xsnakev's Avatar xsnakev3/20/12 5:12 pm
6/10/2012 8:40 pm
chronotizate's Avatar chronotizate


We're a fast-growing team, trying to recreate all of Skryim in Minecraft. Besides the map, we're also bringing
quests and NPCs from Skyrim to life in Minecraft. Our mission is to have the map ready for Beta at may the 20th, and all of Skyrim ( Map, Npcs, Quests ) done in a year. But we will not be able to do this without help!


For this server, you need a skin with matches your skin. We're making more as fast as we can, and the skin-section will be updates soon.

*Nords will have their own skins soon.

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9836 ... c---human/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9837 ... --bearded/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9836 ... -warpaint/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9842 ... ---female/


http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9834 ... -dark-elf/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9834 ... --bearded/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9834 ... -warpaint/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9844 ... ---female/


http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9834 ... mmc---orc/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9835 ... -warpaint/

http://www.minecraftskins.com/skin/9835 ... c---woman/


As a builder your job is to help us recreating Skyrim, its quests and its npcs.

Minecraft name:

Name for your character?: (ingame)

How good are you at building?: ( Screenshots appreciated )

How old are you?:

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )

What race?:

Biography of Character?:

Good at english?:

When did you join Minecraft?:

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? )

Are you good at roleplaying?:

Extra information?:


As a beta-tester your job is to help us during the beta ( 20th - 31th may ) by reporting bugs, test quests and stuff like that.
Minecraft name:

Name for your character?: (ingame)

How old are you?:

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )

What race?:

Biography of Character?:

Good at english?:

When did you join Minecraft?:

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? )

Are you good at roleplaying?:

Extra information?:

Pretty much the same as the beta-tester, the only differences are only that you'll be allowed on the server all the time, and that you'll most likely will get to test boringer stuff too.
Minecraft name:

Name for your character?: (ingame)

How old are you?:

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )

What race?:

Biography of Character?:

Good at english?:

When did you join Minecraft?:

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? )

Are you good at roleplaying?:

Extra information?:

As a Game-master your job is very similar to the job of a admin. To be gamemaster it is requried of you that you're good at building and can spend a lot of time on the server. Gamemasters will get some special privileges, as they're supposed to use for a good reason, ( kicking/banning griefers, cheaters, hackers and such )

Minecraft name:

Why do you want to be GM?:

Name for your character?: (ingame)

How good are you at building?: ( Screenshots appreciated )

How old are you?:

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )

What race?:

Biography of Character?:

Good at english?:

When did you join Minecraft?:

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? )

Are you good at roleplaying?:

Extra information?:

1. No griefing
2. No cheats/hacks/mods
3. Respect other players
4. Respect admins
5. Must have a skin matchign your race
6.You must play with our Texture Pack which can be found here:
http://www.mediafire.com/?6xzj4lg6i8d8p68 ( Credits in pack )

Posted by xsnakev's Avatar
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn

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06/10/2012 8:40 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chronotizate's Avatar
I can also be a tester and i already answered all the questions for the builder interview
06/10/2012 6:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chronotizate's Avatar
As a builder your job is to help us recreating Skyrim, its quests and its npcs.

Minecraft name: chronotizate

Name for your character?: (ingame) Amaund Markos

How good are you at building?: ( Screenshots appreciated )Pretty damn good

How old are you?: I am 14, turning 15 in a few days

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )
If your name is Oliver, then i got the right guy
What race?: I will be the Breton, but if you are talking about skin I am white

Biography of Character?: I don't know what to say here...
I guess i was born into an aristocratic family in Highrock, but was exiled to Whiterun for killing the holder of the throne.I was living in the prison, but escaped and joined other Bretons as a band of mages along the road to Falkwreath.

Good at english?: it is my primary language

When did you join Minecraft?: 2010

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? ) Yes, and I have had too many hours to count

Are you good at roleplaying?: I am quite good

Extra information? If possible, in the future i can make a Bosmer character and skin.
04/10/2012 1:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ninjaboom15's Avatar
heyy guys i realy want to controbute to this awsome server i play skyrim allll of the time and i raly want to help i know the game inside out so i will be willing to help pm me if any questions
04/09/2012 11:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cippey321's Avatar
[attachment=2]<attachment unavailable>[/attachment]
Oh I know how to add...
Here's a few pictures.
04/09/2012 11:04 am
Level 1 : New Miner
cippey321's Avatar
As a builder your job is to help us recreating Skyrim, its quests and its npcs.

Minecraft name: Cippey321

Name for your character?: Cippey321 {...}

How good are you at building?: Yes
I don't know how I can add my pictures onto this post, {Post if I find out}

How old are you?: 12 {I know}

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: {Don't have it}

What race?: ? {Do not know...}

Biography of Character?: {What does this mean?}

Good at english?: Yes, Very

When did you join Minecraft?: Can't remember

Have you played Skyrim?: Never ( how many hours? ) {Never played}

Are you good at roleplaying?: Yes

Extra information?: I am boy, I like to build and I want a server because the last multiplayer server I was in I had a bad connection too
04/09/2012 9:00 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
alexred3's Avatar
I love skyrim and i know a lot of the structure so i would like to help build this server
03/26/2012 9:50 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Purplepower2's Avatar
I love skyrim and if my race of person in Skyrim matters, then Dark Elf. I also love Minecraft and i'd love to play on a skyrim minecraft server! it would be the best thing in the world and i get on skype all the time,My skype name: jacobpriddy010! And i'm always on Minecraft!
Minecraft name:purplepower2
Name for your character:Grollan
How good are you at building:Great!
How old are you:13
Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype:not yet but i will
What race:Dark Elf
Biography of Character:Most clever, intelligent, and fierce fighting Elf in all of Skyrim
Good at english:Perfect because thats my only language,besides dragon.... hur hur hur i made a skyrim reference....
When did you join Minecraft:About 3 months after it came out.....
Have you played Skyrim: Got it as a present from my older bro on my B-Day and have had it ever since
Are you good at roleplaying: I've played mutiple server s with roleplay but this will be best! :]
Extra information: I might be hyper sometimes and i can stay up all night and be awake all day!
03/25/2012 11:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Altamed's Avatar
Minecraft name: Altamed

Name for your character?: (ingame) Gunnar

How good are you at building?: ( Screenshots appreciated ) I am really good at building. I can create structures given a picture or just imagine it. People are always impressed by my builds and how detailed and accurate they are.

http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/6083 ... 195334.png
http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/8199 ... 819464.png
http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/8673 ... 819485.png

How old are you?: 20

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )
Yes, but not sure if that is the right one.

What race?:Nord

Biography of Character?: Gunner was left an orphan at the age of 10 when a group of raiders killed everyone in his family. With no one to turn to he ventured on into the great world in search of adventure, fame and revenge. When he was 12 he was nearly killed by a wolf when a member of the Doom- Slayers saved his life. Gunner then apprenticed under his savior until he became one of the most dangerous rouges the Doom-Slayers had ever seen. At the age of 18 he set off once more in his quest not knowing what the future would bring...

Good at english?: Yes.

When did you join Minecraft?: I have been playing for a couple of years not exactly sure which version was my first.

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? ) Sadly no.

Are you good at roleplaying?: Yes, I have played in may rpgs servers before.

Extra information?: I really like Minecraft because it allows you to build anything that you want. There is nothing that can't be built if you try hard enough. As a current Architecture and Engineer major this game helps me plan out some of my project structures and help translates my ideas of building into 3-d models. I have done many large projects before such as aircraft carriers, castles, cities full of sky scrappers, and lots of pixel art. If you have a picture of something then I can probably reproduce it in Minecraft. Hope I get accepted.
03/25/2012 10:24 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Engineer
dumbsteven's Avatar
well i play skyrim and im pretty good at redstone and minecraft if you need me.but only a couple problems.one maybe no skin because im using a community account.2for me no texture pack cuz application for minecraft doesnt allow it for some reason.and 3 is my dad doesnt want me playing minecraft so its pretty rare that i might join but if you send me an IP i can join. thanks.forgot and my info is:
Minecraft name:coolboi12213
Name for your character:Drokin
How good are you at building:good
How old are you:13
Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype:no because i dont have skype..sorry
What race:Orc
Biography of Character:the strongest warroir in all the lands!
Good at english:perfect
When did you join Minecraft:about 2 years ago
Have you played Skyrim:got it from christmas till now.
Are you good at roleplaying:playes RPG everyday!
Extra information:I'm awesome!
03/24/2012 12:19 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
we need builders who know skyrim and play it alot.
03/21/2012 2:47 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
builders wanted
03/21/2012 2:14 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
Ok we will test you for gamemaster go to this site please http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=447284&TabID=3829575
03/20/2012 7:25 pm
Level 22 : Expert Dragonborn
HattedGamer's Avatar
Minecraft name: HattedGamer

Why do you want to be GM?: Because I would like to keep order to things and I LOVE
Name for your character?: Tryll Rynrak

How good are you at building?: I don't really have any screen shots of anything i've previously built (sorry all of them are on another computer which is broken)

How old are you?: I'm 17

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: I've typed in the username but i'm not sure if that is the right person or not.

What race?: Nord

Biography of Character?: Tryll was a peasant Nord living on the family farm as a boy dreaming of adventure from the stories he was told. When Tryll was old enough he set out from his family's farm and have adventures of his own, meeting people that he can rely on and trusts. Now he has been through a lot, encountering different people, and eventually having some exciting thrills throughout all of Tamriel.

Good at english?: I would say I'm very good

When did you join Minecraft?: I got the game july of 2011 but I've been watching it and looking at videos since the summer of 2010 (not exactly sure)

Have you played Skyrim?: Absolutely I'm actually on the computer and playing skyrim at the same time

Are you good at roleplaying?: Yes I would say I'm very good
03/20/2012 6:15 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
falkreath has been built, it is set 5 years after return of the dragons, we are working on helgen.
03/20/2012 5:46 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
oh if you play any big rp servers plead say.
03/20/2012 5:38 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
guys make decent apps please.
03/20/2012 5:29 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
Denied until you add alot more infomation.
03/20/2012 5:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
xZILOx's Avatar
Minecraft name:

Why do you want to be GM?:

Name for your character?: (ingame)

How good are you at building?: ( Screenshots appreciated )

How old are you?:

Have you send an friend-request to Chernobyl-Kiddo on skype?: ( you must do. )

What race?: White

Biography of Character?: Im awesome

Good at english?: All day

When did you join Minecraft?: Years ago

Have you played Skyrim?: ( how many hours? ) No my dad has i watch him sometimes

Are you good at roleplaying?: yes.

Extra information?:none.
03/20/2012 5:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
oh and we need a few testers soon i beleive
03/20/2012 5:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
Oh if your applying we are working on landscape at the moment but we will find u something to do
03/20/2012 5:25 pm
Level 26 : Expert Dragonborn
xsnakev's Avatar
We will have a website soon
Planet Minecraft


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