{Official} PMC Undertale Hub!

AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW3/16/16 6:33 am
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6/27/2016 2:49 am
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar AnimeFanFTW
Welcome to the PMC Undertale Hub!

So, yeah, I just wanted to make an Undertale Hub, simply because of it's huge popularity, and the fact a large amount of people on PMC love this game. So I thought I would create a hub, where people can chat about the game.
If you have lived under a rock, and have no idea what Undertale is, Undertale is an indie game released in 2015, by developer Toby Fox. It tells the story of a nameless child wondering through the Underground, meeting monsters and trying to escape to the surface. This game is best experienced as blind as possible, so if you haven't played the game, play it, it's very cheap, and it's on Steam.

In this hub, you can talk about the characters, the bosses, post theories, post strategies, share artwork, advertise your Undertale-related posts, and overall, just talk about the game.

Some rules to go over:
1. No swearing. Keep it PG13.
2. Have at least some knowledge of the game, since I'm sure people will talk about alot of spoilers from the game.
3. No spamming.
4. No roleplaying.
5. If you're going to talk about a spoiler, please use the "SPOILER" button.
6. Don't post too many advertisements too quickly.
7. No Flame Wars
8. If you break a rule, you get a warning, Break a rule again, and you're gonna have a bad time. (AKA, you get banned.)
So yeah, enjoy your stay, and remember.
Stay determined.
Posted by AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Forum Moderator
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai

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06/26/2016 11:37 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
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Accidentally hit reset during the genocide route =(
I'm at Snowdin shop, I didn't take any money and guess how much gold I have?

ive reset a bunch, its possible this was the 66th.
lol no its not i havent reset that much.
..... i think.......
06/27/2016 2:49 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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1. Kinda hard to accidentally reset...
2. Ok, that's actually pretty funny.
05/30/2016 3:11 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
okay i seriously need to vent this because if i dont i well not sleep well tonight
seriously, i've got an adrenaline rush from a flower. an insane killing flower.

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so im completing a true pacifist route, i spared asgore and flowey came by and killed asgore himself. i expected to get asriel, since as i heard it was the pacifist final boss, but after flowey absorbed the souls, he closed the game.
now, i was being a complete idiot and i confused the start of the omega flowey fight for the start of the asriel fight.
so i went up and let him start but then i notice his face is shaking a bit. now i start wondering "wait... what?"
and then his face, or screen, static-ed like a tv screen.
i mentally yell "NO" and close the game immediatly.

seriously, i thought i had done a true pacifist route... is this supposed to happen on true pacifist? cause if not the wiki has confused me.
05/30/2016 3:19 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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What you got was the Neutral route.
If you truly didn't kill anyone, then what is happening is that your first playthrough in every Undertale session will always be a Neutral route.
Is it your first play session of the game?
05/30/2016 1:02 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
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wait WHAT??? The first session of the game is always a neutral route???
I thought I just forgot to befriend someone......
yes this is my first session......
now im incredibly confused..........
05/30/2016 1:51 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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It's your first playthrough and you're already trying to do a true pacifist? Geez, sucks that you got spoiled. I really wish people weren't so hellbent on telling people to only do the pacifist route. It can ruin the game for some.
06/19/2016 7:16 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
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im just that nice

btw i have already done a true pacifist and a genocide route(cuz i was curious) but i didnt finish genocide
sans was too hard, i couldnt even get through his first attack =T-T=

im doing the neutral no mercy run now...
i think? i keep changing my mind.
i wanted to do a neutral run because i had thought omega flowey was actually kinda fun... but then i learned i cant beat him twice =(
i think im doing another true pacifist bc asriel was fun too
but i cant for some reason so i think i need to do another neutral
so im doing neutral

oh, im rambling again........
ill leave...................
06/19/2016 10:14 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Nah man, don't let that goddamn cheating skeleton man get the best of you! You get back there and show Sans who's boss. It took me... I dunno, like 30+ tries to beat him. Probably grossly over exaggerating since I wasn't exactly keeping count, but when I finally cut him up, it was so satisfying.

Also, I don't think you can fight Omega Flowey again until you do a true reset.
05/23/2016 10:41 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
So I found a video of a TV show mentioning Undertale, in the most clueless way possible.


Dem dosh darn video games and their shooty-shooty bang-bang violence and evil. :3
(I looked into it, and it turns out the question being asked was fake. A fan of the game was doing it for the lols. Still doesn't make the video any less funny tho)
05/30/2016 2:50 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
ive actually seen that before
and still:
sans > paps
05/22/2016 2:14 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
GraciousMaximus's Avatar
im eNDIE!
can endie join?!

lol I don actaly talk lik that
trololol =)
05/22/2016 3:05 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
whoa, a new member :O

Of course you can join.
05/22/2016 12:23 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Artist
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* Endie vibrates intensly.
05/06/2016 10:08 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Did this thread die before it even begin?
lel rip
04/20/2016 8:36 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Oh I get it!
04/20/2016 9:14 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Well then...
04/20/2016 7:03 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
This gif is legit pretty funny.
Now I wanna play Cards Against Humanity

04/19/2016 6:00 am
Level 29 : Expert Birb
Auradyme's Avatar
This entire hub is just a conversation between you two.
04/19/2016 6:41 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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04/14/2016 12:09 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Seems counter-intuitive to purposely make a part of the game boring. And yes, I get that it's trying to make you feel bad. That part is my biggest gripe with the game: it tries way too hard to do so. You can't even get a good ending because, "Oh gee, you killed these monsters in the past!" Sure I could just edit my files manually and get rid of the bad ending trigger, but it'd be pointless. Well, I guess it's kinda neat how the game remembers stuff you did in the past. Just kinda.

And oh yeah, I forgot Flowey broke the game. I espicially liked how the text on top of the window changed. However I didn't like the CTD when you died, that was a bit annoying. At least the game doesn't take too long to start up.

Another thing I noticed with the fandom is that they, uhh, really like some of the characters, if you know what I mean. I know that's gonna happen for everything, but goddamn I didn't except it to be that out there.
04/14/2016 1:31 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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Every fandom has its fair share of those types of people.
04/13/2016 10:02 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Much to my surprise, I liked the pacifist route the best. The no fighting thing is still lame, but the dialogue made up for it at least. The final boss fight with Asriel was cooler than Omega Flowey. I really liked the music and colorful attacks, which was better than Flowey's ugly-ass photo cutouts. Yeah it was still the easiest final boss, but it was also the best one. My other gripe with it is that the game tries too hard to make you feel sympathetic to Asriel.

Neutral is in the middle. I like having the option to kill monsters if I want. I also found out the ending is different depending on which bosses you kill. Like the first time, I killed Torial, Undyne, Asgore, and Flowey, so Mettaton ending up being the king, but if I ending up killing him too, then Papyrus would be king.

Genocide is garbage. It's not even fun. I thought it would be exciting because I like playing the villain in games if given the option, but that wasn't the case. The monster grinding sucks because you pretty much have to stay in one area. If you venture off too much, monsters might not spawn anymore and ruin it. The boss fights were bad too. Well, Undyne was far in hindsight, so it's not as bad, but Sans fight is legitimately unfair. Rather then be a challenge like Undyne, it's just a long drawn out cheating boss. The ending was unsatisfying too.
04/13/2016 10:53 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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I can see why Pacifist was your favorite. The story and writing in Pacifist was sooo good. And that final boss theme legit gave me goosebumps, just because of how awesome it was.

I honestly still think Neutral is the best route, due to being a route that has much less restrictions, and also the multiple different endings it can get. In my Neutral run, I also killed Toriel, Undyne, Asgore (who was killed by Flowey) and Flowey, so my ending was also Mettaton becoming king. Plus I thought the fight with Photoshop Flowey was fantastic. I always like bosses that are a constant power struggle. Plus, the constant 4th wall breaking was genius.

I also do think you missed the point of Genocide. The whole point of the route was to make you not have fun. The constant grinding, the bosses that got one-shot, the 2 bosses who were unbelievably difficult, and the ending which was honestly unnerving, the whole route was a route that was reminding you that you are a bad person, trying to kill everyone. And while yes, Sans is a very cheap boss, the feeling of finally beating him is ooooh so satisfying.

There's also a secret 4th ending, but to get it, you have to hack the game a certain way, and open the game. All the ending is, is Sans calling you saying the game has changed or something, then he calls you a dirty hacker, then hangs up. It's a very neat little secret.
04/13/2016 2:22 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Well I beat the pacifist route.
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That wasn't even hard. After the bone and spear hell that was the genocide, I thought this one would be difficult as well. The only parts I died on were Lemon Bread and Asrial. Hell, he didn't even do much the second transformation except become edgier. At least their boss themes were good. Speaking of Asrieal, they tried way too hard to try and make feel sorry for him. So before you were Omega Flowey and tried to kill me the first time, then you became God of Hyperdeath or some stupid name and tried to kill me & my friends and Asgore, and you expect me to comfort you and forgive you? Get outta here with that mess. How anyone can legitimately like him is beyond me.

One the flip side, I see why people like Undyne, at least outside of genocide and neutral. At least she's not my least favorite character anymore. Now that belongs to Asgore. He's got nothing going for him. Hell, even his theme is lame. At least Asrial's is cool.

Pacifist also explained some stuff, like why Undyne melted after I killed her. She was too determined to not die. I was also right about the name I choose belonging to the kid at the end of genocide, whose default name I found out is Chara.

And after all that, befriending everyone, saving the monsters, saving the flower, you think everything's gonna be peachy, but nah. The game really wants you to remember, "Oh my God you killed everyone earlier! You're soooooo terrible! So now we're gonna X out everyone on your picture just to let you know how teeeeerrrrible you are and have all your friends and Asgore dead." It's honestly just annoying at this point.

Other than that, it was fine I guess. At least I don't have to worry about spoilers anymore ehh?

If I had to rate this game, I'd give it a Pretty Good.
04/13/2016 9:28 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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So what was your favorite route? I'm guessing Neutral?
04/07/2016 8:31 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Oh, well I'm not doing genocide again because don't wanna go through bone hell again. You'd have to be some sort of masochist to want to fight Sans a second time. I guess I'll try not killing anyone this time. yay...
04/07/2016 10:10 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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Going to be honest, you should of done the Pacifist route second, and Genocide last.
Ah well. I get the feeling you'll like the Soulless Pacifist ending...
04/07/2016 1:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Oh, well I'm gonna say that she's a girl, since that's what I initially thought. Frisk? That's a stupid name. Actually, that's not even a name, it's just a word. Who names there kid Frisk? Does she have a brother named Search too?

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Wait 10 minutes? Geez, all I did was kill the game, it shouldn't punish me for it!

Now as far as the genocide ending, I guess that kid that appears at the end is supposed to be me, since he was also named Urrnge. At first I thought it was just the dark side of the MC, but you just side her name was Frisk, so it's probably not that. Also, the genocide ending just seems like a bad creepypasta. Dark music, killing everything, the game coming to life (like when it was shaking), the game killing me at the end. All it was missing was the HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD.
04/07/2016 7:40 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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Honestly, I think the Neutral ending acted more like a creepypasta game. Continuously breaking the 4th wall, the game closing itself down multiple times, and Photoshop Flowey in general.

Also, did you wait for 10 minutes?
04/07/2016 8:07 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Well at least in neutral you beat the spooky stuff, while in genocide it kills you. I didn't really find Omega Flowey scary, just outta place and a bit disturbing. I like his boss theme though.

And yeah, I did the 10 minute thing. Some text appeared, which I'm assuming is from the kid from earlier, and he had to take my soul. When I booted up the game again, I expected it to be different, but it boot up like when I first bought the game. No one remembered anything, Flowey appeared at the beginning, and my red heart was still there, so whatever I guess.
04/07/2016 8:22 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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The game has now been permanently changed to "Soulless Mode". Not much changes except the ending of the Pacifist and Genocide route now. Other then that, that's it.
04/07/2016 12:33 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Kinda hard to git gud with a game that's literally cheating. And now I'm at maximum salt capacity. I out right hate Sans now. I hate his theme now too, granted I never was a big fan of it to start.

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Oh. So The after the cow king and Flowey died, some other kid that looks like the MC with her eyes open popped up, said some crap (I don't remember exactly what he said, so I gotta look up a video or something), and there was a jumpscare I wasn't expecting. The freaking game window shook. That was actually kinda neat, like before I fought Flowey the first time the name of the game changed on the window. Well I guess this guy killed me, cause the game crashed. When I opened it, there was nothing there. No menu or anything. I guess that means I actually killed the game too. Nothing happened after like 2 minutes, so I just exit. How anticlimactic. Your reward for beating a cheating-ass boss is not being able to play the game. Lame as hell.

Also, is the MC a boy or girl? I thinks it's a girl, but I'm not exactly sure...
04/07/2016 2:51 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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The kid (whos named Frisk...you would have found that out playing the Pacifist run...), is kinda genderless. You decide if Frisk is a male or a female.

Also, imma give you a hint for that problem you have,
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Leave the blank game open for about 10 minutes. Something happens. ;D
04/04/2016 8:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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I kinda hate Sans now. When I first got to Sans, I was kinda having fun and laughing it off. Now I'm honestly starting to get annoyed with this cheating-ass boss, which apparently is the only way for him to win. Like there's challenging, then there's this load of ass. It's the only boss that dodges all your attacks, so you're forced to go through all of his attacks. The only boss that gives you no invincibility frames, if you get hit, you repeatedly get hit. Get damaged during the beginning attack too much? Might as well just restart the fight, you can't afford to waste time healing yourself because you just prolong the fight and lose health items for the end where you really need it. He's the only boss that can hit you in the goddamn menu screen when it's MY turn. Apparently then couldn't just make a fair boss fight, so they just made the boss Lane it out. And then they give you the option to spare him? Who the hell would wanna spare him after all that? Plus, his boss theme is overrated, it's all about Papyrus's theme!

I'm salty as hell, but I'm not gonna reset the game now. I may be salty, but I ain't no uhh, bad word either. You know which one. I'm gonna get past him, kill him, finish the genocide run and never do another one again because screw Sans and Undyne.
Uhh, scrub rant over I guess.
04/05/2016 5:21 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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lol git gud scrub
03/30/2016 1:09 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
I hate this game again.

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Yeah! Get bent Undyne! Now you're dead! So much for all that hero nonsense! Also, it never occurred to be that it said heroine, which means that Undyne is a girl. Thought she was a dude the whole time.

When I got to Mettaton, I thought he was gonna be another boss considering they took the time to make a new song that I heard for a total of less that 10 seconds before One-Punch Man kicked in.

Despite Flowey's annoying pop ups, I was feeling pretty good. ...Then I got to Sans. I already knew about the surprise first attack, so I knew how to avoid it mostly, except for the curving bone row thing. First attack, easy enough, but that second one always gets me. I got past it once, then died to one of the later platform sections. And the game knows when you restart. I noticed first with Undyne when the dialouge went by much faster, but nah not Sans though. He mocks you. Sure it was kinda funny, but I like him a little less now. I don't out-right hate him like Undyne though.
03/30/2016 1:29 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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At first, I thought Undyne was also a male. If the game never mentioned it, I would have still thought she was a male. xD

Yeah, the Mettaton NEO fight was severely disappointing. Easily the biggest disappointment with Undertale.

Well, to be fair, Sans has every right to mock you. After all, you did kill his brother, and all his friends. Would be kinda stupid if Sans was like "meh whatever"
03/29/2016 12:07 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Yeah I'm stuck on him! This was one of the few things that wasn't spoiled for me. Well not like I was trying to avoid spoilers since I never planned on playing it initially. Anyway, I thought I was just gonna One-Punch Man my way until Sans, but then this goddamn fish guy is like, "Nah fam can't let you do that." I got the first wave up until the first set of circle spears down, but I'm working on pretty much everything else after that. I already didn't like his stupid fish face during the initial run, and I didn't like his melodramatic "Oh I'm dieing woe is me" crap after I killed him, and now this shows up. Undyne is now the worst character in this game.

Speaking of melodramatic, after reading some YouTube and Reddit comments, people are way too sensitive about killing monsters in this game. "Oh no I killed Papyrus. I'm so heartbroken! I'm gonna reset now and do another pacifist!" "Nooo! Spider-waifu that wasn't even relevant to the game. The feels!!" I get liking a character, but some people need to chill the hell out.
03/29/2016 1:01 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Some tips for that fight, and an explanation:
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I suggest you get the Googly Glasses and the Notebook Page at the Waterfall Shop, since both give the ability to make you invulnerable for longer when you get hit. I also suggest the Sea Tea, which heals 10HP, and increases your movement speed. Very helpful during the Undyne fight. Other then that, just remember her attack patterns, since Undyne's attacks are always in a pattern.

I wouldn't say people are being too sensitive. Undertale is a game that makes you care for these characters. And having to kill them can be depressing. During my playthroughs, I really liked Papyrus, but when I had to kill him in the Genocide Run, I was genuinely very upset. I do get why some people do get too sensitive, but having to kill a character you really like isn't all sunshine and rainbows.
03/28/2016 3:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
I hate this game.

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Screw you and your (admittedly cool) Touhou-ass music and your stupid DDR spears.I hate Undyne even more now.
03/28/2016 11:13 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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Let me guess

You're stuck on that boss.

lol, git gud scrub
03/28/2016 2:23 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Nah I'll be fine. The pacifist interests me the least, so I'm in no rush to do it.
03/28/2016 3:03 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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K then, your loss.
03/28/2016 1:17 am
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
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Photoshop Flowey? That's an accurate name. Now I can see avoiding the flamethrower and Vine attacks without getting hit, but the white star scatter?

And what? Do a play through without killing anyone? Nah man. That would mean I would have to spare Undyne and Flowey. I'll pass. Besides, I already started the genocide run. I don't know how people found out about it given the strict requirements though.
03/28/2016 2:02 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
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I should probably warn you that once you complete a Genocide Run, your game will change forever, unless you change the files in your computer, It's really reccommended that you do the Genocide Run last.
03/27/2016 2:51 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Well I beat the final boss.
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What the hell was up with that? After I killed the cow king, the flower crashed the game. Then I rebooted it then the flower turns into some non 8-bit thing. And it crashed if you die. Couldn't restart either. I mean yeah I beat it, but most of his attacks were unavoidable, like the white star scatter or circle bullet things. At least it's not like Touhou where you get hit once and you die.

The game was fine, but they try why too hard to make you feel bad for killing monsters. Like before I killed Undyne, he gave a drawn out monologue about failing or whatever, and then monsters kept bringing up his name in an attempt to make me feel bad. It was kinda annoying. Also, why wasn't the glam-rock robot killable. One of the few NPCs I didn't like, and I couldn't kill him...
03/27/2016 9:32 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Ok, if you wanna be spoiled about the two bosses you mentioned, just click the thingy

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The final boss is called Photoshop Flowey, and the whole point is that the boss is a power struggle. You are slowly trying to fight back control. There have been videos of people that have beaten the boss without taking a single hit.

Also, the glam-rock robot, who I think you are revering to Mettaton, is killable. During the boss fight, there is a rating system. All you have to do is not get the ratings high enough throughout the whole fight. Easiest way to do that is just not doing anything while your in your attack menu. The rating system slowly drops.

Now, since you got the Pacifist run, now do a Pacifist and Genocide run. Do the Pacifist run first. Just simply kill no-one throughout the whole playthrough. And yes, it's do-able. I was able to do it. Then do a Genocide Run. All you do there is kill every monster you can. I recommend at least opening a walkthrough, since it's easy to get out of a Genocide run. These runs are vastly different then the Neutral run.
03/26/2016 10:59 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
UrrngeThat system of you can spare anyone is a lie. You can't spare Torial. I tried to talk it out, but the cow wouldn't move, so I cut her up. At least it got her to move ehh?

If only you knew...
03/26/2016 10:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Yeah, it's all right. I see why a lot of people like it. It's funny at times, and the characters are likable. Although that system of you can spare anyone is a lie. You can't spare Torial. I tried to talk it out, but the cow wouldn't move, so I cut her up. At least it got her to move ehh?
03/26/2016 6:36 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragonborn
Urrnge's Avatar
Well despite my initial feelings toward it, I ended up getting it. All I did so far was get introduced to Torial. I'll play more a bit later. Also there's a video recently made called SANS.MP4 made by HotDiggityDemon, and I thought it was funny as hell. I'd link it, but I don't feel like getting in trouble over swearing or whatever. So yeah, y'all should go watch it!
03/26/2016 8:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Senpai
AnimeFanFTW's Avatar
Good to hear you gave the game a chance.
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