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Welcome To Brawlhalla (Chapter 3)

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Level 27 : Expert Group
Chapter 3

Val has been acting weird, she's skipped now two weeks worth of training staring at that sword. Its like one day she's here and the next she's gone, she woke up today laughing and had a smile on her lips. A SMILE! That's not like her at all, she never smiles. And for training she held her head high in the hallway, I was proud she did, but it was also weird to.. I decided to check on her later, rasping my fist on her door not a sound came from inside but soft laughter.

Throwing the door open I let my mouth fall open as my eyes landed on Val cross legged sitting on her bed, but there was another person with her...Another women I didn't recognise, did the boss higher someone new? Rubbing my eyes I look again, but she was gone.

"Who was that?" Val just looked at me like I'm crazy, she raised an eyebrow at me and flopped on her back with a smile.

"I don't know what your talking about, but I've been here alone the whole time after training. Are you sure your the one whom is not okay, Ada?" I saw something, but I may be a little crazy..

"Wait then who were you laughing with, and not to mention talking to. I know you well enough to know your not insane, what's going on Val?" Val just looks confused and scowled at me.

"Do you ever think too knock Ada?" Not really I was used to just coming in if I ever wanted, Val said I could.

"Could you just please leave? I'd like to be alone for today Ada.." I saw something else in what she was asking, she was acting different...Kinder.

"Okay fine, I don't know what's going on but one thing before I go?" She just shrugged, and I took it as a what ever.

"I care about you Val, even though I seemed distant so please be safe.." She nodded, but I don't think she actually heard me, pulling the door open I left accidently slamming it behind me.

Making my way to the portal room, passing people pated my shoulder and gave me complements. I knew how they treated Val, here she was a misfit. Hated by all, I made new friends who we're nicer then Val. But I still cared for her like a sister, anytime someone spoke ill of her with me I'd correct them. I knew that what I said never changed anything but it did for a hour or so, and then it loop around and it hurt me deeply to hear their hate for her. Leaving them behind I rubbed my eyes, pushing back tears of sadness.

Pushing a door open I slipped into the abandoned corridor, gently shutting it behind me I made my way into the dark hallway. The farther I walked the darker it got until, a soft blue glow shone from behind a door, pushing the door closer I never stopped to be amazed by the beauty of the portal. It always reminded me of water and looking through you could see absolute darkness, I imagined SunDrive City and closing my eyes I stepped into the portal.

The portal could sense the thoughts of the nearest person, and take you to the place you we're thinking of. And stepping through I opened my eyes as a familiar voice called to me, opening my eyes I found the portal already gone, I turned around to find my friend. I spotted her sitting at a food cart with Ulgrim across from her, Isaiah sat tuning one of his bands instruments while fate ate her food. Fait's cat ButterScotch attempted to catch isaiah's drone that hovered above his head, missing it he fell into Fait's hat as she caught him with it.

Just as I made my way over to them, Fait waved me over just as Isaiah scooted over to give me a spot at the table. Sitting down I watched on awe as Ulgrim bent his spoon and started eating like an animal, its not the savage table manners that had me in awe, but the fact he bent his spoon with ease. I picked up one of the spoons and stared at it so hard, I didn't notice Isaiah's drone until ButterScotch slapped it with his paw and sent it crashing into my hand, dropping the spoon I took the drone from ButterScotch and tossed it into the air and it hovered in place. On the other hand ButterScotch gave me a unhappy face, I looked at my hand to find the spoon gone, glancing around I saw it laying on the tabe bent and broken...Did I do that?

I knew I was making weird faces but nobody minded, just then I herd a sound. Listening closer I herd it again, the sound of a horn. Fait, Isaiah and Ulgrim looked up and at each other, Fait grabbed ButterScotch just as Isaiah grabbed his drone and ulgrim horked down everyone's abandoned food. And he finished Fait's just as Isaiah pulled him away, fait blew a small horn and a massive drone, came out of nowhere followed by a flying star, and a rocket lance? Fait stood on the star and beckoned to me.

"Come on Ada, come with us. There's room on here, promise it will be fun." She looked so confadent that I would have fun, so I did.
Climbing up behind her I held her waist tightly to not fall off, I mean after all it had no seatbelts... But again what stars did? I was glad I held on to her because the star speed off, without warrning. It was a good ten minutes until in a flash of blinding light we apeared above a gladiator arena, but I realised how wrong I was when a dragon sped past us and a rider waved at us.

"Thats Kaya, and Ragnir. I guess its their turn today, I wonder who the other team is." Other team? What was going on here, a stream of sand wove across the arena and from the sand came the imamuse Mirage!? And standing besides here was the Legandary Bodvard, the son of a viking mother and son to the Great Black Bear King Barnabas.

"Welcome to BrawlHalla Ada, Amazing right?" I nodded still confused how I get here, but I was amazed by all the creatures here...


Later after Ada left, brynn slipped out from under my bed. Brushing herself off, I stood and peeked outside my door just as a bell rang. Brynn looked confused, she stood behind me and whispers but I shushed her almost instantly. Once all the people had gone too lunch I grabbed Brynn's wrist and pulled her along the hallway in the direction Ada went in, Brynn didn't protest at first.

"Were are we going in such a hurry Val, your going to pull my arm off." Slowing down, dropping her wrist I felt guilty about probily hurting her.

"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you if I ever did, are you okay Brynn?" She nodded and smiled, she elbowed my shoulder and laughed.

"You didn't hurt me, just the pulling was starting to. But I'm okay, really what;s the rush Val?"

"I saw Ada come this way after she left, and I want to know were she was going. For all I know there's nothing back here, so I want to know." Brynn nodded and kept following me, pushing a closed door open Brynn made a weird sound but I believe its what Ada would call a whimper.

We both walked deeper and deeper into the dark hallway until I could barely see anything, something touched my hand and I knew it was Brynn because she held on to my hand tightly as a blue light shone out from under neath a closed door. The closer we got I glanced down at Brynn's hand that held on to mine for dear life, as we stood at the front of the door I slide my hand away from hers and knocked on the door. After a second I twisted the doorknob and pushed the door open, Brynn gasped. just now looking up I saw what she saw, a floating ring of water with a empty black void in the center.

"What do you think it is Val?" I had no clue, it reminded me of a portal but it couldn't be...Could it?

"Let's go through, come on Val It'll be fun!" I wasn't so sure, until Brynn shoved me from behind.

I tripped over the ring of water and scrambled to grab something, and the closest thing happened to be Brynn's out streched hand. I pulled her in with me, and we fell through an empty black void until Brynn vanished. I started to panic, I saw red all around and I hit something hard and blacked out.

( Val fell through the portal and like her mind her thoughts we full of chaos so the portal threw her in hell, the source of chaos. She hit the ground and blacked out, but not far from her was Brynn. Brynn was scared, and wondered around in circles looking for her. She was just about to give up, sitting down next to a massive boulder she began to cry, and somebody herd her.)

I felt pain all over, sitting up I rubbed my head. Looking around the only thing that I could see reminded me of death, everything had a dead vibe to it. If it was real I'd say this was hell, but it can't be..

(Val was unsure of where she was, standing up she looked around at her surroundings. She could see was a nearly blackened forest with dead tree's, smoke and ash moved in the wind and a short stifled cry made her spin in the other direction.)

I heard it again, another whimper. I don't know what I might find, running in the direction of the sounds I lept on top of a boulder to get a better look. I nearly jumped back in souprise as a stifled gasped came from below me, and the most beautiful eyes looked back at me.

Her skin was dark with lighter markings on her arms, she had frey red feathers on her head, neck, arms and legs. She kind of reminded me of Brynn, and at the same time she looked nothing like her. The girl jumped to her feet and lept back afraid of me, eyes wide with fear.

"W-who are you?" I decide its best she thinks I'm from here, trying to look like I'm from here I Cross my arms.

"Maybe I should ask you the same thing, Who are you?" She looked taken back by the revers on her question, she opened her mouth to speak but I just laughed.

"What's so funny, I didn't even say anything yet?"

"Nothing what are you doing here, clearly we're both not from around here." She looks at me confused, until a voice called from behind me witch caused me to whip around and stumble over my own feet. Slipping off the edge of the boulder I fell, and someone caught me.

"You okay?" Looking up into the eyes of the girl I nodded, but also embarrassed too.

Peeking over the boulder came a dark face shrouded in the shadow of her cloak, but only bright white eyes shown from with in the darkness. She carried a masive sythe, with a masive blade at the end.

"Hello, whats a Cimara and Harpy shuch as yourselves doing all the way out here?" So thats what the girl was, Whos the Cimare though?

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