This Blog is an entry in the completed Create A Survival Guide Blog Contest.

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Survival Guide - "Steve's last words..." Contest Entry

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Heliosk's Avatar Heliosk
Level 49 : Master Architect
It's cold...

It's dark...

My stomach just won't stop growling with intensity...

I can hear the slight dripping of water in the distance...

*drip, drop, drip, drop*

The sound of lava bubbling around me...


And worst of all...the absolute worst the sound of those dreaded mobs screeches and groans as they surround me, looking for their next meal. 

Help me...oh please...someone help me...

I don't have much time to write this, the mobs are slowly closing in and soon, they'll devour me piece by piece. I'm writing this to help any future Minecrafter that finds this book. So please, listen to my advice that I have to offer to you. I may just be some old Minecrafter going insane here in this dark cavern, but I am very wise, and very knowledgable.

*The first few pages contain a guide and detailed summary of the different types of mobs of Minecraft, Enderman, Witches, Spider Jockeys, etc.*

Let's start off with the basics, tools. Your first priority is always acquiring tools, by obtaining wood from trees. Once you have a basic set of tools, don't even worry about upgrading them, start on your base. I learned this the hard way, my first night I was so focused on upgrading my tools and obtaining more resources that nightfall fell on me before I knew it. I had to spend a whole night up in a tree, listening to the agonizing yells and moans of zombies, skeletons, and god knows else what was down there staring at me all night. 

Once you have a basic set of tools, start on a base of operations right away. It doesn't have to be fancy or anything, just a basic 8x8 wooden or dirt shack will do. After accomplishing this, start a mine inside of your house. This will mean easy access to ores during the nightitme, without having to venture out into the darkness where mobs lurk. Then, after all this is complete, you may start uprading your tools, and upgrading your base as well. Start setting up a cooking/smelting area, some chests to store extra materials, and maybe even a farm outside of your base to start self-supplying yourself with food without having to hunt down animals. 

While on the topic of hunting animals, why don't we breeze over that topic quickly incase you're not the type of Farmer in Minecraft. When hunting, scour the forest or whatever biome you live in fully prepared to be out there for a long period of time. Bring a basic sword or if you choose so to quicken the killing process, an enchanted one. Once you spot an animal, attack it with fury, do not let it escape you damaged. Once you've finished killing the animal, harvest it for it's meat and other resources, and then continue on. Only take as much meat as you'll need for a while, don't get too greedy and stay out when nightfall comes around.

*The pages go on to describe hunting more in-depth. Few of the pages have drawn out base designs with traps and other cool gizmos, while another page has a hand-made drawing of what seems to be the writer's base, a semi-large kingdom.
Congratulations, you're starting to get the hang of it beginner. But as I call you a beginner, you must recognize that we've scratched the surface of surviving. New obstacles will be coming your way. Be wary of creepers, they are catalysts to chaotic disasters. With one explosion during the night, they can ravage the side of your base, and let mobs pour into your house to take you down. Always have a bow on handy incase you need to shoot them down from a lookout in your base, or even keep them at bay when running away from them. Never, try to fight one up close with close combat unless you're properly geared with iron armour or better. So, you now have a successful base of operations, self sustaining food source, and a prosperous mine. What next you may be asking yourself? Well, venture down into your mine and grab some obsidian, because we're about to hit the absolute most important area of surviving in Minecraft.

The Nether...the home of the tortured souls of Minecraft. It's a chaotic region, where anything and everything can happen. Thieves could lurk here...zombie pigman will stare at you as you enter this world. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT attack them or aggravate them. They will start creating a horde, and mercilessly attack you with an endless amount of their kind until you are dead. I learned this after shooting one during my time in the Nether. I thought it'd be some easy gold but...I was wrong...I was so so very wrong...they started screeching...a horrible ear-piercing screech as they came from all directions, with the look of death in their soulless eyes. I ran, ran for my life until I finally had escaped the horde. But, they're not even the worst monster in the Nether...

Let me introduce you to the rulers of the Nether,

The Ghasts are ominous floating creatures, who appear to look like some form of squid. They shoot fiery balls of destruction from their mouth, and have the most horrid sounding roar that I have ever heard. Ghasts shriek at the top of their lungs when they spot an enemy, and attack with full chaotic fury. Although, even though they are large and very powerful creatures, they have a key weakness. The balls of destruction that they fire at enemies, are easily deflectable. With correct timing, and a sword, you can deflect the ball and it will go directly back at them. Doing this enough times will slay them, and they will drop a key ingredient in potion making, "Ghast Tears." 

The kingdoms in the Nether should only be attacked if you're geared with diamond armor/gear, because horrible fiery creatures lurk their such as Magma Cubes, and Nether Skeletons. They are both challenging creatures and can easily kill you if you're not prepared. Once in their kingdom, you can find Blaze spawners that spawn challening Blaze creatures that will shoot fire at you rapidly. When killing a Blaze, they will drop a Blaze rod which is a main ingredient in crafting a Brewing Stand. Also, collect Nether Warts from the nether kingdoms so that you're able to farm them, and create potions.

*The next page contains a huge layout of crafting potions drawn by the writer*
Throughout your journey in the Nether, make sure you're constantly focused on your task at hand and always on alert. Always have a Fire Resistance potion on hand after crafting one, it will be useful incase you fall into the endless depth of fiery inferno that the Nether contains. Collect as many resources as you can while in the Nether, avoid danger, gather potion creating materials, farm glowstone carefully with spacious towers to climb up and collect the ore. 

Now that you've left the Nether with materials and potion ingredients, craft a Brewing Stand and start making potions. A large battle is ahead of the realm of the legendary Ender Dragon...

*When turning the page you find a large sum of blood on it, hinting that the writer must've encountered a lone mob after writing the last page. You can see a grey film of gunpowder cover these pages. The pages themselves are just drawings and sketches of Nether Castles, and other Nether related items.*


To access this realm, you'll need an Eye of Ender. A lot of Eyes of Ender actually, you can acquire these by slaying Enderman. But be weary, Enderman are dangerous. Do not look them in the eye, or they will go into a beserk frenzy and attack you ferociously. Know that their weakness is water, it will come in handy if you're ever attacked by one without being prepared. Just jump into a source of water, and they won't be able to chase after you without being harmed by the water. After obtaining atleast 12 Eyes of Ender, use one to locate an End Dungeon. Once you've found it, dig down and begin scavenging the dungeon. Soon you will find a portal, jump into it if you are prepared to fight a mighty beast...
This realm holds the fabeled Ender Dragon. Venture in their with a team, or if you feel that you have enough skills, venture their by yourself. Make sure you're fully prepared for this battle, as it is not an easy one. Have healing potions on standy, a powerful enchanted bow for attacking the dragon, and an enchanted diamond pickaxe with plenty of climbing materials for climbing Ender Towers. Destroy the crystals healing the Ender Dragon while avoiding it's attacks, and then once they're all destroyed, begin your attack. Build barricades to protect yourself from his harmful attacks, and hopefully with all of this advice, you will have slayed the dragon. Collect the experience, and will be able to see the legendary Dragon Egg that the Ender Dragon drops upon death. Climb into the fountain of "End Credits", and you will be magically teleported back to the normal Minecraftian world.

I have taught you all that I could possibly tell you, this is all of what I have experienced during my life. Please, listen to the advice I've given you, it will help you live longer then I have...I stumbled into this cave foolishly thinking that I was prepared. I've lost all my materials, I am surrounded, I am practically dead. This is my goodbye..but before I end my death note, please be weary of a certain monster...

This monster is the worst of them all, the god of destruction, the absolute chaotic being of Minecraft. It is named in lore as...The Withe---

*As you turn the page, you find a horrific picture of a creature that seems absolutely twisted. It has purple glowing eyes, a body with 3 heads, and it's as if it's staring into your soul. You've never encountered, heard of, nor seen a creature such as this one. You quickly turn the page in fear.*

*The writing ends their, as you turn the page...the pages are splattered with blood and scribbled/jumbled writing that is not readable. When you look up from the book, you see a skeleton that has eroded into the stone wall of the cave where the book lies, as well as an arrow that has pierced the skull.*

Hey there! Thanks for reading my story. Everything written here is words of my own! Once again, thanks for reading! Feel free to leave some feedback in the comments below! This is my first blog in a VERY long time, so I'm excited to start getting back into the PMC community! 

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Heliosk 11/21/2015 1:08:56 pmNov 21st, 2015

Changed pictures!

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01/02/2016 10:32 am
Level 20 : Expert Princess
BeccaDemon's Avatar
Congrats for making to leaderboard!
01/02/2016 10:07 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
12/06/2015 7:29 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Lava Rider
eagoy's Avatar
Nicely done with incoorporating the background sounds into the story. Nice usage of pictures and some usefull stuf like the potions brewing.

Good luck with the contest although you're competition!
12/06/2015 10:10 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Thanks, your feedback means a lot! Good luck to you as well!
12/05/2015 6:12 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Really nice blog :D, Mines completly different.
12/05/2015 10:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
Thanks! I'll be sure to go check it out!
12/06/2015 6:06 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Meme
CroatiaTheMan's Avatar
Np ;) and Thanks :D
11/22/2015 6:16 am
Level 1 : New Narwhal
badramgad's Avatar
There are no gifs in books, Am I right?
11/22/2015 11:38 am
Level 49 : Master Architect
Heliosk's Avatar
It's just a ghast slightly moving around, not everything has to be a solid picture lol. And like Becca said it could be a magic book, but that's up to the reader's imagination to decide.
11/22/2015 8:05 am
Level 20 : Expert Princess
BeccaDemon's Avatar
It is a magic book duh
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