, they said they were preparing the capsule for the time being.”

“Alright. Also.. I have a question.” Something came to mind randomly.

“Go ahead.” He said, I started hearing typing in the background.

“I see you got the air system working?”

“Oh. I didn’t think of that.. I did get it working.” He paused. “With the help of your robot.”

“Oh, good going you two.” I nodded, glaring to DNA who displayed a thumbs up.

“Yes, he is quite smart and programmed very well to understand technical words and phrases. The coding to allow him to move is incredible despite his appearance. All in all, very good work on him.”

“Oh.. thanks! He took.. Let’s say a lot of time and leave it at that.”

“I would say. When I was about 19, I started to work on an artificial intelligence system, however it didn’t work out. That’s when I started to get into technical things like engineering, architecture, chemistry, physics, and other sciences.” He explained.

“Oh interesting.” I shrugged, not knowing what else to say.

“But anyways. I would have your robot monitor the air system, I’m not sure if it could go out again or short-circuit again.”

“Alright, I will have him do so.. Even though he is probably already listening to our conversation.”

The sound went to static as we ended the conversation. I drifted back over to DNA who turned his head to follow my movements. I grabbed him as he started to float away, he pat my head with his metal hand.

“Your assumption was correct! I have been recording any conversation for the past 12 days.”

“Are you recording us right now?” I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Yes.” He said, displaying a smiling face on his screen. I shook my head.

We both went silent afterwards, I started to hum quietly to myself, subconsciously trying to fill the eerie silence in the capsule. DNA started to play some soft instrumental music, mostly piano, on the speakers in his hands. It was oddly calming, so I didn’t mind it and stayed where I was. My mind drifted to random topics once more, it now becoming a hobby of mine when there was either silence or minimal noise. I wondered what time it was currently in Arizona, since I didn’t really have a way of telling time at the moment.
“You want to sit back down now, DNA? This is kinda weird staring out into nothing.”

“Okay. Would you like me to stop playing instrumental music?”

“Oh, No that’s alright. I like it.” I shook my head.

“I will continue then.” He went silent as the music resumed.

I strapped myself back into the seat, using two of the three black seat belts attached to the chair. DNA started to slowly turn his head in about a 180 degree turn around the area, I figured he was scanning it on Casimir’s instruction to monitor the air system. I looked at him, interested if he was going to say anything.. However he didn’t for the time being.

“Everything alright, DNA?” I asked.

“For now, the air systems are stable.”

“Good to know. Thanks.”

Time seemed frozen, or at least it felt like it was going as slow as it possibly could. I leaned back in the chair, staring at the metal, white painted ceiling of the capsule. A headache started to settle in, now making me feel tired. I closed my eyes, relaxing my tense shoulders..

I opened my eyes, not in the same place. I was in my bed.. In my room. I stood up and checked the clock, which showed it was 10:30 AM. Usually, I wouldn’t sleep this late but I decided to push it aside for now. Where was I? I trailed downstairs, seeing my Dad making breakfast.

“Oh, glad you’re up!” He waved.

“Hey, Dad.” I waved.

Suddenly, within the blink of an eye, my view of what was going on was switched to third person. I looked around and tried to see, but it seemed to be as if I was invisible. I was watching myself and my Dad talk, without my control..? I followed around and continued to watch from my third-person viewpoint, waiting for whatever was going on to end. My Dad and well.. Myself continued on right where they had left off from when my viewpoint of this switched, going on about their normal day. Almost as if a repeat from yesterday. I could feel my hands, arms, as if I was standing there but couldn’t see any of it, it was an awkward feeling.

I continued to watch for a few minutes before I started to hear something that sounded like a fire alarm and felt something bash against my head repeatedly. I couldn’t tell what was going on, until the alarm got louder.. And kept getting louder.

I was hit somewhere else, which jolted me up. I sat up, still strapped to the capsule chair. I sighed realizing it was another dream. I looked to my right, as the alarm was still going off yet something wasn’t hitting me anymore. It was.. DNA?

“Why were you trying to wake me up?”

“The air system is not working anymore. It crashed a few moments ago.” He said, I was now realizing it was stuffy inside.

“Great. Can you tell Casimir? I’m going to try and find that exploration suit.”

I quickly opened the large locker on the side of the wall,pulling out the suit I had been shown before the launch. I slipped it over my clothes, going back over to DNA in which he was talking in his monotone voice to Casimir.

“The air system stopped working, Mr. Casimir.” He said, starting to watch the conversation.

He heaved a sigh and paused for a moment. “Okay, Is Fae there?”

“Yes. She is. What would you like me to tell her?”

“Nothing. I’m contacting the ISS to see if the shuttle is ready, I’m thinking that you found an alternative source of oxygen?”

“The exploration suit.” DNA looked over to me and then responded.

“Good. That has multiple hours of oxygen in it so she should be fine. Robot, can you detect the source of the problem?”

“Unfortunately, it seems as if the system had a complete failure. One of the main components and the filtration system stopped working for an unknown issue. What instructions do you have for me and/or Fae for us to try and resolve the issue?”

“There’s nothing we can really do because parts would need to be replaced due to what you are saying. I am going to reach out to the ISS and get them there as soon as they can.”

“Okay. We will be here.”

Casimir then cut off the radio connection, it now going to static. It was not stuffy in the suit, yet I could hear myself every time I took a breath. I couldn’t hear much else than breathing and a few noises here and there. I held DNA to my chest, however I could tell he kept scanning me from his visor going green every couple of minutes.

“Why do you keep scanning me?”

“To make sure your vitals are stable.” He said, his visor went green, as if me saying something was just another reminder for him.

“You don’t need to do it every 3 seconds, DNA.” I shrugged.

“But my job is to make sure you are okay. Why would I not do something that could help you?”

“Never mind DNA. You have a good point.” I was once again, arguing with my own creation. It’s quite a foolish feeling, that’s all I can say.

We waited there for a bit, short bits of static would come from the black box, however no one spoke for the time being. I wondered what my father was doing and where he was at the moment.. Or even if Casimir was telling him what was going on. I looked up at the ceiling, continuing to think to myself.
“Fae?” Someone eventually said through the black box. It was my Dad, not Casimir.

“Dad?” I picked up the box. “Can you hear me?”

“I can a bit, What’s going on??” He sounded panicked.

“I have an exploration suit on for oxygen, the air system isn’t working. So the glass might be blocking my voice a bit.”

“Are you okay?”

“For the most part. Casimir contacted the ISS and they are coming.”

“Alright, I am glad you are okay. The scientists contacted me at work and explained what happened, so my lieutenant let me go to come here. I’ll stay as long as I can.”

“Thanks, it’s nice to actually talk to you.”

“It’s nice to talk to you as well.” He said.

My Dad and I sat there talking off and on for about half an hour. DNA would occasionally cut into the conversation when something that could be answered with statistics came up. That’s just what DNA did- and that is what he was programmed to do. The black box turned off as we ended the conversation, even though he still sounded concerned. DNA turned around the room, the ray of his scan visibly able to be seen this time. This meant he was doing a wide range scan.

“What did you do?”

“I did a wide range scan to see if there is anything of danger in the distance.”

“And..?” I arched an eyebrow, questioning if he found anything of interest.

“There is a high-speed moving object in the distance coming towards us.”

Hello there!! Thanks for reading Chapter 6 of Millennium. <3 Hope you enjoyed and let me know if you any feedback, suggestions or comments for me!
Chapter 1: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-1/
Chapter 2: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-2/
Chapter 3: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-3/
Chapter 4: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-4/
Chapter 5: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-5/
Chapter 6: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-6/
Chapter 7: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-7/
Chapter 8: https://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/millennium-chapter-8/

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