How the Heck Does Display Rotation Work?? (edited)live_help

Dermugettum's Avatar Dermugettum10/21/23 9:44 pm history
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11/29/2023 7:31 pm
Dermugettum's Avatar Dermugettum
I was excited when Block Display and Item Display entities were added to the game. Only problem is...I don't know how to use them.

Now, getting them to display the particular block/item and adding tags to the said item makes sense. What's hard is animating the entities. The "transformation" and "interpolation" tags have some of the worst documentation on them on both the parts of Mojang and Minecraft Wiki. You'd think they'd use clear English to explain what the NBT tags do, not the technical jargon garbage.

Ok, so I've learned how to animate display entities using "interpolation". But, I still don't know how to rotate them properly. Apparently there's something called quaternion form and it's making my entities change sizes while rotating and they don't even rotate to the amount they should be going. There's a 4th number that has to be changed with the x, y, or z value that I'm changing to get a rotation...but I don't know what in God's name it is! Those dipsticks at Mojang are making this animating process so much harder than it needs to be. I've even used the online transformation viewer to see what numbers I'd apparently need, but it won't let me get to or above 1, so I can't even see what the fourth number should be to do a 180 rotation.

I just want to be able to "animate" display entities so I can make swinging arms, legs, or something like that for custom mobs I'm making in a datapack. Is there a decent video or post out there that can tell me how I'm supposed to make this work? I've been pulling my hair trying to figure this out.
Posted by Dermugettum's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Miner

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11/29/2023 7:31 pm
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Dermugettum's Avatar
Hey, I updated this post like over a month ago. Any ideas on how to fix this rotation issue?
10/24/2023 8:08 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
imalittlhigh's Avatar
if u want animation, set the interpolation_duration, and interpolation_start (might not be exactly written that way, but named similar)

then merge the transformation data to the display entity.
It will then animate to the new transformation in the set amount of ticks after the set amount of ticks (the start thing) after it got the merge

hope that kinda helped.

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