Fable Hearts | Serious Medieval-Fantasy RP Server | Looking for Plugin Developers, Builders, Lore Writers and More...

FablesoftheHeart's Avatar FablesoftheHeart1/23/24 3:20 am history
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1/27/2024 7:00 pm
WBProductions_'s Avatar WBProductions_

Was it not three decades ago that the empire fell? Calamity beset the world for a generation. Anarchy. Starvation. War. And it was we, the lowly people of these villages, that supplied the means for all these machinations to work. It was we, the commoners, that granted passage to new rulers, to new systems, to new orders. It was we, the unthought, that gave way to stories that would give us meaning once more. An empire fell yet we continued. It would be in these ruins that something different might emerge. What a doomed hope: change. Within the confines of a world that only knows violence, what change emerges for us? What stories emerge for us? When do we arrive within myths?

Another tale must be spun. One that can hold us all. A tale so exquisite in form. A tale so flexible in design. A tale so expansive that we dare not forget it. In a world created by layers and layers of hope by different folks. Perhaps a forsaken and impossible hope for something different. Yet still, it binds us to continue forward with these stories. To tell again and again another attempt, another effort, another try. For where these stories fall flat, our hearts ring true with what might have been. It is there that the beauty of it all emerges. And so it was, we offer these fables of the heart, knowing good and well that it is another attempt to weave together another world.


Fable Hearts is a serious medieval-fantasy roleplay server set on creating a dynamic space with original content and serious storytelling. Our key intents are to have rich worldbuilding and narrative cohesion, that allows for different yet integrated styles of roleplay, all while promoting quality stories. We want to be a space that players, both new and old, can arrive at and feel like they have a real shot at adding to the world. More than anything, we aim to breathe new life into the roleplay community with enticing and original narratives that any players can add onto. Not only are we determined in cultivating a community of storytellers, but we also want to ensure the space we provide is creative, interactive, and safe. It is with these ethos in place that we have been able to establish a cohesive base to work from. And we are currently looking to recruit more folks to aid in the expansion of this project.

We want folks interested in volunteering on this project to know that we understand the limits of working on a project like this. And we want to ensure that any volunteer is supported and heard in both entry into this community. Overall we want to make sure that we deliver a polished, beautiful, and impressive server to the MCRP community. And in that vein, the work we intend to do will take considerable time, effort, and care. To do that, we want to make sure that we can build a community of volunteers that cherish the art of what can be done in MCRP. To move away from monotonous cliches towards innovative and original tales. Further, we want to challenge the hegemony of OOC intrigue and center once more the world of roleplay itself. The sheer power of roleplaying has long been diminished. The hope of Fable Hearts is to once more awaken the community to the inspiratory potential of this mode of community-based storytelling.

Staff Recruitment

Technical Team - As we enter the critical development period of Fable Hearts, plugins are becoming a much needed material aspect of the server. Not only to start piecing together the mechanics of the world for future players, but to also start troubleshooting potential problems. Our goal, beyond anything else, is a complete product that is accessible to players. In that vein, we are looking for technical team members that are comfortable with plugin development and plugin management. We have many projects in mind with regards to plugins and potentially integrated mechanical systems. We also want to make sure everything that our MCRP server needs is functional. With that in mind, if you want to add onto your own technical repertoire, aid in the future of MCRP development, and partake in a well thought out new project, do join our technical team.
Narrative Team - In terms of narrative team, we are looking for folks that are capable of worldbuilding and writing. The main focus of the team is to push not only for creative narratives, but to ensure that we can weave these narratives into a cohesive and beautiful tapestry. Though most lore writers will be allowed to focus on their respective areas of lore. The narrative team serves as the descriptive foundation for an expansive and accessible world that players will want to keep coming back to. Our primary priority being to make Fable Hearts feel lived in and simultaneously a space that anyone can arrive at and mesh into (even years after server launch). If you want to work out your creative writing skills, and want to be a part of a writing community that is intent on constructing a beautiful narrative foundation, do join our narrative team.

Build Team - The build team is set on creating a consistent, alluring, and immersive world that roleplayers can fall into. Considering that this is one of the most critical components that players first see. We want to make sure that the visual product that Fable Hearts is delivering matches the elaborate yet accessible stories and mechanics we are actively working on. So for those interested in building, we are open to folks that work with large structures, large-scale planning, small structures, or perhaps detail-oriented. Beyond that, we are gladly inviting folks versed in any number of aesthetics that can abide by the medieval-fantasy genre. If you feel like you want to add onto your building repertoire, partake in a server that is committed to MCRP, and participate in a community of committed creatives, do join our build team.

Community Team - Serving as the cultural backbone of the server, the community team will lay out the infrastructure for not only new players but even old. This team will divide their time between getting new players acclimated to the scene, and keeping up to date on trends within the community. If you have a love for roleplay and are one that loves to serve as an advocate for the community we are intent on cultivating for Fable Hearts, then look no further than the community team.

This project will be seeing considerable action in the years to come. With that, we want to make sure we can build the best possible team of volunteers. Our love for serious roleplay has yet to die out. From those who have been in this community for more than a decade now to those just starting. We want to make sure that the MCRP scene has more options than the repetitive offerings. The world we hope to provide this community will offer something different, that we know for sure.


Preferred Name:
Staff Position:
Experience with roleplay (do not be discouraged if you are new to the scene):
Any further information you want to share:

If you are seeking more information than provided here or have further questions, please contact Esebius on discord.

Screenshots from the server

Posted by FablesoftheHeart's Avatar
Level 1 : New Miner

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01/27/2024 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
WBProductions_'s Avatar
Preferred Name: WB
Discord: wbproductions_
Age: 19
Staff Position: None thats been stated but I am a 3D Animator and 3D DIgital Artist
Experience with roleplay: 1 year
01/25/2024 12:47 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Panda_ThatOnePurpleGuylol's Avatar
I could be a Member of The Community Team, A Builder or a Lore-Writer. It depends on what the server needs the most. For Past work (If needed) You can view my PMC Posts and forums for The Community Team (Don't look at my YT it's really Cringey and Old). For The Lore-Writing you could look at The Book Of Red which is MY LOREEEEEEEEEEE !!! Sorry If I overreact It's my habit to shout "LOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!" every once in a while. For building well, I haven't posted anything in PMC for building but I plan on doing it soon.

For the Information wanted Above,

Preferred Name: ThatOnePurpleGuy (Call me Purple for Short)
Discord: I forgor (I prefer PMC Dm's)
Age: I don't want to specify
Staff Position: The Community Team, Builder or Lore-Writer.
Experience with roleplay: For around 15 years
Any further information you want to share: I always type in Purple if I'm speaking, If it's LOREEEEEEE !!! or something then I write in white but EVERYTHING besides that WILL be PURPLE
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