($) Recruiting Server Owner and Staff Get Paid For It!! ($)

minij0ker's Avatar minij0ker6/1/14 10:37 am
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6/1/2014 1:23 pm
XxReeedxXMinecraft's Avatar XxReeedxXMinecraft
Hey everyone, so at the moment i have started a server, and i need someone who will run it as if it were there own. You will be given 100% access. It will be your own server that you will be "Given" for free i will be paying for hosting.

Why am i doing this?
Ive owned alot of server since minecraft first came in to existence and i would like to create my final one with my experiance and knloege it will fall under the Gaming Community UGS [www.u-g-s.enjin.com] , The server name is Eldercraft and i have done most of the ground work already including permissions and the Factions world has been set up already, i need a owner who will run and maintain it as well as expand it.

Some advantages:

You will be given 30% of all donations and it will be as if it is your own server.

Please Note:

I will not be accepting anyone with little or no experience, and i have put in measures to prevent trolling and griefing, this is a serious post so no troll's or griefers will be accepted. A background check will also be conducted

How to apply:

IGN (in-game-name):
Have you ever owned a server:
What experience do you have with plugins:
How long have you been playing:
Do you have any coding experience:
Do you know YML:
What ideas do you have for a server:
How active are you:
in what area do you live:

The more info you supply the better your chances!
Posted by minij0ker's Avatar
Level 7 : Apprentice Architect

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06/01/2014 1:23 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
XxReeedxXMinecraft's Avatar

Name: Chandler

Age: 15

Skype: N/A (I will message you it )

IGN (in-game-name): XxReeedxX

Have you ever owned a server: No, But I have been a developer, co-owner, head-admin, admin, mod and pre-mod so I have had experience

What experience do you have with plugins: As I said I was developer, co-owner, and head-admin before so I know how to run a server and I have had to make and code plugins before which were all private plugins.

How long have you been playing: For almost 4 years although about 3 years ago I left because I kind of got bored of minecraft then it really got interesting so I came back

Do you have any coding experience: Yes I am experienced in JavaScript, jQuery, Python, PHP, and HTML/CSS and I am experienced and able to make websites using my skills.

Do you know YML: Yes I know how to configure/edit the configs of the plugins

What ideas do you have for a server: I would like to make a server basically called WorldCraft or something similar and make it different cities such as las vegas and new york but make it realistic and not a nooby stupid town that people run around and can grief, I want to make plugins where people can actually get jobs like at stores and such and get payed for it and there be a REAL economy.

How active are you: I spend about 55% of my day on my computer which will soon raise up to about 80%

In what area do you live: USA/Georgia

-=<Extras (not on application)>=-

Wuhh?: Some people might notice me because yes, I will admit, I do like to post applications on servers but I have never found the right server for me, in the end I suppose what I really want is a server that I own and that I run, the main reason why I never stay on a server because I am dreaming of something bigger, something that is in my imagination.

Maturity: I believe I would be an 8/10 however on some occasions, only if it calls for it, such as a joke or prank, I would be a 6-7/10 but if I am accepted and I am an owner, It will definitally raise to a 10/10!
06/01/2014 12:54 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Tehminecraftnoob's Avatar
Name: Jordan Brock
IGN (in-game-name):jorjor12
Have you ever owned a server:Yes two of them but they where ofr friends
What experience do you have with plugins:I loving working with perms and the basic stuff like factions and essentials.
How long have you been playing:Almost 4 years
Do you have any coding experience: Nope
Do you know YML: Nope
What ideas do you have for a server: Fun, and invovle with players
How active are you:I can play every day for about 3 or 4 hours
in what area do you live: USA Arizona

The more info you supply the better your chances!
06/01/2014 12:44 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MrZIGGS's Avatar
Hey this is my app!

Name: James

Age: 15

Skype: dpa29

IGN (in-game-name): stewie29

Have you ever owned a server: Yes I have owned two of my owned servers before! So I have a lot of experience with what to do, plugins. config many..many things. I have also co owned before, and have had great success!

What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to work a lot of plugins, and know how to install them, the basics and some advanced things. I have use survival games, towny (plenty of times), shops, factions, many more.

How long have you been playing: I have played since the alpha stages! So for a very long time, I know basically all commands, and everything about the game.

Do you have any coding experience: I don't have too much experience with coding. I'm more a good manager for the server,and a plugins type guy, and helping set up networks, etc.

Do you know YML: I have some former experience with this, as every server owner should. I know a lot of the basics with nodes/config etc. I can be of use with this as well. But not the most advanced.

What ideas do you have for a server: I think adding towny would be great with factions. We could have people have towns, be mayors, but it should be like town wars, or faction wars, where you can raid towns, pvp etc. I also used to own a medieval server, which was fun. I have many great ideas for the server, and would love to talk more.

How active are you: I play minecraft a lot. I can be on every day.

in what area do you live: Canada, so Eastern Time!

Thank you for giving me the opportunity, I hope to work with you!
06/01/2014 12:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
[Builder]Sean543211's Avatar
Name: My name is Sean Schuler

Age: I am 16 years old.

Skype: Sean.Schuler4

IGN (in-game-name): sean543211 ( case-sensitive )

Have you ever owned a server: Actually, no, but I have run a few from the
Administrator rank. I am currently building for a server, and own a Build Team. I am GM on the server, also known as GameMaster which is an Administrator rank. It comes along with OP so it is pretty prestigious.

What experience do you have with plugins: Honestly, I have no experience with plugins, or at least making them. I am a good problem solver and can solve problems quickly.

How long have you been playing: I've been playing Minecraft since the Alpha stages. No beds

Do you have any coding experience: No, I no nothing about coding at all. I am a builder, and that is it. Of course I can administrate, but building and my build team always comes first, no matter what.

Do you know YML: No

What ideas do you have for a server: I can bring many ideas to the server, but since I haven't experienced yet, I can't think of any.

How active are you: I am actually very active. I play Minecraft 5-7 hours a day, and will split up my time to different servers.

in what area do you live: I live in the United States - Eastern Time - PA
06/01/2014 11:45 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
omgitsme3's Avatar
Ign :Omgitsme3
Rank: Any Rank That I can Provide Help With.
Timezone: New York
Gender: MAle
State: New Jerzy
I See You need Staff, And I Think I Would be The Appropriate Staff, That Can provide Help Throughout You server. I've been staff Before, Which Can Help, You In Many Ways, Such As, Commands And Anything You need. My specialty Is Pvp Which Will Not Help, But, I'm Very Tired Of Hackers And Would Put a Stop To Them, Since I Love To pvp Which Is also My specialty, I would Get the urge to Pvp, And This Would help Stop Hacker, And Make the Game More Fun. I'm a Average Builder, My Buildings May Not Seem Good, But Once I Get a Good Idea, My Building Is Good, I used to Love to Build, And I would Love to Build On This server . I've Played MineCraft For 1-2 years, And Enjoyed The Game . I'm Very respectful To Those Who Are Willing to Be respectful to me. I can Use GroupManager Good But I Don't Know How to Add prefixes Sadly, And I can Help The server Get In Shape, And Get Trustable Staff Member . I've been Banned Only 1 Time And That Was Because, a hacker Came On a server And Oped Himself And Griefed, Which I'm Very Sad About. I would Never grief a Server on a opportunity to help it out. I Hope You Enjoy My application -Omgitsme3
06/01/2014 11:21 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
DaBest215's Avatar
Name: Jake

Age: 13

Skype: DaBest215

IGN (in-game-name): DaBest215

Have you ever owned a server: Yes I have owned about 2 or 3.

What experience do you have with plugins: I know how to work most plugins and know what most plugins do. If I dont I usually google them and know exactly what they do and know how to use it so i dont break the server.

How long have you been playing: I have played about 2-3 years now.

Do you have any coding experience: No I dont. I know people who might be able to help though with coding.

Do you know YML: No I dont.

What ideas do you have for a server: To Add MiniGames, Prison, Towny, TNTRun, HungerGames, KitPVP.

How active are you: I am mostly on everyday from 4PM- 9PM and on weekends I am on almost all day long.

in what area do you live: I live In USA, State is NewJersey.

Some extra info: I have always wanted to run a server but my family has little money So i Never really had a server for too long. With this chance I will finally be able to run a server and have fun with it again. I love helping people and making a huge community and Making more friends along the way.
06/01/2014 10:44 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Network
weakwizardsucks2's Avatar
Name: Lewis
Age: 14
Skype: live:bob.hoskins101
IGN (in-game-name): cheeseballs500
Have you ever owned a server: Yes. lavacraftfactions.serverminer.com
What experience do you have with plugins: A lot
How long have you been playing: 2 years
Do you have any coding experience: a bit
Do you know YML: Yes
What ideas do you have for a server: Prison / parkour / minigames
How active are you: Very
in what area do you live: UK, Can't go in more detail
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