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(PART 3) I write a story based off of PMC's ideas

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Pirealta's Avatar Pirealta
Level 15 : Journeyman Procrastinator Procrastinator

  Hello again! This has been in my drafts for about two weeks and I finally got around to posting it!

  People whose ideas I used in this chapter (not in order): AstroCat09, AutumnAura49797, Escapazition, Darkfap, and WelcomeToPMC. Sorry if I missed anyone, there were a lot of things mentioned in this one!

  Enjoy! ajthepeach and Aelle hopefully this silly story makes your days a bit better! :D

  Zinnia Barnett stood in front of Mr. Maxia’s house. She looked at Bennett who was trying to pick the lock to open the door. Eventually, he stood up and opened the door for her, his trench coat sweeping across the porch. Zinnia nodded at him, entering enemy territory.

  She could hear Bennett quietly close the door. The two began to search the house for Mr. Maxia. Eventually, they found him in his kitchen, eating a sandwich for lunch. Zinnia cleared her throat and Mr. Maxia’s head snapped up, staring at the two.

  “What are you two doing here?” Mr. Maxia exclaimed.

  Zinnia looked at Bennett. “Well I want justice for Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tubewoman, and Bennett is here to arrest you.”

  Mr. Maxia shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere!” He took a bite of his turkey sandwich. Bennett reached into his pocket, pulling out a pair of handcuffs.

  “You are coming with me,” he threatened, taking a step towards Mr. Maxia.

  Mr. Maxia looked alarmed, but laughed it off and reached behind himself, flicking a lever. “I’d like to see you try and catch me,” he said. A bright light materialized in the room, and a tall man popped into existence out of thin air.

  The man looked around in confusion. He was old and wrinkly, but had bulging muscles. He also had a sweaty basketball jersey on. “Meet Obi-Wan, famous basketball player from the future! I have summoned him here using this time-travelling machine,” Mr. Maxia announced. “Obi-Wan, beat them up!” He pointed at Zinnia and Bennett before taking another bite of his sandwich.

  Obi-Wan glanced at Zinnia for a moment, before staring longingly at Mr. Maxia’s turkey sandwich. Shrugging, he quickly grabbed the food and ate it in one huge bite. Mr. Maxia looked outraged, screaming at Obi-Wan. He paid the furious wizard no mind however, shoving past Bennett and walking out the door.

  Bennett took another step towards Mr. Maxia, who finally held his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay. I’ll stop terrorizing the neighborhood… on one condition. You two need to get me a taco from El Burrito Casa, my favorite Mexican restaurant. It’s Tuesday so they are half-off,” he suggested.

  Zinnia considered it for a moment. Sure, they could just arrest Mr. Maxia, but what if he had another trick up his sleeve? It also wouldn’t do any harm to visit the restaurant. She was hungry. Glancing over at Bennett, it seemed that he had reached the same conclusion. And so, the intrepid investigators headed to El Burrito Casa.

  It was about a 15 minute walk; the restaurant was just outside of the neighborhood entrance. When Zinnia and Bennett arrived, they could hear loud crashes and screaming from inside the building. Entering through the glass door, the interior had descended into madness.

  The first thing that Zinnia saw was a pale man with short black hair trying to stop a robot throwing around dinner rolls. She shuffled over to the man, dodging debris on the floor. “Hello?” she called. The man paused and turned towards her.

  “Hey there! I’m Damien Scorpio,” he said, brushing some dirt off of his suit.

  “My name’s Zinnia. What happened here?” she asked, looking around the room.

  Damien smiled, showing off sharp teeth. “So I built a robot, DAWN-77,” he gestured to the mechanical machine throwing rolls at Bennett, “but he duplicated himself and the clone has gone mad and started wrecking this restaurant we live nearby,” the man went back to trying to decommission the robot.

  Zinnia nodded, going to look for the tacos. It appeared that all the store employees had fled from the mess. Eventually, she made her way to the back. There, she spotted two dogs. One of them was a small chihuahua with huge razor-blade teeth devouring tacos. The second dog appeared to be some kind of eldritch horror.

  Zinnia moved towards where the chihuahua was devouring tacos. She reached her hand out to pull it from the mound of food, but had second thoughts when she saw the dog’s teeth again. From the front of the business, the door jingled as someone ran inside. Zinnia looked sideways, surprised when she saw Bob bent over panting from exertion and holding two leashes in his hand.

  “Hey,” Bob breathed, finally standing up and moving over to the two dogs. He clipped leashes on both of them and dragged them away from the now-nonexistent pile of tacos. The chihuahua ate them all! “Sorry about the mess. I was walking these two dogs as one of my jobs.”

  “Who owns these awful beasts?” Zinnia asked.

  “Well the chihuahua is owned by the HOA leader, and Jeff the Dog is owned by a neighbor called Mike. I should really go and return these two to their houses – or in the HOA leader’s case, his Not-Spaceship,” Bob explained, dragging the two dogs out of El Burrito Casa.

  Zinnia walked back over to where Bennett was still dodging dinner rolls. “Bennett! They are all out of tacos, we gotta go back to Mr. Maxia,” she called. The two exited the restaurant and began to travel to Mr. Maxia’s place. Along the way, they devised a plan.

  Bennett knocked on Mr. Maxia’s door before opening it and entering the house. Mr. Maxia was still sitting at his dinner table, waiting for Zinnia and Bennett to return. It was around dinner time now, the result of Mr. Maxia eating a late lunch and the travel time between his house and El Burrito Casa.

  “Have you brought the taco?” Mr. Maxia asked, folding his hands on the table.

  Bennett and Zinnia shared a glance. It was time to put their plan into action. “We did! Here, let me grab it from this completely average take-out bag I have,” Zinnia said, walking over to Mr. Maxia and setting down a bag she had picked up from the restaurant.

  “So if we give this to you, you promise not to terrorize the neighborhood anymore?” Zinnia made sure that Mr. Maxia remembered their agreement.

  “Yes, yes. Just give me the food!” he said impatiently, grasping for the bag. As Zinnia distracted Mr. Maxia, Bennett snuck around behind him and grabbed out a pair of handcuffs.

  Mr. Maxia opened the bag and peered inside. “Hey! There’s no taco in here-” he yelled. Over his shoulder, Zinnia could see Bennett lunge for Mr. Maxia’s hands and wrangle them into the handcuffs.

  “Stop it! You can’t do this. I’m a wizard!” Mr. Maxia shouted, his pointy hat falling off his head. Bennett smiled at Zinnia and opened his phone, calling his agency.

  “They will be here soon,” Bennett said, leaning Mr. Maxia against a wall. Despite the continuous verbal threats from the wizard, he was as out of shape as an old, grumpy housecat. Zinnia doubted he would be able to get out of the handcuffs.

  “Hey Bennett, do you wanna come have a celebration dinner at my house?” Zinnia queried. Taking Mr. Maxia down was definitely a reason to party. The pesky wizard was the cause of over half of the problems she mediated!

  “Sure!” Bennett said. “It’s probably fine if we leave him, he’s so old he can’t break out.” Zinnia and Bennett began to walk back towards her house.

  Unluckily, Zinnia was out of most of the groceries she needed to make the dinner. So she and Bennett spent the rest of their evening making a quick trip to their local Walmart.

  Thank you guys so much for all the support on this. :D I'm probably going to update Parts 1 and 2 in the future for clarity/better writing (My writing has improved since I started this!), but nothing super major. This is the final part of the story! I never expected so many gosh darn people to share that wallpost. I hope I made at least one person laugh. :D Have a great timezone and don't forget to drink water. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this!

Expect to see more interesting things coming from me in the future. >:D
CreditEveryone who shared the wallpost with their ideas.

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05/14/2024 2:38 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Escapazition's Avatar
(Justin the Dog is written as “Jeff the Dog”, by the way.)

I’ve been going through depression lately, so this really helped me out. I genuinely felt my spirits get raised. Thank you for your dedication.
05/14/2024 3:59 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Procrastinator Procrastinator
Pirealta's Avatar
(whoops I will fix that when I edit parts one and two-)

I'm glad I could help :D
05/13/2024 7:08 pm
Level 45 : Master Artist Birb
ajthepeach's Avatar
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