Don't You Hate It When A Youtube Takes Your Mod And Makes A Review WITHOUT Your Permission?

AxolotlArmy's Avatar AxolotlArmy9/2/22 6:52 pm
10/1/2022 6:10 am
Papa Enny's Avatar Papa Enny
So A Youtube Named Crosoft Took My Mod Polar Bear Cafe, And Made A Review WITHOUT My Permission, I Should Sue Him, I Even Put ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! (Whatever That Means...) Anyways Im Really Angry Because Even If It Makes My Mod More Popular He Did Not Ask For Permission :*(

Poll ended 09/12/2022 6:52 pm.

Posted by AxolotlArmy's Avatar
Level 49 : Master Fish

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09/08/2022 4:41 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Senpai
ADHCOX's Avatar
Having seen this, I'm not convinced that you aren't one and the same!
09/08/2022 3:28 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
lennonloveskawaii's Avatar
Is this the video that you are referring to? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAIMryUf7wU If so, they said that they made that and that it is their own mod.
09/08/2022 4:21 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
it is not there mod, i was the one who made it
09/08/2022 7:24 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Unicorn
lennonloveskawaii's Avatar
09/08/2022 2:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Artist
DrBeako's Avatar
Suing is an extreme action, and you should not do it unless it's absolute necessary.
If you have a problem with creator, it's always best to settle a dispute (aka compromising).

People make mistakes, sometimes a reminder is enough to fix the problem.
If you want to prevent this from happening again, consider writing a better license.
09/07/2022 6:10 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
iamwester's Avatar
if u post it to the public then its 100% ur fault
Papa Enny
10/01/2022 6:10 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
credits are credits, at least mention that you didn't make it, that's someone's work
Square Pirate
10/01/2022 6:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Crab
Square Pirate's Avatar
How is it his fault? He deserves credits for his talents at modding.
09/07/2022 6:04 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Miner
Purpl3_'s Avatar
sue him
09/07/2022 5:17 pm
Level 41 : Master Skinner
yes you should sue him you will 100% win!1!1
09/07/2022 4:56 pm
Level 40 : Master Architect
ndricim's Avatar
this is a joke right?
09/07/2022 6:16 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Wolf
GenevaDog's Avatar
No he actually means it...
09/07/2022 4:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
madamepestilence's Avatar
I'd like to formally address this in what's probably the most helpful way possible, but first I'd like to note something: It took you 6 months to notice that upload, and the poster of the video seems more than willing to cooperate ("Hi no worries tell me how, you can find your mods in the description"). You also have your own YouTube channel with multiple uploads and show an understanding of how to upload YouTube videos, yet haven't made an upload of your own mod yourself?

You also included Crosoft's video as a mod review in your own mod post so I'm a bit concerned about the validity of this. I will say that you included the phrase, "DO NOT POST ON OTHER WEBSITES," but you neglected to include whether this means posting the mod itself or uploading content about the mod. I would recommend clarifying the former.

(I also find it odd that you chose to capitalize every single word in this post, but that's completely irrelevant. Crosoft does the same thing on their own channel, so I'm also not entirely sure that you're not the same person.)

On the phrase, "All Rights Reserved:"

The phrase, "All Rights Reserved," doesn't actually hold any legal weight, and is also defunct as of August 23, 2000. It's still used, but it still has no legal effect.

On copyright law:

Crosoft hasn't actually violated any laws, but I will note that in countries where the rights of the Berne Convention applies, (any countries except Western Sahara, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Cambodia, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea, New Caladenia (French territory), Franz Joseph Land, Cabo Verde, São Tomé and Príncipe, and Antarctica,) copyright is automatic and doesn't require any official registration through any legal office.

If you'd like to learn more about how Copyrights work:

Copyright government site on what copyright is
Copyright government site on the actual copyright law

On suing:

There's no point in suing. Lawyers and lawsuits are incredibly expensive and you'll lose precious time and money over this. Just tell them how they can credit you (such as including your name and a link to your PMC and your mod upload in their description) and rest.

Personal opinion:

You are severely overreacting. It's just a 24 second non-verbal mod review, and while they did claim to make it, ("Polar Bear Cafe Is My All Time Favorite Anime, And It's Awesome! I Got The Idea To Make It In Minecraft, And Here It Is!" which again implies it might just be you,) you can just have them remove that line and credit you, and, again, they seem very willing to cooperate.
Papa Enny
09/08/2022 11:58 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
Are you studying law or you just interested in that topic. You explained it really good and exactly adressed the problem, result of the suing
09/08/2022 6:40 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Artist
madamepestilence's Avatar
I have a lot of obscure knowledge in many topics but I do tend to extensively pay attention to the law considering I'm in a complicated legal situation myself (TLDR the IRS messed up my legal information somewhere and I now have to correct it in multiple legal offices).

For this topic however, I had a bit of a rudimentary understanding of the topic, but before fully engaging in conversation about something that carries such weight, I actively do research while discussing it and provide sources for it.

This may be related to me making it to state in Debate in high school but I digress - although I will say my method of actively researching and providing multiple sources has peeved many a person.
Papa Enny
09/07/2022 9:28 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
- If he used your mod without any kind of credit or even claimed it(repost), so there is a reason of being kinda angry. You could mention the fact that he should give some credit. If he credits you because he forgot or something - it's fine, BUT If he would act agressive or "I have that deep", I would react with a report.
+ But if he made a review, shared his opinion, gave you feedback, in your place I would feel honoured that my mod is enough good to get any feature. Some people have to beg for being noticed.
* Suing would give you more problems than it is really worth. Imagine waiting and "sh*tting" with the whole procedures and judgements. Lawyers don't belong to the cheapest employees. Is it worth the time, nerves and money?

That's my point of view on this thread. I am open for the opinions of others
09/07/2022 10:20 am
Level 34 : Artisan Wolf
GenevaDog's Avatar
Papa Enny was right when he said "Some people have to beg for being noticed" And I'm one of those people. If someone who had even just 1 subscriber was using my skin I'd freak out because I don't get noticed, so I'd know than that someone actually likes my work. I think that even though I'm a justice dwelling doggy and wanted to say sue him, you should be grateful (whoever the heck this guy is) noticed you. Just some thoughts! :D
09/07/2022 9:36 am
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
Ok! Thank You For Posting Your Opinion!
Papa Enny
09/07/2022 9:38 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat
Papa Enny's Avatar
You are welcome
09/07/2022 8:02 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Ijd's Avatar
Based on how you are acting in these comments I am
guessing you used mcreator for the mods, if you did than you have no control at all. When you make a mod through mcreator (or any other mod code generator the code generator has ownership over the mod, not you
09/07/2022 9:16 am
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
Oh! I did not know that! thank you for posting that
09/07/2022 12:43 am
Level 26 : Expert Pirate
elektropunch's Avatar
If I found any of my creations like the Nether Crimson Creeper or my Pixelmon maps on another server or youtube video... I'd be elated

Now if they didn't provide credit or tried to claim it as their own, that'd piss me off
09/07/2022 12:02 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Meme
TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
Mate this is literally fair use, you made it public for everyone to use, he linked and credited you, calm down
09/07/2022 9:16 am
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
he did after i asked him
09/06/2022 11:08 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Ijd's Avatar
This used to happen to me all the time when i did mods about 3 years ago. You cant really do anything about it. Suing would be a major waste of money and time (and may not even work as your legal rights inside minecraft are iffy) maybe try reaching out to him and ask him to credit you or provide a link to the mod in the video description, if that isnt the problem and you just dont want him making a review in general then you cant do anything about that as your mod is posted publicly. But if it is the credit being gone and he isnt doing anything about it lmk and i can help
09/06/2022 11:11 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Ijd's Avatar
Oh nah you are just mad that he posted it. He litteraly linked your mod and everything. You posted your mod publicly so he’s perfectly allowed to do this under fair use. If you weren’t prepared for people reviewing you shouldn’t post a mod publicly in the first place
09/02/2022 7:27 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
What is the video let me check
09/02/2022 7:29 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
09/02/2022 7:33 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
It could have easily been a mistake plus they technically aren't obligated to cite it (although they should)
09/02/2022 7:33 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
:( Im Still Mad
09/02/2022 7:30 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
top one bad,bottom one good
09/02/2022 7:30 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
bottom one approved by me
09/02/2022 7:39 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Blacksmith
TheCrypteral's Avatar
So you're judging the dishonourableness by the quality of each?
09/02/2022 7:40 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
no i approved the other one
09/02/2022 7:19 pm
Level 49 : Master Fish
AxolotlArmy's Avatar
He Even Copied The Description Of My Mod
09/07/2022 8:07 am
Level 37 : Artisan Engineer
Ijd's Avatar
That’s good! He’s trying to help your mod grow. I am guessing you are young and haven’t had your mods reach a lot of YouTube publicity. You should protect your mod with a Creative Commons license. Thatll tell people what they can or can not do (make sure they credit you, not allowed to distribute your mod on any other source than your official ones) what you gotta look out for is people who don’t credit at all(a lot of Russian mod reviewers tend to not and I’ve had that issue before) but videos where they credit you are really good and I’ve gotten major growth on my mod and even some YouTuber friends from those
09/02/2022 7:08 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Network
Roos-skywalker's Avatar
It's called Fair Use. https://support.google.com/legal/answer/4558992?hl=en
If you don't want people to use or see or talk about your mod don't publish it publicly.

Fragile egos like yours are very trollable. So here is my piece of advice to keep them off your back: leave them alone.
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