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    05/07/2024 9:31 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    Dski1666's Avatar
    I think there may have had to be an edit done after posting the video over a false copyright claim (someone literally trying to copyright C418s music if I remember correctly lol) Appreciate you pointing out that that has impacted the chapter timings! Will get on fixing those ASAP. Thanks again for the comments/compliments.

    Dan S
    04/11/2024 6:12 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    1) With Bedrock your mob spawning on SIM4 is 24 to 44 blocks from the player. This is why the rates are actually as good as they are. Anytime we are in the farm we basically have everything spawn proof in that range except the spawn spots themselves.

    2) The other player with me was using that method of small groupings for the roof. I am a little more comfortable in the Nether than he is :) So I was going for speed while he filled in at a more deliberate pace :) lol

    3) In BR (I have never looked it up to confirm it) but Ghasts do not appear to be able to see the player through glass. Have made several bridges and this farm using glass in the Nether on BR and they never shoot...so the theory has always just been they don't see through it. It's a nice perk to making some cool designs for builds in the Nether.

    4) There are several other designs out there but since the wither skeletons and other mobs in BR spawn on specific blocks this is a design we found always works and easy to build. Running the length of the hall allows for mobs to respawn back in from the area you just left and the length of the hallway there always keeps you within the 44 block spawning distance so it just becomes a good efficient easy build that any Bedrock player can do. Basically once you spawn proof and locate the specific spawn blocks the rest is easy :)
    04/01/2024 9:04 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Thank you! We appreciate that a Lot !
    04/01/2024 9:04 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Hahaha No but it was somewhat of a plan that JoNathan and I would go together because he had never done an Ancient City Raid so we were expecting some madness :)
    03/13/2024 8:30 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    We'll be doing some more of this style soon from the Kingdom building...mostly issues with the recording environment having too much noise lately but working that out over the past couple weeks. Thanks for the compliment on the kingdom progress :)
    03/09/2024 2:08 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    You are taking this too literally. It is about the decline in the player base given all the snafu's that Mojang have made with updates being stretched out over long periods, not addressing player concerns and overall their communication on issues that have come up over the past 1 to 2 years. It could very easily go the same route as Halo did if they don't turn things around. Luckily the upcoming update seems that it might be a great step back to awesome updates.
    02/13/2024 2:10 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    HyTale could be that game as we mention in the video. BUT they goofed by getting out ahead of themselves before realizing they had to rework the entire game engine for them to be able to do what they want to do with the game. I will still be very interested when this one DOES come out. It looks like it could be the one that has a chance depending on how committed they are to development and listening to player feedback once launched officially.
    02/13/2024 2:03 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Who is yapping here?
    02/13/2024 2:02 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    For what it is worth the data is based mostly on Google Trends both as a YouTube search or a Web search for the game. I also have played the game since 2016 and am active in several communities as well as have been a creator for the same amount of time. All creators I know and play on SMPs with in the space report drops in the viewership of their MC Content...particularly over the past 1.5 years. They have tried variations to the content and nothing sticks like it used to.

    Player counts from various websites I have found all vary too wildly to really use as a source and actually isn't all that indicative of what a community is feeling overall toward a game until the bottom actually falls out. The popularity of the game is much better seen by people who are actively searching for it or to learn something about a new feature as in YouTube or Google searches as that shows "fresh" interest vs showing how many die hards a game has. Take Halo MCC as an example. Still a lot of people play and swear by Halo 2 but the game is in fact long dead.

    In the various communities I interact with the overwhelming majority of players are getting more and more upset with Mojang over the points we brought up in the video itself...that was the basis for a lot of those points. From what people are talking about in the community. Their anger over chat reporting info, the firefly fiasco, Birch Forest disaster and the terrible roll out of the Deep Dark over basically 3 updates that was supposed to be one major update.

    Sometimes in communities passion can overtake what the real "vibe" is but in these cases...the criticisms of Mojang are mostly legit and not over the top so it is much easier to see that a large number of people are really fed up with the direction being taken and it is resulting in less and less people finding any reason to come back to the game once disappointed enough to leave it.
    02/13/2024 1:52 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    You didn't listen to anything we said in the video or read anything I have had to say if you feel I don't see or that I hate the community.
    01/29/2024 6:12 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    This is a fear that many have brought up and is another one that has a lot of people on edge. As a content creator I really don't "think" they will do anything with those changes. As someone who has worked in the corporate world a long time ago...this smacks of Microsoft saying "Hey...this needs to be out there in case someone begins to abuse the Minecraft name." Fingers crossed though right?!?!?
    01/29/2024 5:53 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Again thank you...well said reply. To respond to your points. In the world of content creation if any creator wants their ideas/thoughts to be seen among the millions of Minecraft videos out there, Titles ARE important. Would we get clicks for people to hear our thoughts if I had titled the video "Minecraft is Dwindling Like All Other Video Games Before it Have" ? No ...we would not. The video's PURPOSE if people watched it is to bring the points to light in the HOPE that MOJANG change these failings we mention. The title is provocative but the information contained in the video MATCHES the title. That is not clickbait. Had we titled it the way we did and the video was an SMP Tour...that would be clickbait.

    The data shows an almost stronger decline since the Pandemic that is related to the key points we discuss in the video. We did not want to re-hash each individual event (like the firflies or the chat reporting) but only to bring to light that their communication on these things was ...bad and that that angered the community. People are STILL talking about these things negatively all over Twitter and other forums. When you couple that with the decline...a correlation can be seen. Mojang have either lost touch or is OK with angering the community and neither way is good for the future of the game. Their decline is getting steadier and steadier despite updates and that is also a bit of an omen especially now when LegoFortnite and Hytale will be in the mix very soon to take over if they aren't more proactive in listening to the community more.

    Hope that sheds a little light on where we were coming from. As is mentioned in the video. We are the last people who want to see this happen. It's literally our favorite game ever.
    01/29/2024 5:37 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    There's certainly a lot of hate coming our way on this yet no one has disputed any of the points we discussed in the video or the data that supports the question being asked.

    Minecraft Popularity Over Time Google Trends
    01/29/2024 5:31 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    dumdum? lol
    01/29/2024 5:30 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    I have plenty of forum posts if you look. Also...what exactly is the "video community" for if not to post your own creations/work for others. Please cite ONE video where the title is not delivered on or covered in the video? I would love to see that. You have not seen a single thing in one of our videos that could or would have helped you? We do tutorials. We do builds. We teach mechanics of why things work or not. We have a lot of people who enjoy and learn from what we cover in our videos. If you don't that is fine. Move on...but it is no reason to hate on when you aren't being open to even seeing any value in what we have done in roughly 400 videos.
    01/29/2024 5:25 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    First. Thank you for a well thought out comment/reply. The decline begins pre pandemic and never during the pandemic did it outperform it's best levels of popularity when it at least in theory could have. It has been on a steady decline for awhile now and though Halo is a different game...it is the fact that the company who bought Halo now also owns Minecraft.
    01/29/2024 5:23 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    See the graph in one of the other threads here...it clearly is declining.
    01/28/2024 8:20 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    That's what was once thought about Halo too...until there weren't thousands of people online anymore ? Consider who bought the Halo franchise from Bungie and who also owns Minecraft now and then look at the Google trends data. It may never die 100% but it is declining without a doubt.

    Trends Minecraft
    01/28/2024 8:11 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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    Not sure I follow what you are asking?
    01/28/2024 8:10 am
    Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
    Dski1666's Avatar
    Why so negative? We have YT videos but also posts as well. Look deeper friend.

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