PMC SMP - Things need to change

Adrestio's Avatar Adrestio2/9/21 11:28 pm history
18 emeralds 552 49
2/11/2021 9:43 pm
Yobi_Wan's Avatar Yobi_Wan

Something has to be fixed, what is currently happening on the PMC SMP has been ruining the experience for many.

I have been on the Official Planet Minecraft Survival Server since the very first day it was up (so hopefully that can help give me a little bit of credentials to be talking about this). I absolutely adore the community, server, and builds that are on that server and each person has become memorable for their own good or bad ways... but mostly good. Every single one of my past experiences on the server has been absolutely fantastic and another reason I come back to the people and the server.

But this is where my main topic arises: The experience has been ruined for others (for multiple reasons) and this needs to end.

In my real life I usually never complain about stuff but this server means a lot to me. <3

I have read hundreds of messages on the PMC Discord server talking about the SMP (Survival Multiplayer) , It even has its own little category at the bottom. It is not only there have I experienced the issues listed at the next section but have heard it directly on the server from some of my newest great friends (Literally shoutout to y'all, mwah <3).

I can not be the one man who can hopefully restore the joy some have sadly lost on the server but I will be the one to call it out. Hopefully I can make some minds on the server aware of these issues and hopefully spread more positivity and etiquette

The Issues

Firstly is Etiquette, which is not something we can simply implement with a plugin but hopefully people can slowly learn. It goes without saying, appropriateness and keeping the 'charm' of PMC's purity is why most people join and stay. Its sad to think some of the most hardworking people and the most talented, who have become memorable to more than just me, have either taken a break because of the disrespect or just annoyance they have to deal with. People need to know manners and if they can't handle being nice then they should not need to complain or ruin it for others.

Secondly is the issues with claims. I think for newer people they should have to at least work to get their first claim blocks. That has been just a horrible issue with just claiming right next to spawn or next to somebody. Some instances even ON TOP of spawn. I'm not sure an exact solution but Its gotten so bad that even I, must I say has a huge tolerance for people, want to avoid getting online without nicer and more respectful people already online.

Thirdly is the amount of issues/complaining with limitations outside of claims or near claims (pistons for example) which is something we could possibly modify or configure... But sometimes people just need to deal with it. I absolutely LOVE the server and apart from the negativity there are rules and plugins on the server that need to be there to stop people from attempting to grief.

Lastly is the shops, I think for every single player including the mods, there should be a limit to like 5(maybe more) shopkeepers and possibly an overrule system where we can get rid of shops if they are in the way or obstructing the amazing spawn. Like a diamond for a single dirt as donations is useless and having completely bought out shops stay there for months taking up space is terrible. I have made the very proper Fancy Pants Inc. and even I, a successful shop owner, asked if I was too far away from my own dang house. This goes back into etiquette. You don't need to be rich to be "memorable" or make a mark on the server.

These were all merely what I have gathered and suggested could possibly work. Of course there are better ways and worse ways to deal with stuff.

Here is a recap and a good way to put it simply (also for people too lazy to read, lol): The server has a flood of new people which haven't been here to understand the amazing etiquette that is/was on the server by many 'veterans'. You don't have to give people stuff to have nice etiquette but the chat and complaining should not be rude. The amount of amazing and hardworking people have made this place a Safe Place to enjoy yourself and we-... well at least I can speak for myself -do not want disrespect and barging on the server. The newer people have too much power with the shops and claiming and by maybe limiting it at first they can learn what the server's "Gentlemen's Rules" are before they have the abilities to do stuff.

Recently, I went to the public farms, that were started at the VERY beginning of the server and expanded by the talented Yobi_Wan to help people get supplies, and found it absolutely destroyed and even worsely griefed. Not to get into details but it was very obviously malicious intent.
Not only was this the first instance of major griefing I personally saw but it took me an entire hour and a little help from the wonderful EleanorRose and Chiaroscuro to clean it up. Not to mention the very next day an absolutely DISGUSTING griefing situation happened at the public farm house, also built by Yobi, was completely in shambles.

This is not the PMC Server I know and love. This is wrong.

If you have gotten this far then it means you truly care and want to help out.
To be fair I am not even sure the first step to take, I just want my friends and community I have joined to have a good time on the server.

To the many friends I would individually compliment if I wasn't already a thousand words into this blog, I thank you for the respect and etiquette you hold. From the bottom of my Fancy Heart, thank you for the amazing memories we shall continue to make on the server and on this platform. <3

To hopefully bring back the charm and appreciation some have lost and to bring the server together more, I am hosting with EleanorRose a fantastic Pal-entine's Event on the server.
Simply check it out and I hope to see you there :D

Stay Positive and Proper ;) -Adrestio
(P.S. Question: how do I save a Forum Draft so I don't have to post another forum at midnight?)

Posted by Adrestio's Avatar
Site Moderator
Level 47 : Master Architect

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02/10/2021 8:37 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Magical Boy
bluetatu's Avatar
keep in mind that youre explaining a minority of the server. Things change and sometimes we have to adjust to those changes. A lot of these issues mentioned can be brought up to a mod and be fixed. I guess it feels pestering to them, but mods sign up to this pestering. (not too sure on what they can do though in fairness) note that its the community that built the issues of the server, not just some random who decided to join but havent been given the time to adjust yet. If these actions are repeated is where the issue spawns.

i guess im not too qualified to take part in this conversation since i generally stay away from what is going on at spawn but eh
02/10/2021 9:57 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
Oh I completely agree. I mainly made the the forum to post about the Etiquette issues with incoming new players but it felt wrong not to include the other ones I've heard around too. I VERY much oversimplified the "issues" and mainly wanted to shed light on the experience and etiquette because this server (personally) is what makes it so special and unique and safe.
02/10/2021 9:08 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
pls pester us
02/10/2021 9:45 pm
He/Him • Level 61 : High Grandmaster Senpai Magical Boy
bluetatu's Avatar
i would pester y'all everyday, if i had things worthy enough to pester yall with
02/10/2021 8:34 pm
They/Them • Level 54 : Grandmaster Cowboy Pixel Puncher
Indraft's Avatar
When you make a thread, scroll all the way down and uncheck the box "publish live." This will draft it.
02/10/2021 8:17 pm
Level 41 : Master Botanist
Fqsh's Avatar
yeah I agree with the claim problem. Some people might just claim someone's mega base, with their OWN claim. Then the person who built their mega base can't do anything about it, they can't even build on their build. the progress would be all wasted.

I think if you want to build something next to somebody's build, just pm them, or place some signs telling if you can build there.
or maybe you can just put some signs saying don't build here

(that's why i choose remote locations for my mega builds)
02/10/2021 8:07 pm
Level 41 : Master Botanist
Fqsh's Avatar
what do you mean by the griefing at the public farm house? Was it I who did it? I just wanted to collect the wheat, just to let you know. I didn't destory anything, only wheat.

if that counted as griefing, sorry for stealing crops, i won't get the crops from there next time
02/10/2021 10:18 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
Oh, the situation was somebody spammed a bunch of trees and didn't replant. Probably not you and I think it was the same guy who griefed the farm house.
02/10/2021 4:54 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
All in favor of creating a government for the PMC smp say I.

Just kidding. :p
Papa Enny
02/10/2021 3:45 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
The landclaim is a huge problem
02/10/2021 1:57 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
While we are at this, I have an idea I'd like to run by all of you regarding the economy. Now, im a noob at economies, so this might be a silly idea, but here goes.

It seems that there is no good or consistent way for new players to obtain emeralds. Really there is no consistent way to get them unless you have villagers, which for many comes later in the game, if ever. Some shops have emerald exchanges, but the prices are pretty lopsided, for the most part. My idea is to have one shop at spawn with regular villagers in it for people to trade common goods for emeralds. One of each type of villager regardless of the trade quality and pricing - and protected from breeding, killing and altering somehow. That way there is a consistent emerald exchange for newer players that doesn't rely on another player to grind and restock.

I don't knownif this is practical or even feasible, but its something I had thought about recently. Input on this very much appreciated.
02/11/2021 3:28 am
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Throwing my salt in — I get into a village within seven days on most servers. Iron armour is my way to a village, I then take the time to hop up a toolsmith to make diamond tools happen. If you're willing to grind a few hours each day and slay everything you see while exploring before getting there, you can have a diamond pickaxe on the ready within fourteen days, and if you grind lib trades you'll get mending for a reasonable price.

The only thing which sucks with this strategy is the necessity to have an easy means of getting coal, which means you need to be coming from a mountain biome or invest a lot in mining but iron tools is good enough to grind the coal up fast, and if you have enough of it you can also sell the excess to rank up any smiths or armour more quickly. Lots of mining means lots of stone, so you'll be doing a lot of cooking...

unless you get sugar cane pretty early and prioritize growing that long before safety in your village is assured. Once the trees are cleared and fences are made, and with an early cattle farm or through other trades make books happen for creating lecterns. Two librarians with silk touch and mending is all you need for infinite wealth, just have a bunch of masons to accept the stone. If you get a third with fortune III you can be flush with coal and iron while soft-picking stone to not make it cobble.

The priority is a diamond pickaxe. Once diamond with mend+silk and mend+fIII is in your possession, you're well upon your way to grinding out an armourer for full diamond armour and with other trades, make bunches of Emerald blocks for a beacon to do mining, digging or whatever much, much faster.
02/10/2021 12:21 pm
Level 47 : Master Architect
Adrestio's Avatar
I’ll make another statement cause I might have worded things wrong.
Now if you have seen me on the server you know I absolutely adore this server. Everything on it is just so friendly usually but There were multiple times Like the griefing which was just the opposite of the usual.

Now the shop “issue” was a suggestion, I actually didn’t know we had a max of 7, but I 100% agree we shouldn’t just bulldoze some ‘bad or unneeded’ shops. Like Yobi actually said in the comments, thr main issue is the empty stoxk for MONTHS. Another main issue, which is still hard to explain, is that I keep seeing Shops pop up like right next to the street that ruin the organized format, even Including that these shops are sold out so why are they still there?

Also to everyone who commented, thank you. I truly hope I didn’t make the server look more negative or something because I pointed out some issues I heard throughout the community. Like I said, I just wholeheartedly love this server and wanted to shed some light on some issues so we could help fix it up a little bit. <3
02/10/2021 3:00 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
We shouldn't need to take down inactive stores unless the players are no longer on the server. If that is the case, we can remove those shops. However, if a player still is on the server but doesn't use the shop much, they should still be allowed to keep the shop.

For example, my shop is rather empty but I have my single shop location at the market. If there is a problem with not enough space, we should look at making space.

Overall the shops and economy while nice, is not a highlight of the server imo. There is a lot of times where working or directly trading with someone is easier and there's no problem with that.
02/10/2021 3:58 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
If the economy isn't a highlight of the server, then why all of the effort to build a new and improved marketplace? As just a player and observer of how the server develops, the economy seems to be just as much of an attraction as anything else. In many ways, it is the attraction aside from events put on once a month. Either way, it needs some attention and adjustments because a broken economy will drive people off and discouraged new people from staying.
02/10/2021 6:59 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Because people just want to make a cool marketplace? We aren't building a marketplace because the whole server is going to turn into a big thing with everyone selling stuff in shops. They're building it because well...there is a desire for it and it would be cool to have at spawn. It's more about building spawn than a marketplace.

I'm not saying it isn't an attraction or that it has no purpose. I'm just saying that trying to balance the economy would be...difficult and I wouldn't worry about it too much. Shops are more like a tool.

I'm on the server to play Minecraft, that's pretty much it. Sure there are many who play for the economy, but I'd hardly say the economy is something that will drive players away.
02/10/2021 8:38 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Alright, Zitz. I'm not going to argue with you about it. But I'm not the only one that shares this sentiment by any means. Maybe rather than simply refuting my points, you could please take some time to think about the points of concern that I brought up today.
02/10/2021 9:02 pm
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
I am by no means dismissing your concerns or saying they are not valid. Neither am I saying that you are alone on this perspective. I read everything you wrote, and I am responding accordingly. I'm not looking to argue with you either. This is purely a conversation. Sorry if it came across any other way.

I just feel like the economy is not really the problem at hand. The economy is also a little difficult to balance due to assigning value to items. For example, an emerald could just as easily be a diamond. The actual currency means very little.
You stated in another post "But shops are undercutting each other to the point where premium things like top level enchanted books have little value in the market".
There are multiple factors at play here.
1, a lot of people are already established and therefore can easily afford to make their items cheaper on the market.
2, this is just like owning a shop and a new one opens down the road that sells the same thing, but cheaper. It's competition. I don't see how you can overcome the very nature of an open market.

I'm all for shops and an economy. If you can find a way to make it healthy, I'm all for it. I'm not trying to shoot down your ideas or concerns.
But I'm trying to express that this is harder to fix than it might first seem. I agree, certain items should be worth more. But then again, if someone wants to trade it for cheap, we can't really stop them?

I 100% agree that the economy is not ideal and it needs work. But I'm not entirely sure what we can do about it. So please don't feel like I'm shutting down your suggestions, by all means, we need to hear them!
02/10/2021 1:10 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
02/10/2021 1:06 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
I didn't know there was a max of seven either. Thats good to know. The shops popping up right next to a path is annoying for sure, but if its a decent build and its not intruding on the path or claimed to the point that I don't have access to doing road repairs, im usually OK with it.

Of course, if you put a sign in front of your shop that is in the road, I will move it unapologetically.
02/10/2021 10:52 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
That is awful that your farm got griefed. Some of this is true but I still want to make it clear that the PMC Smp is still awesome. There are still nice and wonderful ppl playing. It is just awful that griefers have to ruin that. Maybe level 5 is too soon for ppl to join? Make the rules required to read?

I respectfully disagree with the shops argument. I don't think it would be fair to "bulldoze" someones shop just because it is in the way. The shopkeepers limit is 7, so that isn't a problem. I think the only problem might be a economy and competing prices, making it hard for you to sell anything for a reasonable price.

P.S. you can save it but not posting it by unchecking the box the Publish Live.
02/10/2021 11:12 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
And yes, I also agree that its a great server with great people. Im naturally a pretty shy person and keep to myself, but I'm getting to know the core players better and I really enjoy being part of this server.
02/10/2021 11:06 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
It's not that the shop is in the way, it's that many have been abandoned with no inventory left in them. I think it would be fair to put an expiration date on shops with no inventory, like how a claim expires if the user doesn't log on at least once a month. This would clear up space for new, active shops and help keep areas like the manual market alive.
02/10/2021 11:29 am
Level 100 : Transcendent Cake
PMC's Avatar
Sorry to hear about the farm. Did you report the griefing situation? That's something we typically investigate right away. The sooner you report, the greater the chances of identifying the perpetrator and taking the necessary actions.
02/10/2021 11:35 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Yeah, paril fixed it.
02/10/2021 10:12 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Another thing we talked about last night that wasn't brought up here, but I feel is worth mentioning, is the deteriorating economy. I get that we all like to help each other out with equipment and supplies, and thats perfectly fine. But shops are undercutting each other to the point where premium things like top level enchanted books have little value in the market. In my opinion, things like books should have a minimum price requirement determined by their enchantment weight. Enchanted items should include that weight plus a price that is set by the seller, but higher than the base weight of the enchantment. This might help to stabilize the economy.
02/10/2021 10:39 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Vampire
SouthDakotaGirl's Avatar
Yea, this is definitionally true. Maybe have set shops for things? Or if you sell the same thing become partners? I used to sell stacks of wood but when everyone else was selling it for cheaper it wasn't worth it. Same with skulker boxes when ppl are selling it cheaper it just isn't worth it.
02/10/2021 1:30 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
EleanorRose's Avatar
I totally agree with this, thanks for putting it into a post and sharing it.

There has definitely been too many instances of disruption that make it harder for us, and claiming issues as well as griefing have been happening quite frequently.

Thanks for sharing this once again, definitely hope to see some changes <33
02/10/2021 1:20 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Oh, Adrestio, the farm was being lightly griefed that whole week, apparently. I fixed it twice by myself. I had no idea that you and Ele fixed it one day as well. Thanks! You guys are awesome!
02/10/2021 1:28 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
EleanorRose's Avatar

Even with you being the main person who overlooks the farms, you shouldn't have to spend hours fixing it yourself. Next time reach out to me and I'll fix it up as soon as possible <3

Thanks for taking care of the farms :D
02/10/2021 11:34 am
Level 75 : Legendary Gent Programmer
Zitzabis's Avatar
Remember, the admins can roll back specific regions. You don't need to fix anything, just let us know where it was and we can perform a rollback for just that area.
02/10/2021 11:45 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Thats what Paril did with the farmhouse. The other farm griefing was pretty light. A couple of stolen beds, about half the crops taken and not replanted and someone jumped around on the tilled soil and a couple other small things I can't remember. I didn't even realize it was greifing at first. I thought it was maybe inexperience, laziness, a time issue or something. It wasn't until I went to the farmhouse and saw things gone and out of place that I realized it was greifing.
02/10/2021 3:59 pm
They/Them • Level 41 : Master Dragonborn Spelunker
khajiity's Avatar
At one time I forgot i had auto jump on and ruined like, one block of soil. I think it was on the carrots part, sorry about that, but I'm assuming one block is easy to clean up. I don't know why I'm saying this here, just thought it would be related.
02/10/2021 4:36 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Nah, a block here or there is expected. I do it too sometimes. This was in the wheat field and it looked like someonenwas jumping everywhere they went.
02/10/2021 1:45 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
Thank you, Eleanor! And thanks for your help with the farm, aqua's tree farm and all of the other things you do.

I have a room in the basement with barrels full of extra supplies. I'm going to give you access to that stuff since Ive noticed that you like to tend to the farm and adjacent areas as well. Feel free to use whatever is in there and add your own supplies that you think you may need as well. I'll show you where that stuff is the next time we are both on...which is usually every night. lol
02/10/2021 12:31 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
EleanorRose's Avatar
Sure :D

I keep forgetting to carry a hoe on me but whenever I'm around I usually try and see if anything needs patching

I'm glad to help, I'll be on later this evening :D
02/10/2021 12:59 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
I always forget hoes too. I actually lost my diamond hoe the other day somehow. I probably threw it while attempting to type in chat. I do that all the time. Had to go on a search for my sword once! Haha
02/10/2021 1:07 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Procrastinator
EleanorRose's Avatar
Yeah, I probably should keep one at the farmhouse and one on me at all times, it doesn't hurt to keep one on you :D

I keep dying all the time since I go afk every 2 minutes and forget to /afk haha
02/10/2021 1:14 am
Level 59 : Grandmaster Droid
Yobi_Wan's Avatar
I'm glad you mentioned the abandoned shops. That's something that has been bugging me for awhile. I think that shopkeepers need a expiration date similar to claims, though, I'm not exactly certain of how it would be implemented, so I won't make any suggestions at the moment. I will say that it would free up room for others to move in to those locations.
I definitely agree with all of your points, though I haven't had issues with limitations, probably because I'm more into infrastructure, buildings, beautification and general ease of access more than anything technical.

One thing that i think would be good to implement are some set rules regarding building etiquette, shop upkeep, claims, etc. Maybe for etiquette and claims there could be a rule list or primer at the museum.

I don't want to go on too long in this thread, but I'm more than happy to discuss and toss around ideas on the discord channel.
02/09/2021 11:32 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
Ferralis's Avatar
I was banned for placing 4 blocks on an unclaimed area.
Papa Enny
02/10/2021 3:44 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
Wait what?
02/10/2021 9:17 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
Ferralis's Avatar
I placed 4 dirt blocks on a flat grass area in front pf someones base, I also removed the build afterwards so idk why I got banned.
Papa Enny
02/11/2021 2:59 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
Papa Enny's Avatar
It's a bit weird
02/10/2021 2:06 am
Level 75 : Legendary Sus
Nitgo's Avatar
Lmao, try filing a report.
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