This Data Pack is an entry in the completed The Illagers and Villagers Jam: Season 2.

Minecraft Data Packs / Adventure

You Bandit! ——Join illagers and loot villagers

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Eugene2000's Avatar Eugene2000
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer

This is originally for modpack AnimateCraft: Lankeren. If you like this content, I'm sure you'll like that modpack, too. Welcome to check it out!

You hate villagers? You think they are useless? You want to kick their asses? Alright, I don't know why you think that way, but now I can let you do it in a cooler way.

Introducing You Bandit!, a derive mod of You Thief!. With this mod, you can choose to be a bandit, hang around with the illagers, and loot the villagers.

After killing two villagers, you will get an unluck debuff, and you become a bandit, really simple.

Being a bandit means you will be hated by villagers and iron golems, the former will rise their trading prices, the latter will not stop chasing you.

But bandits have advantages. You are now much stronger, and the illagers will not attack you anymore!--Not until you betray them.

When you kill one of the illagers (including witch and vex), you will be cursed with a bad omen. Even worse, you cannot use milk bucket to get rid of it or the consequence it brings--continuously spawned vexs around you! Now this is the real bad omen!

Want to make up what you've done? Take the Bade Omen V to the village, and win the raid! Then you'll gain a Hero of the Village V, which can decrease the trader price to the original level (only a bit higher :))


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  • 欢迎您将其收录到整合包中,请提前在B站私信或者QQ频道征得我的同意。如果您用其制作视频,请在简介处附上此发布页面的链接和我的bilibili主页,也欢迎在简介艾特我,我很想看你们的视频! If you make a video about this content, please give credit and link to this page, and I would love to watch your videos! Please let me know on Discord.
CompatibilityMinecraft 1.19
toMinecraft 1.20

3 Update Logs

Update #2.1 : by Eugene2000 04/03/2024 3:25:12 amApr 3rd

  • 添加了挽救机制:在背叛强盗阵营后,玩家会受到5级的不祥之兆诅咒。触发并打赢5级劫掠之后,可获得5级村庄英雄效果,这将使得村民提高的价格会降到比原价稍微高一点点的状态。 Added a Redemption mechanic: Players now will receive Bad Omen V after they betray the bandits. Via activating the V-level Raid and winning it, players can gain Hero V, which can decrease the trader price to the original level (only a bit higher :))
  • 降低了不祥之兆诅咒时生成恼鬼的几率 Decreased the chance of vex spawning when having Bad Omen
  • 优化了性能 Optimized the performance
  • 修复靠近村民会导致其停滞的问题 Fixed the issue of villagers stop moving when players get near

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02/19/2024 8:09 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
TheChair's Avatar
Helloo! so far this is working for me and i love it! thank you so much! :D
02/16/2024 12:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sharkmasterKT's Avatar
Eugene2000, Can you tell me where the datapack is please? I can only find the mods for it. Thanks for the help! :)
02/16/2024 10:08 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
There‘s no more datapack version, cuz it cannot provide translations for the text. Sorry
02/17/2024 7:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sharkmasterKT's Avatar
Do you know any datapacks that can do the same or similar?
02/19/2024 7:56 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
01/23/2024 4:56 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
NashVille00's Avatar
so the mod itself isnt working, i kill of the two villagers and the illagers still attack
01/23/2024 6:41 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
Which version? 2.0 the latest?
What else mods do you have?\
You need to be more detailed when you ask for help.
01/24/2024 1:59 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
NashVille00's Avatar
yes its the latest version of the mod, I have a modpack I work with I'm not really sure what the problem truly is, all i know is that the game knows its in, and if i could i can dm you the modpack?
01/24/2024 8:35 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Explorer
Eugene2000's Avatar
I see, but Im afraid I couldn't check it in your modpack cuz Im messing with mine, and actually it's unnecessary. Knowing that it's in a modpack, we have methods to deal with it.
To begin with, just run the mod in a "pure" fabric modpack? To see whether it works. In my modpack it works, so this is unlikely to happen.
If so then, you can strat from a process of elimination? It could fail to function if other mods or datapacks have issues.
01/25/2024 7:56 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
NashVille00's Avatar
its the forge version of the mod
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