Battle for The Enchanted Netherite Trophy P11 - Capture the Showroomdomain

GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist4/21/22 10:58 am history
4/22/2022 11:43 pm
GoldenScientist's Avatar GoldenScientist
IMPORTANT: I'm so sorry if this chapter is lower quality than the others. I was in a rush, but I'm trying to save it. I promise that I will make P12 much better.
Thank you viewers, voters, and all who read this and voted.
Welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. If you missed the first part, let me catch you up.

A select group of 30 Minecraft mobs are competing in a big contest to win the ENCHANTED NETHERITE TROPHY. You are one of the
judges of the contest. As the organizer of the contest, it is my job to tell you the rules of the contest. The rules are as follows:

  • One mob is eliminated in each contest unless otherwise noted.
  • You (the judge) will vote on who is eliminated.
  • Eliminated mobs can rejoin in special rejoining votes.
  • The last mob remaining wins.

Read the rest of the series
View the Collection here!

Here are the contestants
Team #1: Alleviation
- Allay
- Copper Golem
- Glare
- Axolotl

- Moobloom
- Cow
- Mooshroom
- Phantom
- Warden

Team #2: The Raiders (& the raided)
- Pillager
- Vindicator
- Evoker
- Iceologer
- Villager
- Iron Golem

Team #3: Everyone Else
- Cat

- Bee
- Enderman
- Piglin
- Wolf

- Tadpole
- Vex
- Piglin Brute
- Goat
- Glow Squid
- Ravager
- Illusioner
- Frog
- Wandering Trader
- Hoglin

Evoker stands on her balcony practicing her violin. Allay is also out on her own balcony watering her hanging plants when she hears Evoker playing. She continues watering the plants but looks over. Evoker, however, is unaware that she has a spectator. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind snatches her sheet music and blows it onto the patio furniture of the porch directly next to Allay's. She does not hesitate to retrieve the paper and return it to Evoker.
'Hey Eve. I believe this is yours. I brought it back to you," Allay says.
"Huh? Were- were you.. Watch me practice? Oh.. oh yeah. Thanks for bringing back my notes," Evoker said with hesitation in her voice.
"I was watering my plants and heard you practicing. I couldn't help but notice,"
"Aliea... oh, are you alright with me calling you that?" Evoker asks.
"Absolutely. Were you going to say something?" Allay responds, holding onto the balcony railing so she wouldn't have to fly.
"Yeah... You were spectating. I guess it's alright. I just don't like playing in front of people because I'm afraid that I might mess up,"
"It's alright. You are really skilled, and the way you play that violin... you sound incredible when you play!" Allay exclaimed.
"Thank you. I believe that we should get ready for the elimination. I don't know where we should go, but we'll find out soon enough,"
The participants head to the courtyard where some workers wait for them. They are then instructed to go to the subway station. The contestants are confused but head there anyways.
Hello, and welcome back to the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Now, you guys may be wondering why we are doing today's elimination in the subway station, but I'll explain that later. Also, regarding what I said last time about one of the bottom two joining The Raiders (& the raided), but after some reevaluation with the other staff, we have made a decision and we have made it final - The Raiders (& the raided), you guys will not be getting one of the bottom two members of Everyone Else. Sorry for any inconvenience that may cause, but the choice is final. Anyways, back to the elimination. Today, I am excited to say that we got a total of 17 votes this time, which means that not only did the vote count go up once again, but this also sets an all-new record for the most votes in a single episode. This breaks our previous record of 16 votes in the first episode!
So, anyway, the prizes for today are Neon Confetti Bouncy Balls that I bought in bulk from Oriental Trading. They were cheap and this game costs a lot of money to run. If you are safe, you get a ball, and if you are not, then you don't get a ball.
Let's see who will be leaving the game today!

The first one safe is Enderman, who didn't receive a single vote this time. He was the only one who got no votes, so he gets a ball. He catches a purple ball mid-air.
The next safe at just one vote from KaiOceansword is Piglin. She gets a red ball.
"Yes! I'm safe! I will continue to improve myself and pull my weight on my team," she announces.

KaiOceansworld says: Well, if this team wants to win, the weakest got to go. Hoglin, strongest in the team. Enderman, can teleport around. Cat, scare away Creepers. Wolf, fast killer. Bee, sting very painfully. Piglin, hmm...

I vote for Piglin

Tied for third are our cat and dog. Cat and Wolf, you two are safe with two votes. Here are some balls to play with. Don't choke on them.
Now, today history is made. For all the times that your team has been up for elimination, Bee has been the only one to never receive a vote - until now. Zibonzi, Veillax, and one other person who didn't comment about it cast the first-ever votes for Bee. Regardless, she is safe with only three votes.
So that means that Hoglin will leave the game at an astonishing 9 votes. Also, a shout-out to Darkfap who I believe has voted for Hoglin all six times that Everyone Else has been up for elimination. Goodbye Hoglin. Shall we have barbeque pork chops in the food court today?
Here are some comments I wanted to feature today before the train arrives:
Kefaku says: Wait, so Pillager played Rush E on one piano BY HIMSELF? That's impossible.
Mark Rober's piano almost went up in flames while playing Rush E (I'm referring to this video) and I doubt something other than a machine can come even close to playing Rush E.
When a member The Raiders (& the raided) is up for elimination next time I think I'll have to vote him out for cheating.

Today I'll vote for Cat. Endermen are just some of my favourite mobs, I can't vote for him. Hoglin sacrificed himself for the team (when they served food made from him). I respect that and therefore can't vote for him and Bees are just way to cute to be eliminated.
SEfaught says: hoglin must aliven't
Veillax says: Bees are kinda annoying tbh, i can't just get some honey from them without dying ;-; im gonna vote them out, also, does anyone know how to get the honey from bees w/out dying?
FamiliarNameMissing says: Wolf, because he/they are cute but he/they dies by some mob if tamed and attacked Iron Golem, Bee, Monsters, Wither, Warden(he/they coming soon in 1.19), Ender Dragon...
Totodile says: Get that hairy hog outta here! He’s killed me many times. This is my revenge!!
(also please don’t vote wolf, i have a dog)
SaraTheChef says: never liked the hoglin much anyways

And once again, I'd like to thank all of my supporters!

Thank you to these users for commenting/voting on the game!
SEfaught The Aerial



Well, looks like the train is here, so I'd like the guards to take Hoglin out of here, and for everyone else to get on the train. And also, we might dissolve the teams since Alleviation has an unfair advantage over the other two teams. Also, congrats to you participants for making it into the final twenty. Forget it. If we are dissolving teams, it isn't gonna happen right now. Get on the train.
The subway train's doors close and it chimes. This is a 7000 series train. Step back, doors closing

Now it's time to explain what is happening. We are riding this train today because today's contest is off-campus and is on a different facility, but rest assured, I own that campus also.

Now onto today's game

The train comes to a stop.
Doors opening. Please step back to allow passengers to exit.
Everyone exits the train and heads up to the other facility. This campus is larger and seems very futuristic. Soon, a bus comes, and everyone boards it. The bus takes everyone to where the contest will be. Then, the bus stops in front of a very large blue, white, and yellow building.
"Oh my gosh. We are at IKEA. Why in the world are we at IKEA?" Pillager asks. "Please tell me that you guys won't leave me in the warehouse like my dad did when I was younger!"
No worries. All participants will be coming back to the main campus. Today's challenge will be a land grabbing and defense game. You will claim and defend parts of the store as 'outposts'. You may take any area and try to defend it. You can also take outposts from other teams and players. You can use anything in the store to defend and take outposts. Use your team flags to mark outposts. You guys have four hours, and at the end of four hours, we will measure the total area covered by your outposts. The team that captures the least amount of space will be up for elimination. When you guys start, there will be a 30-minute grace period so no attacking other team's outposts. Also, the workers in the IKEA can take any outpost that they want, but you can also recruit them to defend your team's outposts. Keep in mind that they won't do it for free.

The time starts now!

"We can't afford to lose again. Let's take the bathrooms. I'm planning on taking the women's restroom by the cafe. I doubt Evoker or Allay would even try to capture it," Piglin whispers to Enderman.
"Great idea. I'll take the men's room. If you don't mind, I'll teleport into the women's room and lock it. If we lock the bathroom doors from the inside, the other teams can't capture them!" Enderman replies.
"Yeah, but didn't the host lady say something about the workers? I'm sure they have the keys..." Piglin says, putting a turquoise flag in the women's restroom.
Enderman doesn't reply, as he is busy claiming the other restroom as an outpost.
Just as Piglin is done setting up the flag in the bathroom, Evoker walks in.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?! It's the grace period and you can't take this outpost from me!" Piglin shouts.
"Um... I wasn't planning on taking this outpost from you. I just need to take care of something and then I'll leave. Don't be surprised, because you did decide to set your outpost up in a restroom," Evoker replies.

Allay looks at Copper Golem and Glare. "We should take Småland. I can fly in there and put a flag up," she says.
"Sounds like a plan. I'll run upstairs and get some stuff from the kid's section. I'm sure it can help us!" Copper Golem replies.
He quickly runs up the stairs into the children's area showroom. Upon investigating his surroundings, he grabs a large stuffed tiger and runs over to one of the showroom cubicles in the kid's section. The room has a loft bed and some toys, and he quickly throws down the tiger and marks the room as an outpost for his team.
Downstairs, Allay has convinced one of the guards to defend the Småland outpost in extange for a muffin. She lets them in and flies over to the nearby store map and throws a blue flag with a yellow plus over it. She also grabs all the paper maps and brings them back to Småland.
"Hey Ali! You sure did that quick. Now, what are we gonna do with all of these maps?" Glare asks upon her return to the outpost.
"I don't know. I'm going to leave these ones here, and we could take some to use ourselves. There's still more maps in here that need to be hidden, but for now we should focus on getting more outposts," Allay replies.
"Right! Let's head to the Marketplace!"
The members of Alleviation press forward on their mission to claim the most space in the IKEA.

Pillager stands in front of the self-serve. Ceiling-high shelves of boxed furniture surround him. "Still haunts me to this day, but I must do this for the team!"
Iron Golem looks down at him before heading into the warehouse. The other teammates follow, but Vindicator calls them back.
"Um, guys? Have any of you seen Evelyn? Did she wander off somewhere?" he asks.
"Come to think of it...." Villager says, "I haven't seen her since the game started. Where in the world could she be?"
"I'm sure she's fine. She went upstairs to use the bathroom, but I don't know if she came back down," Iceologer adds.
Putting the topic of Evoker's whereabouts to rest, the other members of The Raiders (& the raided) enter the warehouse.
Upstairs, Evoker wanders around the showroom, taking notes and observing. It doesn't take long for her to find the display room that Copper Golem had claimed as an outpost.
"Ah ha! An outpost free for the taking!" she exclaims as she captures the room. Before leaving, she pushes a dresser against the opening of the room. "Now back to what I was doing..." she sighs.
As she heads further back into the showroom, she makes sure to claim four of the staff computer areas as outposts, hiring three guards each to defend them.

Outside of the store, a storm brews. Strong winds start blowing and it starts raining, and from inside, the sound of thunder can be heard.
"I can sense that a bad storm has arrived," Warden says.
Evoker is running from the showroom and accidentally crashes into him. Without even thinking, Warden attacks. While not having enough time to dodge the attack, Evoker reacts quickly by grabbing one of her totems. It only takes Warden one strike to activate it.

There is a loud crash of thunder, and suddenly, the lights are out.
"I don't like how this is going... It's really dark in here now..." Glare states.
"Yeah... depending on how we put this, it could either be an advantage or a disadvantage," Allay replies.
"Don't worry. I'll go try to capture some outposts! I excel in the darkness!" Phantom exclaims, flying off to find another outpost.
Meanwhile, the other participants are just as confused.

"How are we supposed to defend this outpost when we can't see anything?!" Villager exclaims
"We should've gotten flashlights..." Pillager replies.
"Ugh. I can't stay here any longer. I'm going to look for Eve," Vindicator says, walking out.
"Great. Now he's gone too," Villager says angrily.

Back in the marketplace, Glare and Copper Golem look around restlessly while Evoker and the other members of Alleviation try to figure out a plan.
"I was going to get furniture from the warehouse and build watch stations, but... this happened and now it's too dark to see anything," Evoker explains.
"Oh. I see. My team came here in hope that we could-" Allay tries to respond, but is cut off.
Phantom flies into the marketplace, Piglin and Enderman chasing them.
"Any success?" Copper Golem asks.
"Yeah! I took a room that one of the Raiders had claimed up in the kid's section, but those two took it from me right away!" Phantom responds.

At this point, everyone is confused. Just to make things easier, and to save time, the timer will be cut short. The game is over, so it is time to see how many outposts you guys got.
It looks like Alleviation only got one outpost. Everyone Else got three, and The Raiders (& the raided) got seven. That means that Alleviation will be up for elimination.
Also, Allay has immunity for some reason. I don't know when she got immunity, but whatever. She won't be up for elimination.
Since the storm is still pretty bad, and there is flooding, we will be staying here for the night. You guys can sleep in the showroom and the other staff and I will get things cleaned up and make this crappy situation the best for you guys. Also, I'm sorry about today's contest. Things didn't go as planned, but I will be absolutely sure to keep things right next time. Also, if you guys need anything from the main campus like clothes, a guard over there will be bringing it over. I really appreciate their efforts to help us make the best out of being stuck in an IKEA store. It's actually been a childhood dream of mine to do this, and I've finally gotten an opportunity to do what I could've done at any time after I obtained this property.

Vote on a member of Alleviation to be eliminated. Whoever gets the most votes will leave the Battle for the Enchanted Netherite Trophy. Part 12 will be released when voting for this is over.

Poll ended 04/25/2022 10:58 am.

Posted by GoldenScientist's Avatar
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl

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04/22/2022 11:09 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
Allay is so sweet and her team is so amazing.
The word 'alleviate' is a synonym for 'allay', and the team's color is blue... Is this a coincidence? Did her team name it for her, because she seems too modest to name it 'alleviation' after herself. Perhaps her friends decided to name it that - she did win the mob vote.
How did all the teams get their names and how were they formed? I'd be intrested in knowing!~
04/22/2022 11:43 pm
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Not a coincidence. The word 'alleviate' is used to define 'allay' on Google, sooooo.....
04/22/2022 10:17 am
They/Them • Level 39 : Artisan Procrastinator Mage
Greief's Avatar
Phantoms can only fly and maybe bite you, but they’re just an annoyance. KICK THEM TO THE SUN
04/21/2022 9:06 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Dolphin Warrior
KaiOceansword's Avatar
When I build at night, Phantoms attack me
04/21/2022 5:50 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Farmer
StarbucksLatias's Avatar
phantoms suck
04/21/2022 5:08 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Procrastinator
SaraTheChef's Avatar
if we can’t get rid of phantoms in the actual game then might as well get them out now
04/21/2022 3:25 pm
Level 23 : Expert Explorer
ImQuiting404's Avatar
04/21/2022 1:55 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pokemon
Totodile's Avatar
Alleviation up for Elimination… Can we all just take a second to admire that they have only been up for elimination twice now, since this is the second time.

Copper Golem and Glare are actually really nice and helpful. They should stay.
Axolotl, Moobloom and Cow. Sure, they don’t do much, but they’re cool.
Also, the Warden is very powerful. He is their protector.

Phantoms are plain annoying, I don’t know why they are even in the game.
So, get that insomnia-hating vampire out of here!
04/21/2022 12:34 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Princess
TheEvokerQueen's Avatar
it's not a mistake, it's a star_borderMASTERPEICEstar_border
also, phantom. axolotls and mooblooms are cute
04/21/2022 1:59 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Pokemon
Totodile's Avatar
Phantoms are kinda adorable … if you think vampires are cute.
04/21/2022 11:56 am
She/Her • Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor Magical Girl
GoldenScientist's Avatar
Axolotls are cute, but they haven't helped
04/21/2022 11:31 am
Level 45 : Master Procrastinator
Darkfap's Avatar
Flowery cow is pointless!!
04/21/2022 1:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Nerd
Kefaku's Avatar
Moobloom doesn't seem to do anything interesting and/or helpful in this battle.
Sus Sus
04/21/2022 6:59 pm
Level 29 : Expert Sus
Sus Sus's Avatar
04/21/2022 11:28 am
Level 31 : Artisan Theorist
Zibonzi's Avatar
Mmm... That colorful lizard has to go. He seems to be, by far, the weakest one on this team.
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