I got my crush’s number (through unconventional means)!

IGEBM's Avatar IGEBM2/20/23 1:03 am history
5/25/2023 10:49 pm
blackconverses's Avatar blackconverses
This story will be broken up into four parts: context, a “Normal” Talk, the Stella Situation, and the Zoey Operation. Also, I’m in California (and on PT instead of ET) staying at my best friend’s house.

To understand some of the stuff I’m about to write about, you need context. So, here’s a few mini-stories. Last April (2022), Stella (my crush) kicked a soccer ball that ended up hitting Noah (my best friend) in the head. Since then, he’s had a grudge against her. Now, him, Bria, and Zoey (my best friends) all know I like Stella. Noah, meanwhile has had several crushes, but he currently likes 2 girls, both of which go to my school (which is across the country). These girls are Zoey and Maddie. We didn’t really focus on his feelings for Maddie, but rather on his crush on Zoey. Thirdly, I may have told Zoey how Noah feels about her, but no one knows I told her that, and we’ve agreed to pretend that I never sent that text. Fourthly, Noah’s had a grudge against this (white) girl named Emmy for a while now. She used to be Bria’s best friend when they were younger, but then Emmy moved and went to other campus of our school, becoming friends with Kaylah. She has since abandoned her for Giusi (who can’t read the word “mother”) and Kate.

A “Normal” Talk
Me and Noah called Bria on my phone, and we tried to get Zoey on the call, but she said she’d call in an hour to an hour and 30 minutes. While we talked to Bria, Noah’s siblings Ella (4 years younger than him) and Jacob (8 years younger than him) were driving us crazy. We had to run from them. Eventually, we managed to escape Noah’s room, but by then, Jacob had already lifted up the dress of one of Ella’s Barbies.

The Stella Situation
So, I managed to convince Noah to tell Bria about his crushes over the years (he had a new one in every grade), and Bria said, “I already know one of them.” Noah then began kicking me in the shins when he found out I told Bria about his feelings for Zoey. Anyways, Noah said all of his crushes, and then he asked Bria if she could Emmy and Stella to the call so he could yell at them. Bria didn’t add Emmy, and was nervous about adding Stella because the call notification would show up with her name, so she texted me her contact (!) and Noah added her to the call. She didn’t join, which was good. We eventually moved into Ella’s room and talked, which was where we formulated a plan to find out if Zoey liked Noah, despite me telling him I had asked Zoey last month if she liked anyone (it was what prompted me to tell her I liked Stella) and she had told me no.

The Zoey Operation
So, here’s the plan: we’re gonna get Zoey on the call, I’m gonna turn my camera and mic off and tell Zoey me and Noah are getting snacks, but in reality, we’re listening to Bria ask Zoey questions about her crushes and stuff like that. The operation was delayed by 5 minutes because Zoey was in a taxi and 5 minutes away from home. We did manage to get her on the call, and then I said, “Yeah, me and Noah are gonna go downstairs and get some snacks.” Then, I turned off my mic and camera and we listened. However, as Bria was questioning Zoey, a problem arose. Noah wanted to hold my phone to listen better, but Zoey was texting me because I had warned her earlier that Bria might question her, and now she was asking if we were actually still in the room listening to the conversation. I managed to keep the phone away from him long enough to tell her to stop texting me and turn off all notifications from Zoey. Then, Bria asked her, “So, do you like Noah?” And I will never, and I mean never, forget what she said: “As a friend.” That was kinda sad, but we kept listening. Then, Bria started texting me about what she should say. (I’ll write the conversation later.) I told her to play it cool. She talked to her for a bit more, then told me to tell Noah to tell Zoey, “LIKE A MAN.” (The text was in all caps.) We then turned my camera back on and talked for a bit, before ending the call.
Posted by IGEBM's Avatar
Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster

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05/24/2023 5:07 am
Level 1 : New Miner
davyjhoneshere's Avatar
I also got my crush number but I have been 1 step forward than you, I used to love her figure but when I met her then I came to know that she wears corset designed by wholesale waist trainers usa and she had a fat tummy. Now what should I do? Should I take her to gym with me or should I accept her with her corset?
05/24/2023 6:47 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I don't think it's right to not like someone just because of the shape of their body. Is that the only reason you like her, or do you also like her personality and stuff like that?

Also, according to this article "These garments also have several associated risks, including breathing difficulties, digestion issues, and organ damage due to long-term use." You should probably ask her if she knows that.
03/11/2023 11:40 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat
blackconverses's Avatar
Thats a lot of words
05/24/2023 6:48 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
well I write long stories
05/25/2023 10:49 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Mlem Mlem Bat
blackconverses's Avatar
I've observed
02/20/2023 1:33 pm
Level 46 : Master Baconator
LegendarySi's Avatar
This is some mission impossible type stuff XD
03/11/2023 11:35 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I should’ve played the theme quietly on my phone…
05/24/2023 6:49 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
LegendarySi (I know you're banned) or I could have played Metallica's "I Disappear" from the MI 2 soundtrack-
02/20/2023 1:47 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Agreed the entire operation was tense

However Zoey knows we were behind the camera (and she had a hunch anyways so she would’ve figured it out at some point)
02/20/2023 1:45 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
ye it does sound like it
02/20/2023 11:20 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
Did Noah tell Zoey???
02/20/2023 11:22 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
The current plan is for him to tell her when he visits in May (because his school year is August to May)

But also, he doesn’t have a phone, and from what I’ve heard, long-distance relationships can be tricky sometimes

maybe I’ll tell Stella at the end of this school year or the beginning of the next
02/20/2023 12:25 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
02/20/2023 12:25 pm
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
Ok. Wish you luck!
03/11/2023 11:37 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
I’m considering texting her over the summer, because then if I did it over the weekend, I’d be in for some questions from Stella on Monday
02/20/2023 11:11 am
She/Her • Level 40 : Master uwu Robot
Tzyber's Avatar
Couldn't you have just asked?? 🤨
02/20/2023 11:13 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
i was planning to

but then this call happened
02/20/2023 11:04 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
02/20/2023 11:08 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
You know, I actually got my crush's number too. I mean, sometimes I text her and sometimes I just kinda talk with her. So I wish you luck with Stella! (And no, me and my crush are just friends, and she is NOT my girlfriend)
02/20/2023 11:12 am
Level 28 : Expert Ninja
Commander_The_Fox's Avatar
Also, you know in the story where Bria asked Zoey does she like Noah and then she siad "only as a friend''? That's what happened to me when I told my crush (by the way, my crush's name is Elisa).
02/20/2023 10:48 am
Level 37 : Artisan Scribe
OrderOutOfChaos's Avatar
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