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Newbs, everywhere?

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-abs-106-'s Avatar -abs-106-
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe

Who, What and Where?

Who are these infamous newbs I speak of well these are people who are inexperienced in any activity. What are they? Well to my current knowledge these newbs that I am currently speaking about are human just like the rest of us, or otherwise they are in some sort of way disguising themselves in a body that appears to be in all essence human, although in mind they differ a little to our non newbish mindset. Where are the newbs located? Well this is the unfortunate part, and is the reason why I chose this current topic to talk about. Newbs are located in all the far reaches of the Earth and everywhere between. You look left and right up and down, no matter were you look a wild newb will appear, and it will entitle a few moments of utter disappointment. Newbs in particular like to infest and make their homes in websites such as these. Now I will discuss with you hopefully non-newbs the huge newb problem we have, and some ways in which we could solve it.

Why, do they annoy me? And how to fix some newbishness

Newbs in general aren't an annoyance I mean lets be honest here, we at one point or another in anything were once a newb. Its in general a simple concept you cannot be a master at every single thing you do without any previous experience, it is literally and physically impossible. So that is not why they annoy me, the thing that really annoys me about newbs is their ignorance of their skills, though they know that they are newbs deep down, they dont fully accept it, and thats were all these half ass projects, blogs, texture packs etc.. come from. I dont care that they are doing them, but before they post any of that stuff they should try to improve and work on it, instead of posting their first ever square house. Lets be honest you guys know what I am talking about, because all the sections are flooded with this stuff. They should remember Rome wasn't built in a day, and also that the trick is quality over quantity. If everyone just posted things that they built in ten seconds then their would be no good stuff on here. All the amazing builders take alot of time and effort into their builds, and also you have to remember that they weren't born as amazing builders, sure they might have an affinity towards building, but regardless of that they still had to put effort into their skills to improve them, or else they would never become as good as they are today. So to all those newbs (which I do not mean in an offensive way) remember next time before you post that next project ask yourself is it really something that you put all your effort into, did you put everything you possibly could into it? These are questions everyone should ask themselves, because when all of these are answered then you know you have poured all your heart and soul into it and its something you could be proud of.


Some solutions to these problems in my opinion would be a separation solution, were the projects blogs, etc.. are separated by level wise, for example instead of having all the projects right there, have a selection were you choose which levels you would like to display for projects e.g levels 10-20 and if you do that only projects from people between level 10 and 20 post will be shown that way you don't have to scroll through a whole bunch of junk to find the diamonds. I know that this will not stop all newb projects in defiantly, because even newbs, can be level 10 or so on, but this will at least separate all the people who don't put alot effort into projects that get them leveled up, plus there will be non newbs that just started, but at least this way you don't go to projects and just have millions of square dirt houses (figuratively) Another possible solution would be to just enforce more hard working qualities and imagination into people, so that way they build better and keep on improving.


So finally in conclusion I do not hate newbs, because I understand everyone was there at one point or another, but sometimes they can annoy me, because do not go to their fullest potential they just recklessly post projects, blogs, etc.. without putting all their work into it, or trying to improve before posting anything. But if they remember that all good things take time, and work hard we could have alot more good builders, bloggers, etc.. around the community or at least a whole bunch of above average ones, but instead everyone just wants levels, and posts anything they do before doing any significant work on it. I gave some solutions, but to cure this problem it may take alot more time and better solutions. But you just have to remember people even if your not good now, put time and effort into it and you will improve. That is just us as human beings, we take for granted the power we have, because if we truly put time and effort into anything we will be able to accomplish anything, and suddenly everything will become possible.

-abs-106- out! Remember if you liked this please diamond, fave, and sub.

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10/22/2013 12:52 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Narwhal
KaylaIsaBunneh's Avatar
We were all newbs once so why so annoyed about?
02/06/2013 12:18 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Zombie
ZombieKitty's Avatar
i defiantly think there are a few levels to being a newb. like you have the really newb people that are just compleatly lost in anything they are doing in the game and annoy the living crap out of you, to the point where you want to ask them have they even pick up a game in there life and then you have your newbs that just ask to many questions and wont leave you alone once you started to help them. and the last type would prob be the best kind of newb out there witch is the kind that is a newb to the game your playing but by no means a newb at gaming, they catch on pretty fast and tend not to annoy you. idk just a few different newbs i have ran in to..... im semi new to this game if you wanna go by technical terms but iv had minecraft for three years just decided to buy it a little over a month ago ~shurgs~ not sure why it took me forever to buy but it did.
02/06/2013 2:44 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
I know what your talking about and completely agree.
02/06/2013 2:52 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Zombie
ZombieKitty's Avatar
a lot of people i think have ran in to all three at one point or another. xD. nice blog btw, found it interesting *u *
02/05/2013 10:19 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Narwhal
I SEE ME PIE MC's Avatar
02/05/2013 6:03 am
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper
nabeelfarooqui98's Avatar
maybe this is just the Perfect example: bit.ly/Us45xF
02/04/2013 12:41 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Architect
Templar_elf's Avatar
Nice blog, although, as LogicalLlama said in his post (www.planetminecraft.com/blog/diamond-system-flawed/), there are many people who are new and put incredible effort into their stuff, but because they are not seen, they are low level and have hardly any subscribers.

Maybe there should be a group of people who are willing to look though new peoples projects and maybe 'recommend' projects, and that will put those projects/etc into a separate tab (Maybe called 'New player choice' or something).

Sorry for the long post here, almost good enough for a small blog ;). Not that I do many blogs...
02/04/2013 2:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
Yes, I believe that would be a good idea.
02/04/2013 12:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Toast
tallsan's Avatar
look who's talking. a level 8
02/04/2013 2:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Scribe
-abs-106-'s Avatar
Ive been playing Minecraft for quite a while, a pmc account that is low level does not make me a newb. I am talking about the newbie skills of projects, and blogs. Not the level, Lynchyinc could make a new account and be level 1 would that make him a newb?
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