Hiring a server owner! Get Paid for it!

minij0ker's Avatar minij0ker5/31/14 12:45 pm
6/3/2014 4:40 am
sessp's Avatar sessp
Hey everyone, so at the moment i have started a server, and i need someone who will run it as if it were there own. You will be given 100% access. It will be your own server that you will be "Given" for free i will be paying for hosting.

Why am i doing this?
Ive owned alot of server since minecraft first came in to existence and i would like to create my final one with my experiance and knloege it will fall under the Gaming Community UGS [www.u-g-s.enjin.com] , The server name is Eldercraft and i have done most of the ground work already including permissions and the Factions world has been set up already, i need a owner who will run and maintain it as well as expand it.

Some advantages:

You will be given 30% of all donations and it will be as if it is your own server.

Please Note:

I will not be accepting anyone with little or no experience, and i have put in measures to prevent trolling and griefing, this is a serious post so no troll's or griefers will be accepted. A background check will also be conducted

How to apply:

IGN (in-game-name):
Have you ever owned a server:
What experience do you have with plugins:
How long have you been playing:
Do you have any coding experience:
Do you know YML:
What ideas do you have for a server:
How active are you:
in what area do you live:

The more info you supply the better your chances!
Posted by minij0ker's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect

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06/03/2014 4:40 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
sessp's Avatar
Name: peter
Age: 15
Skype: htminecraft
IGN (in-game-name): sessp
Have you ever owned a server: yes, quadcraft and
What experience do you have with plugins: i am a developer i make plugin and i also make websites.
How long have you been playing: 3 year and coding for 1 year.
Do you have any coding experience: Yes i am a bukkit coder.
Do you know YML: Yes i am a bukkit coder you need to know it for the plugin yml.
What ideas do you have for a server: i love starwars so it would probably be starwars themed with custom plugin minigames.
How active are you: i have finished my exams so now i am on every day.
in what area do you live: Australia, Perth
06/03/2014 4:36 am
Level 1 : New Network
TaxiGaming's Avatar
Name: Leighton Thompson
Age: 16
Skype: Taxigaming
IGN (in-game-name): leightonserver
Have you ever owned a server: Yes Lots Of Sucessful ones
What experience do you have with plugins: As i have started servers from the ground up of corce! I can do permission, towny you name it, i know it. I can also learn plugins easily
How long have you been playing: 1.2.5
Do you have any coding experience: Not really... a bit of html5
Do you know YML: To some extent but not a ton
What ideas do you have for a server: I like a professional economy server with plugins and town. I like to have a good ballance of moderators and admins. I also am quite strick in enforcing rules!

How active are you: Every day after school and all weekend! I can also always be contacted via email on my phone and will drop what i am doing to fix a server probelm (exptions of school)
in what area do you live: New Zealand (sorry quite far away from you probbably)
Might i add that my only bans i have had is when i was first playing and was imiture as hell! lol
06/02/2014 9:16 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Dragonborn
kogan007's Avatar
Isnt YML not a programming language but a set of instructions for Java?
06/02/2014 9:19 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
It's a data serialization format (*sort of* like HTML but exclusively for data storage). It stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language."
06/02/2014 9:12 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Leeberator's Avatar
Name: Lee
Age: 17
Skype: Will PM upon request
IGN: TheShadbusher
Have you ever owned a server: I currently own and operate one, and am an operator on a few others.
What experience do you have with plugins: I've been using Bukkit for almost 2 years now, and I've coded a few of my own plugins.
How long have you been playing: Since June 2012
Do you have any coding experience: I code in Java and *some* HTML. I can also create BASH scripts, and I know a little BATCH.
Do you know YML: Of course. You can't properly run a server without knowing YAML.
What ideas do you have for the server: I will most likely link it to my server using LilyPad to expand both the options available to the player base as well as the player base itself.
How active are you: I have a lot of free time. I typically don't get much homework and I'm free most weekends.
In what area do you live: East Coast, USA
06/02/2014 9:03 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Ninja
bionicangel1098's Avatar
Name: Bailey Crowe

Age: 16

Skype: brutality718

IGN (in-game-name): Bionicangel1098

Have you ever owned a server: I've owned a successful server called: FearPvP, look it up <3

What experience do you have with plugins: I code my own plugins, i'll show you some if needed, i have a whole faction server made already, custom coded and everything

How long have you been playing: I've been playing minecraft it's self since alpha something lol, not quite sure. But i've been working on servers for around 2 years now

Do you have any coding experience: Yes i do http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/free-for-all/

Do you know YML: As in the files that you edit with something as in Notepad++? if so yes i know exactly how to open and edit it.

What ideas do you have for a server: Well Factions i have a whole server planned out, if you have time i can show you, it's 100% done

How active are you: Summer is starting soon so well over 10 hours a day, but i'm getting a job soon so that'll bring it down, After i get a job you won't need to pay me what so ever, i'll probably start paying for the server it's self

in what area do you live: Central time zone (USA, Illinois)
06/02/2014 8:57 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Toast
ShadowCatEXE's Avatar
IGN (in-game-name):
Have you ever owned a server:
Yes, a couple times but I don't usually pick the best hosts.. So I take the server down cause of lag and stuff.
What experience do you have with plugins:
I know all the big plugins.. WorldEdit, WorldGuard, Essentials, GroupManager and a bunch more. If I need to learn a plugin, I learn quick.
How long have you been playing:
Ever since minecraft 1.2.
Do you have any coding experience:
Yes, I know basic Java and the Bukkit API for plugins. I'm still learning, but I can do quite a bit.
Do you know YML:
Yes, I work with YML when creating custom plugins or setting up plugins all the time.
What ideas do you have for a server:
Basically an Economy server. The server would run off a custom currency plugin that has on a few uses for stuff right now. The plugin has its own Buy/Sell shop for the currency. The currency also has a use for kits for KitPvp. Raid and Grief will be accepted as will teaming and land claiming.
How active are you:
Maybe 6-7 hours of free time.
in what area do you live:
Ontario, Canada.
06/02/2014 8:09 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
fatboy118's Avatar
IGN (in-game-name):fatboy118
Have you ever owned a server:yes i have own a lot of server and i have one right now well a hub
What experience do you have with plugins:a lot i know a lot of plugin from top to bottom and if i don't i lean them in 5 mins or so
How long have you been playing:bata
Do you have any coding experience:very very small
Do you know YML: yes very well
What ideas do you have for a server:to add it to my hub server as i pay a lot for my hub at the moment i dont have any more cash to add server on to it to make it stand out more
How active are you: 3 days a week if not more (as of work)
in what area do you live: uk
06/02/2014 2:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Natsu50's Avatar
Name: Tray

Age: 16 Years.

Skype: tray5050

IGN: Drake1731

Have you ever owned a server: Yes, I have owned multiple servers ranging from Factions to Mini-Games.

What experience do you have with plugins: I have very much experience, I can config almost any plugin, and am able to code minor plugins.

How long have you been playing: I have been playing minecraft for 2 years. and configing servers for 1.

Do you have any coding experience: Yes, but very little experience.

Do you know YML: Yes I do.

What ideas do you have for a server: The server would be an OP Prison but with some twists to make it diffrent.

How active are you: I can be active 4-5 Hours Daily. Every day of the week.

In what area do you live: I live in Canada.

Thanks for taking the time to read,
best regards,
06/02/2014 2:31 pm
Level 26 : Expert Goblin
alexscott2000's Avatar
How to apply:

Name: Alex

Age: 16

Skype: alexs2823

IGN (in-game-name): alexscott2000

Have you ever owned a server: Yes I have owned one server

What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to use mostly all plugins and how to make ranks and money and I can figure out how to use new plugins.

How long have you been playing: Since 1.2.5

Do you have any coding experience: Unfortunately No

Do you know YML: Unfortunately No

What ideas do you have for a server:
The Ideas for the server would be a towny or factions,

How active are you: 4-7 hours a day

in what area do you live: Missouri
06/02/2014 2:28 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
DaBest215's Avatar
Name: Jake

Age: 13

Skype: DaBest300

IGN (in-game-name): DaBest215

Have you ever owned a server: I have owned 2 but shutdown due to no money

What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to use most plugins and how to set them up and configure them.

How long have you been playing: Since 1.2.5

Do you have any coding experience: No

Do you know YML: No

What ideas do you have for a server: I plan on starting as a Towny server and once I get enough funds to upgrade to add Minigames Hungergames and other Servers into a hub.

How active are you: I am on everyday for over 4 hours a day.

in what area do you live: I live in USA, NewJersey, EST
06/02/2014 2:21 pm
Level 47 : Master Bear
Bear_'s Avatar

I could do it. I'd change some things tho, and since you pay for the server, you could have 100% of the donations .

I would make a Factions world, like you did. With a nice spawn of course.
I would also make a Creative-Plotworld, for anyone. Donators get more plots
I would also make a Staff World, where I could maybe build for my PMC a little xD.

I hope this sounds interesting, app:
Name: Joey
Age: 16
Skype: shooter.boy2
IGN (in-game-name): joeyqckiller666 (quite old)
Have you ever owned a server: Once, shortly, just to host a project for me and my friends. I rather help servers out on building
What experience do you have with plugins: Not really, I have a close friend who is really good with this (setting perms and ranks) so I would ask him to do this for me.
How long have you been playing: Since Beta 1.3
Do you have any coding experience: Not really, I am a builder who's able to set up communities not coding (always had Devs and friends for this) :/*
Do you know YML: *see above
What ideas do you have for a server: See upper story
How active are you: Quite active.
in what area do you live: The Netherlands / Europe Timezone

06/01/2014 10:09 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
minij0ker's Avatar
05/31/2014 1:58 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
asdassad's Avatar
Name: Ati
Age: 14
Skype: Ati The Boss
IGN (in-game-name): Ati_444
Have you ever owned a server: Yes, multiple times.
What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to set up plugins with ease and know what plugins are needed for certain servers.
How long have you been playing: Since 1.2.5
Do you have any coding experience: Yes, you can visit http://dev.bukkit.org/profiles/Ati_444/ to see some of my plugins.
Do you know YML: Yes I do, I used this alot when creating my own servers.
What ideas do you have for a server: Make custom plugins to get a unique server that people enjoy playing on.
How active are you: I can play 20 hours a week, more if needed.
in what area do you live: United Kingdom.

If you have any more question for me, feel free to send a PM. Also I don't want to have any money for this. I would all the money that would have gone to me, to getting better hardware for the server.
05/31/2014 1:06 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
MuffinMan22's Avatar
Name: Ethan
Age: 16
Skype: ethan.etheredge
IGN (in-game-name): ethaneee22
Have you ever owned a server: Yes, i have owned several servers. Some of my servers that were somewhat successful were a OP Prison server, OP Faction server, and a regular Prison server. I have a lot of knowledge of setting up servers, hosts, hosting deals, etc.
What experience do you have with plugins: I have a pretty large amount of knowledge when it comes to most plugins, if i don't know how to use or setup a plugin i can easily learn how to do so.
How long have you been playing: December 2011
Do you have any coding experience: No.
Do you know YML: No.
What ideas do you have for a server: We can talk about this over Skype.
How active are you: Im homeschooled so i can play anywhere from 2-10 hours a day
in what area do you live: South Florida, USA
derp master of swag
05/31/2014 12:56 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
derp master of swag's Avatar
Name: Nick
Age: 14
Skype: Not public... I will pm you it if you pm me
IGN (in-game-name): SlickNickP
Have you ever owned a server: I have owned 26 different servers, some private some public, but all of them are down now as I don't want to get into Minecraft for the money so I hosted them on my computer, and 24/7 is tough.
What experience do you have with plugins: Tons! I was the only admin for over 20 of my servers and configured the plugins for all of them!
How long have you been playing: I have been playing Minecraft since version 1.5
Do you have any coding experience: No, just configuring experience.
Do you know YML: No, again, i cannot code, but I am going into a class to learn it and will know code by summer of 2015.
What ideas do you have for a server: I actually have a server with an entire world, spawn, and plugin configured, all set up and ready to go. There are rules at spawn, bperms set up already, essentials plugin, greif prevention, and lots of other plugins, including some that add new mobs to the game, making this server to be unique. I can pm you the world and plugins with their config via media fire download.
How active are you: I spend tons of time with Minecraft and would be on this server all the time.
in what area do you live: New York, USA.

A final note: Again, I am not into Minecraft for the money, and never was. I have a donation system set up, and you can have 100% of donations.

I eagerly will be awaiting a pm! Thank you for your time.
Planet Minecraft


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