Your most epic minecraft moment?

TaiserRY's Avatar TaiserRY12/11/11 2:10 pm
12/13/2011 6:05 pm
Ralph23's Avatar Ralph23
Im just a bit bored so lets share our most epic minecraft moments.
Mine is probably on a faction server when i took out a base with 4 people it was only an npc village but i just killed them all took their land and stuff.
Posted by TaiserRY's Avatar
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal

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12/13/2011 6:05 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
Ralph23's Avatar
I found the admin town. The admins had recently made d**ks of themselves by setting the forest on fire and blaming me, then trapping me underground. I griefed the town.
12/13/2011 6:59 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Technomancer
Zobmondo's Avatar
I was on a server and someone asked everyone what texturepacks they were using and 2 people said they were using my pack while i was reading it a creeper kept me company.... D:
12/13/2011 6:44 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Taco
mrhow2minecraft's Avatar
I fell into a ravine only to find a building made of iron blocks at the corner of it. It was factions land, but I claimed their land and griefed everything. 12 stacks of iron, 4 stacks of gold. I had just started too
12/13/2011 6:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
CloakedShadow's Avatar
I fell into a ravine full of mobs (Creepers, Skeletons, Zombies, Endermen, Spiders), fought them off with a stone sword and lived!
12/13/2011 5:50 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Nerd
DoctorWoo's Avatar
This. I literally danced around my living room like an idiot once I got this bloody door working.
12/13/2011 5:36 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
JacobDividedBy0's Avatar
Mine was when my faction finished our wall around our city, it was nice, safe and light enough for no mobs.But then this mean admin came and world edited lava and all of our wall away in an instant, out of the 20 or so members of our faction I was the only one that lived.
12/13/2011 5:41 am
Level 37 : Artisan Demolitionist
JKConquerer's Avatar
Sounds horrible
12/13/2011 5:12 am
Level 37 : Artisan Demolitionist
JKConquerer's Avatar
One of Two
1) When I went on a server and there was a guy who had downloaded my skin from PMC and was wearing the same one as me
2) When i decided to go suicidal on a new world straight away, dig straight down and found diamond in 10 minutes of starting the map
12/13/2011 5:07 am
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
Luthery's Avatar
When i quick shot a creeper in the head in 1.0.0 and than sprint and pushed the creeper down from a mountain, but i pushed to much and fell too, But i had luck.. I landed in water and the creeper landed on land, Two blocks away from me! It was AMAZING! xD
12/13/2011 2:41 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
Scolez's Avatar
12/13/2011 1:11 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Modder
fabricator77's Avatar
Killed the first two Blazes I found with minimal damage and walked away with a blaze rod. Someone said they were hard to kill.
12/12/2011 4:15 pm
Level 74 : Legendary Button Pusher
Avalanche_Ali's Avatar
finishing this: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/statue-of-liberty-74968/ and watching my friend fail epically on parkour maps =]
Dune Jumper
12/12/2011 4:13 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Dune Jumper's Avatar
When I heard spiders in a abandoned mine, I could tell they were below me, So I started digging. Next thing I know I was slowly sliding down spider webs with hungry spiders under me! Then I broke the webs, Killed a horde of spiders, Then got the spider.
Dune Jumper
12/12/2011 4:12 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Explorer
Dune Jumper's Avatar
When I heard spiders in a abandoned mine, I could tell they were below me, So I started digging. Next thing I know I was slowly sliding down spider webs with hungry spiders under me! Then I broke the webs, Killed a horde of spiders, Then got the spider.
12/12/2011 4:06 pm
Level 20 : Expert Artist
zach0ary's Avatar
idk if this is a epic minecraft moment but... when i found iron ore and then i died from nothing. then someone saw something run past them and thought it was me so i sad it probably was herobrine
12/12/2011 4:03 pm
Level 43 : Master Fox
Fokkusu's Avatar
When I quit and didn't play for several months. I felt pretty proud.
12/12/2011 3:51 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Sailor
IronToastBot's Avatar
When I ate toast as a victory meal after jumping into The End.
Me: Om Nom Nom... :3

*epic boss fight ensues*
12/12/2011 3:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
DinoHunter10's Avatar
When I created an extremely powerful faction only to watch it fall the the ground due to all of the admins teaming up on me because my faction killed most of the players on the server at least once.
12/12/2011 1:41 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Crafter
SmokeGunner's Avatar
When I joined a minecraft war and invented a ghast bomber using movecraft to obliterate the enemies stronghold.
12/12/2011 5:20 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pony
hiddengamer2's Avatar
when i went on a server, enterd a player vs monster areana and i killed so many monsters my reward was a diamond sword to use outside the areana but then there was a new map and my hous kept on getting griefed i dont even go on that server anymore! double
Zerg Rush
12/12/2011 5:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Zerg Rush's Avatar
My dirty house.. when it was..

12/12/2011 5:11 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Pokemon
unitys's Avatar
my epic moment was when i raided a (sort of) castle with someone they started shooting arrows so i ran to cover, while i was there a creeper followed me, so i ran to the wall and letted the creeper explode and thats how we got in we killed them and claimed their castle i found a stack of iron ingots some golden ingots and alot of food no diamonds though
12/12/2011 4:59 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Princess
hot_sauce's Avatar
When I was stair casing down to diamond layer on my first night in my new 1.9 world. Hit no caves and ran straight into a vein of 7 diamonds, then a few blocks away was a spider dungeon Never expected that on the first day xD
12/12/2011 4:35 am
Level 72 : Legendary Artist
filipsps's Avatar
I mined my very first 3 diamonds, I made a diamond pick axe and wanted to mine an obsidian under my legs. When the obsidian broke i felt in lava with all my gold, iron, coal, diamond pick
12/12/2011 4:27 am
Level 40 : Master Toast
ThomasB268's Avatar
The first time I spawned ever (when I had just joined) I found pumpkins, and n00b punched them....
12/12/2011 4:25 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Dragon
elli0tco's Avatar
My most epic moment was i join a a random server from a server list. and a few seconds later someone called excaliburfool1 joined and started to jump infront of me. after a while i relised that he/she has a souleater skin like me. Death the kid (me) finds excalibur at last XD.
12/12/2011 4:14 am
Level 32 : Artisan Taco
FoxOfDoom's Avatar
When I found coal for the first time, back in the Alpha Days~
12/11/2011 4:06 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Brendragon's Avatar
My epic moment was when I had beat the Enderdragon and picked up the Ender egg and went home. I was happy about the EXP it got me.
12/11/2011 4:04 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Toast
ApocalypticRice1's Avatar
-On an adventure map
-looking at map with note at it
-while looking at the map a zombie shows up
-Chuck Norris punch it into a pool of lava and continued
12/11/2011 4:01 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Cake
AwesomeAwesome's Avatar
I found a golden apple in a dungeon and later got blown into lava by a creeper...
Then I went back and managed to retrieve the diamonds and stuff which miraculously fell on the stone next to the lava!

But the golden apple was lost forever, not that I really cared for it anyway.
12/11/2011 3:58 pm
Level 41 : Master Taco
nwg416's Avatar
Actually no nevermind it was when i first tested out my multiworld mod
12/11/2011 3:57 pm
Level 41 : Master Taco
nwg416's Avatar
When i was promoted to admin of this server
12/11/2011 3:54 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
Hawkken's Avatar
i was on a friends server, and we were out adventuring. we were on a cliff when we saw about 4 creepers below us. literately a second after i said to watch out, my friend pushed me off the cliff and into the creepers below.I hit water, so i didnt die on impact, and i had about a second's realisation before i got blown up by all 4 of the creepers. I lolled and the ragequitted.
Happy Days!
12/11/2011 3:52 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Crafter
LunarGuest's Avatar
I was mining a tunel... grabbing some coal when i hear a sound like foots walking i turned back mined the wall and BOOM it was a creeper but is not all! it was a creeper spawner and i have NO sticks for make torches... i survived.... wow...
12/11/2011 3:49 pm
Level 41 : Master Ninja
ninja246810's Avatar
I Was on a floating island with a spider jockey,
I was terrified!
I literally ran up to a tree and I mined 3 blocks of logs and then quickly crafted a workbench then crafted a sword and I ran up and started to fight the spider jockey.
It kicked me off the floating mountain *HAAAAAAAAAA HEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAA HEEAA HOOOOOOOOOO HEEEEEEE HAAA!!!!* dramatic music. as i was falling the spider jockey was falling too so we had a fight in mid air and then i kept stabbing him.
i was stabbing him and he shot me to 4 hearts and i thought i was gonna die but i killed him. I looked down and fell into some water, when i got out of the water i saw a wolf. Luckily i had some bones from the spider jockey!
12/11/2011 3:31 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Cake
MinecraftNotchEzJens's Avatar
I was posting on the forums and a scary maze game pop-up came up. Rick Roll'd!
12/11/2011 3:26 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Mage
Knote7's Avatar
i was out killing things, then a creeper came along and blasted me into a ravine. this was the first epic moment that came to my head. (p.s. i lived) (p.s.s i was wearing armor)
12/11/2011 3:15 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Hunter
TangoIzEpic's Avatar
When i mined my first diamond!!
12/11/2011 3:13 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
Baddibu's Avatar
When i got a arrow in my knee.
12/11/2011 3:07 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
Zyphost's Avatar
I fought 4 supercharged creepers a few zombies spiders skeles and a skeleton jockey. I killed them all but a regular creeper came up behinde me and killed me.
12/11/2011 2:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Skonth's Avatar
I fell down a VERY deep hole, luckily i landed in water. Unluckily there were 4 Creepers, 3 skeletons, and 6 zombies surrounding me. So having a diamond sword, I ran and hit one of the creepers into the bunch of skeletons and he exploded and killed them all, another creeper exploded and killed all of the other creepers and like 5 zombies. At the end, I had half a heart and 1 zombie left, he killed me.
12/11/2011 2:32 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
niru768's Avatar
When a creeper exploded, I lived and the explosion revealed a vien of 8 diamonds!
P.S. The creeper didn't kill me!
Best. Day. Ever.
12/11/2011 2:25 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
Doomgekkie's Avatar
Most epic moment, when i won a pvp contest on a hamachi survival server
Most fun moment, i laughed for 15 minutes when i started with 5 people on a 3x3 skyblock island.
12/11/2011 2:24 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
bumlick's Avatar
On a Faction server I found a underwater ravine. So I told my friends and we made a little Dwarf base and became the most powerful faction on the server!
Then some d***head Admin destroyed the whole place. Then we took screenshots and made the mistake of telling him that we were going to report him; we got banned.
12/11/2011 2:21 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
24555tnerb's Avatar
When i found herobrine on a server and lived.
12/11/2011 3:02 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blockhead
Skonth's Avatar
Are you talking about the plugin where you sometimes see "bla bla was killed by Herobrine" You do know that that is just random, there cant be a plugin that adds more mobs, just putting that out there.
12/11/2011 2:22 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
TaiserRY's Avatar
Herobrine doesnt exist but i did see a guy with a herobrine name and skin lol
12/11/2011 2:26 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Architect
robodog94's Avatar
he exists if the server has the herobrine plugin
12/11/2011 2:29 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Narwhal
TaiserRY's Avatar
true true
12/11/2011 2:17 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
Creeperhunter7's Avatar
When i found a diamond and then i trick killed a creeper!
I took the diamond, spinned around in mid-air and then killed a creeper with one shot.
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