This Blog is an entry in the completed Minedeas : Minecraft Idea Contest.

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Turtlexing's Avatar Turtlexing
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer

In the current game dungeons are a waste of energy. A 0.001% chance of getting a magic apple... yay... and two lumps of coal... thanks Santa... In my opinion we need a way of spicing up these more difficult battles with rare items that are unobtainable otherwise.

These rare items should come in the form of charms, these charms will have an enchantment on them and only while you have it in your inventory will it be active on you. The more common enchants will be things like feather falling I and protection I (enchants you can get on your armor and weapons). But the rare enchants will be things like; decreased detection radius of hostile mobs, increased chance of landing critical hits.

Obtaining the charms is simple, just destroy a spawner and you have a chance of getting one. When destroying the regular spawners, (ie. Spider, Zombie, Skeleton) you will have a 25% chance of getting a charm. With Cave Spiders and blaze spawners you have a 50% chance. Silver Fish Spawners Have a 100% chance of dropping a charm.

The effects of like charms can be stacked using anvils, for up to three times, example:
Practiced + Practiced = Practiced II
Practiced + HeadHunter = cannot combine
Practiced II + Practiced II = Practiced III
Practiced III + Practiced III = cannot combine..

LIST OF RARE CHARMS (in order from most to least common)
SoftStep - Decreased detection radius of hostile mobs.
Practiced - Increased chance of landing critical hits.
Counter - Getting hit from the front has a chance of damaging your attacker as well.
HeadHunter - Chance of getting mob heads from all mobs.
Catch - Chance of blocking arrows completely. Blocked arrows go into your inventory.
BunnyHop - Gives you the ability to jump 1.5 blocks high.
EyesoftheEnchanter - The name of cursed items will turn red.
SmelloftheDead - zombies wont attack you unless you attack them or are less then four blocks away
ActofGod - Suppresses the effects of a curse. DOES NOT REMOVE! When you take off the charm the curse will begin to affect you again!

*Beacon blocks also have the option for an ActofGod effect.


Witches are pretty tough to beat, and very unrewarding. First of all, the witch should only have a 20% chance of being in her home when the chunk loads, that way you can find the witches house empty like she is off collecting herbs. DO NOT MESS WITH HER HOUSE! If you break a block of her home, your cursed. If you steal from her, your cursed. Witches love to lay spells on her stuff to discourage "brave" adventurers from turning to thievery. Fighting the witch will get you cursed also, but only if you give her enough time to lay the curse on you. Five seconds of not being hit is all the time she needs. Killing the witch however will always give you a rare charm.

Curses Can also be bound to everyday items found in dungeon chests. you can't tell when you pick it up (uless you have the EyeoftheEnchanter charm active) but once it gets placed in your inventory that curse transfers to you. There is a 1% chance of finding cursed items and charms can be cursed as well. once the curse transfers then the item is no longer cursed.

There are ways to remove a curse! Trading three emeralds to a priest will remove all curses and there are naturally spawning alters in fortresses and on top of the highest mountains that remove ONE curse per player.

The effects of curses can be anything from silly to Horrible

LIST OF ALL CURSES (orderd from most to least common)

MetalMan - Higher chance of being struck by lightning

TwoLeftFeet - Your walking is backwards. example: pressing right will make you go left, forward will make you go backwards.

Friendly - All monsters will smile at you. While they try to feast on your bones. :)

SmelloftheLiving - Zombies will make noises much louder and more frequent.

Shocker - Creepers have a chance of spawning electrified.

PocketHole - You will occasionally drop a random item in your inventory behind you.

Clouded - Render distance is locked at tiny.

Virus - Slower walking, weakness effect, can't sprint.

Questions, questions, QUESTIONS!

Can't you just have a fill your inventory with charms and be pretty much invincible?
Nope, the effects of only one charm can be active on you at a time. (the active charm is determined by the closest one to the top left of your inventory.

Can't you just walk around with your inventory filled with charms and switch out to the one you need when you need it?
Yes, but a new charm will take 15 seconds to take effect on your body.

Thanks For Reading and I hope you like it!

CreditThanks to Dead Workers Party for the original curses idea!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Turtlexing 02/14/2013 9:47:31 pmFeb 14th, 2013

*Added a few more charm and curses

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12/31/2012 12:29 pm
Level 25 : Expert Modder
scribblemaniac's Avatar
Very good ideas for effects of the charms and curses.
01/02/2013 2:29 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Turtlexing's Avatar
Thank you, it took me a long time to think of good and balanced ones.
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