Youtube Crew

InTENsity's Avatar InTENsity1/5/13 5:40 pm
1/11/2013 8:58 pm
InTENsity's Avatar InTENsity

Minecraft: Youtube Crew Wanted

Hello to anyone that is viewing. In this post, I'll be taking applications for being in a sort of a Youtube channel of our own.

For example: We'd name the channel something creative and original, and then we'd all know the username/password to be able to access it, and then post our videos on it as you usually would, just on this channel.

Also, I'd like for you to have at least one Minecraft-related video. If you'd like to participate and join the organization, then just fill out the application below and hope for the best that you're accepted.

Youtube Application

-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13):
-What is your Youtube channel name?:
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks):
-What would you like to name the channel?:
-What videos would you most likely upload about?:
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?:

Lastly, please assure that you have a full premium Minecraft paid account. If you post an application, then I may take a while to reply, so just give me a minimum of two hours before I reply, also if you post an app really late at night, then wait till the morning. Also, your YouTube Channel will be mentioned in the newer youtube channel, as long as you'd like, but if you don't wish to have this, then please tell me.

Accepted so far

Posted by InTENsity's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack

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01/11/2013 8:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
MyCraft135246's Avatar
-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13):15
-What is your Youtube channel name?:Konradecai(Nothing there Yet)
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks): I would upload as much as I could, and I would still do 2 videos on a busy week
-What would you like to name the channel?: If I think of something good, I will tell you.
-What videos would you most likely upload about?: I would love to do tutorials and redstone, and theatrical trailers/trailers for anything.
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?:MyCraft135246

I have not made many videos yet, but I do have nice software to use. I was looking for a great place to start, and I would love to help out in anyway I can.
01/11/2013 8:58 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
Ok, you can surely help here if you'd like then. I'll p.m. the details later on throughout the week-end.

01/10/2013 10:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
movieguy719's Avatar
-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13): 14
-What is your Youtube channel name?: disneyboy3D and i don't upload anything
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks): Twice
-What would you like to name the channel?: Anything you want
-What videos would you most likely upload about?: Anything minecraft related
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?: movieguy719
01/10/2013 4:10 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
I think I'll let you in, but could you be a bit more specific with what exactly in Minecraft you would upload about, until you reply, I'll have to decide after receiving results.
01/09/2013 6:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Toast
visionofwar0's Avatar
-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13):13
-What is your Youtube channel name?:LegendcrewGameing
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks):yes
-What would you like to name the channel?:anythings fine
-What videos would you most likely upload about?:anythings good
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?:Visionofwar0
01/09/2013 7:10 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
Sorry, but no, once again sorry, and good luck on finding a group =)
01/09/2013 3:40 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
Darc_Dude-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13):13 (Just made it)
-What is your Youtube channel name?:DarcDudeIverse (I play with others)
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks):Anything I'd like to im planning on uploading one tomorrow
-What would you like to name the channel?:IDK!!! If your like me Become a Darcsider (not really)
-What videos would you most likely upload about?: Ones with my friends and me having fun
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?: Darc_Dude (Skype is also my IGN)

Sorry for a late reply! You're in though! =D
01/08/2013 10:30 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Someoneelse12345's Avatar
01/07/2013 9:51 am
Level 46 : Master Cake
iisartimis's Avatar
-almost every weekend
-i'm dreadful at naming things I'd only embarrass myself by trying
-I'd love to do a let's play but i simply can't find my own screen capture. I'm very crafty. i sew and bake, plus i was thinking of making my rendition of a minecraft cake. i could easily do a tutorial for that.
01/07/2013 9:56 am
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
You're accepted as well
01/07/2013 9:33 am
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
01/06/2013 4:01 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
TheShrubDL's Avatar
-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13): 15
-What is your Youtube channel name?: TheRadioactiveShrub (Haven't posted anything yet.)
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks): 3 at least
-What would you like to name the channel?: I can't think of anything, but I'll let you know if I do.
-What videos would you most likely upload about?: Tutorials, Playthroughs/Walkthroughs, and general messabouts
-(Edited in)What is your Minecraft IGN?: TheShrubDL
01/06/2013 4:12 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
Welcome to the cast; in other words, you're accepted.
01/09/2013 10:09 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
TheShrubDL's Avatar
Oh thank you so much you really don't know how much this means!
01/09/2013 3:42 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
No problem =)
01/06/2013 12:47 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
01/05/2013 5:58 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
PoPSHuV's Avatar
Awesome thank you very much!
01/05/2013 5:44 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
PoPSHuV's Avatar
-What is your age?(Required to be at least 13): 16
-What is your Youtube channel name?: PcGamers23 (I dont use it much)
-When would you be able to upload?(Required to upload at least once every two weeks): Anytime really. All I need is a program that I can record with.
-What would you like to name the channel?: I don't mind really. Ill leave that up to you
-What videos would you most likely upload about?: Builds I have done mostely and maybe adventures on pvp severs or having fun with you guys
01/05/2013 5:54 pm
Level 26 : Expert Lumberjack
InTENsity's Avatar
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