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Zombiefied Piglin And the lore

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L33's Avatar L33
Level 19 : Journeyman Zombie
Zombified Piglin (previously known as Zombie Pigman and known as "Ziglins" for short) is a variation of the sword-wielding variant of a Zombie, (hence the name) who are neutral and are from The Nether. They drop 0-1 pieces of rotten flesh upon death as well as 0-1 gold nuggets. They occasionally drop a gold sword or gold helmet if defeated. Zombified Piglins can also drop gold ingots, however, this is very rare.

They traveled in groups of up to 20, and don't attack a player unless a player attacks them first. Zombified Piglins were able to drown, but can't be killed by lava, other than drowning in it. Because they are well-armed, Zombified Piglins are highly dangerous to an unsuspecting player, also considering the ghasts and horrible terrain of the Nether.

Attacking one Zombified Piglin causes any nearby Zombified Piglin to become hostile, like wolves, and attack the player or all of the players if one is in multiplayer mode. Zombified Piglins won't become neutral again unless they're killed. They won't become neutral even if a player dies, regardless whenever the death was caused by the Piglin or not. They walked faster than the player (speed of .95 blocks per second is an enraged Zombified Piglin's speed). Setting the game mode to "peaceful" removes all Zombified Piglins, unlike wolves. If a player was attacked by a group of Zombified Piglins, escapes through a portal, and returns to the Nether soon afterward, the Zombified Piglins will remain hostile. Since update 1.4, Zombified Piglins can pick up the weapons and armor of any defeated players. Like most other zombies, they can break down doors in hard difficulty.

In Minecraft: Bedrock Edition, Zombified Piglin characteristics were the same as PC, except that they run slightly slower.

Zombified Piglins are incredibly strong, which gives them an unfair advantage to an unprepared player. If a player is in multiplayer, a Zombified Piglin that has been harmed will be aggressive towards all players (even players that didn't harm the Piglin). Zombified Piglins spawn in the Nether and the Overworld or near any active Nether portals. If a Zombified Piglin is harmed by another mob, the Zombified Piglin that was harmed will become hostile towards the mob that harmed it, but the rest of the group will remain neutral until the release of Better Together update. If one kills a Piglin in one hit, the others won't become hostile.If the player opens chests near them, they will instantly target the player.

In the past, if an Iron Golem attacked a Zombified Piglin, only that specific mob would be hostile. However, this was changed with the release of the Better Together Update. Now, every Zombified Piglin in the vicinity is hostile toward the Iron Golem who attacked.

As stated earlier in the article, Zombified Piglin are extremely difficult enemies to overcome because of their group packing in nature. The best strategy to carry out when a zombified piglin is sighted is to simply walk away and ignore them, as they are neutral and won't become angry unless harmed. When doing battle with a Zombified Piglin, it is best advised to attack one single mob at a time and seclude them from the others. This being a reliant strategy, as nearby Zombified Piglin will become angry and will swarm a player, closing off any escapes.

Another efficient way of tackling Zombified Piglin is from afar with a bow. A regular bow works, but enchanted bows are preferred, as the extra perks will become useful in the situation that one is not far enough away. A player should be advised that they should still manage a single Piglin at a time instead of shooting multiples. They should also be wary of their distance and should remain at least 15 blocks away and out of the potential sight of a Zombified Piglin. Note that another excellent strategy is to attack a Zombified Piglin with another player to increase survival chances and to add extra damage.

Alternatively, one could pillar-jump, making sure the Zombified Piglin can't reach one, and then just finish them off with a bow or sword. Another reliable strategy is to surround one's self in cobblestone (to guard against a possible Ghast attack), leaving at least one block open at eye level. Once this is done, the player can shoot a single Zombified Piglin with a bow, wait for a horde to show up, and then fight them off in relative safety, fearing only the occasional Ghast attack and the possibility of a baby Zombified Piglin being in the horde.

Zombified Piglins are difficult enemies when in groups, and can easily overwhelm a player. An effective strategy (that also proves to damage-free) is to build a small tower that is three blocks above the surface. One single block of space is efficient, but it is cautioned that the Zombified Piglins may not be able to attack one, but will still overlap one's model, causing one to move. It is best advised to build a 2x2x3 or 3x3x3 tower so that a player will have no risk of falling into a swarm of angered Zombified Piglins and have optimal safety.

A player should stay away from Ghasts when battling Zombified Piglins. When a Ghast's fireball hits a group of Zombified Piglins, they will turn hostile and blame a player for their suffering. Battling them in multiplayer is also effective as well.

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01/28/2024 9:32 pm
Level 49 : Master Blockhead
SharKevan37's Avatar
that's a lot of wrighting
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