Should I build everything manually or download schematics or both for my map?

PepperSalami's Avatar PepperSalami11/13/23 12:54 am
3 emeralds 222 9
11/14/2023 10:04 pm
PepperSalami's Avatar PepperSalami
Just asking
Posted by PepperSalami's Avatar
Level 22 : Expert Pig

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11/13/2023 3:27 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
Two important points:

1} Is the map itended to be private (you & a few friends) or public?
If private, do whatever is easiest / works.

2} Are the schematics your work or public domain?
If the schematics are just a way of tranfering your previous builds, I see no reason not to use them when and as desired.

If the schematics are from the work of others, this becomes more difficult…
The extent to which something like a mincraft build is (or can be) copyrighted (or otherwise be considered intellectual property) is legally murky…
Legal stuff — ABSOLUTELY NOT to be construed as 'legal advice'

Note the new EULA​ / usage guidlines [​E/UG] state:

When you decide to share your content with the community (whether you plan to make money off it or not),
you are doing what we consider to be a commercial thing.
When you do commercial things, you must follow the Commercial Use guidelines.


These Minecraft Usage Guidelines are extra permissions that we give to the community to encourage creativity and community,
but we reserve the right to change them or withdraw permissions,
especially if we see people exploiting or abusing these permissions.
The Minecraft Usage Guidelines often change,
and we have the right to withdraw the permissions given in them at any time without notice.

Exactly what the E/UG restricts and permits is unclear.
While I doubt MS/Mj are likely to kick in your metaphoric door over using others schematics, the E/UG can be read to give MS/Mj the right (unless prohibited by local laws) to delete any content and ban any accounts they deem to be "exploiting or abusing these permissions".

Despite what you're planning probably not being something of which MS/Mj will take notice and action against, you should be aware that a sufficiently lawyerly reading of E/UG appears to claim a great deal of autority to do things, while providing little or no paths for remedying such action…
… and precious little [& sometimes seemingly contradictory] guidance as to where the limits are.

Regardless of the legal swamp just alluded to:

Using another user's builds without acknowlegement is plagiarism.

At minimum, you should cite the author/creator of any build you use other than your own.
(Even if the author explicitly placed the work into the public domain [​eg. "I made this, everybody feel free to use it" or similar], it is still polite to credit the originator.)
If the creator has published under GNU or Creative Commons license (or something similar) you should abide by the terms of that license.

Obviously, this needs to be applied with a little sense: an item filter that replicates one of the designs from the wiki would be cited only if the schematic added material (either functional or decorative).
11/13/2023 8:20 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
PepperSalami's Avatar
1. Private, but possibly public in a couple years.

2. Schematics are from PMC and such sites

3. I honestly dont care too much, especially if the creator is inactive/otherwise unreachable to ask for permission, And I do modify the schematics alot , vs just pasting into my map.
11/13/2023 9:16 pm
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Doesn't matter if the creator cannot be reached--if you don't have permission to use it with credit, you don't use it for public use or profit. Modifying doesn't change that credit is needed. If you're just inspired, that's fine. If you paste and edit it, you still need to credit the creator.

I don't fully understand what you meant by 3, but that's my take on what I think you mean.
11/14/2023 4:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Pig
PepperSalami's Avatar
I dont see the need to credit 1000s of creators for the mob/npc skins and biulds, a waste of my time
11/14/2023 6:26 am
Level 39 : Artisan Miner
ScotsMiser's Avatar
You may be overthinking the 'crediting' process…. it needn't be partcularly difficult.

A text file in the world folder containing a list of who created what (and ideally including the name and source of the pack / build & licensing info for each bit) with a couple of signs at spawn with something like:
"Please see the attached text file:
for the credit for anything I didn't make myself."

will likely satisfy anyone who doesn't have specific use requirements.

So long as you make a good faith attempt, adding "If I've missed crediting anyone, please contact PM me at >your PMC account<" (or something similar) will cover any minor gaffes.

N.B. If yo're using many bits from a collection, Ibid. is your friend….
11/14/2023 5:18 am
He/Him • Level 49 : Master Dragon Necromancer
GoggleD0GG's Avatar
Have fun getting reported, then. They spent their time to make creative content, and you're making that time wasted by not crediting them. If crediting is that much of a hassle for you, make your own mob/npc skins and builds.
11/14/2023 8:11 pm
Level 22 : Expert Pig
PepperSalami's Avatar
No , I will just post elsewhere, stupid gen z "artist"
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