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Level 74
Legendary Programmer

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    08/14/2020 3:46 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    This looks like a promising young server, reminds me of my own server I ran back in the day. I'd love to be involved in its development and growth if you need it!
    10/18/2016 8:19 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Name: Felix, IGN: felixmc

    Age: 18

    Rank Applying For?: Admin

    Skype: dragonlol1

    Why should we choose you?: I'm great with working with other people and staff members, and I'm great at making sure that every player is satisfied. I understand how difficult running a popular server can be, and I'd like to help out as much as I can. I'm mature and will handle business as it should be. I'm interactive and always open to anyone who approaches me. I'm extremely experienced with leadership positions both in Minecraft and in real life. I love helping players out, and helping to create the optimum server, by creating a good community, configuring the software behind it, and being an active and friendly staff member.

    What experience do you have?: I have been playing Minecraft for over 5 years now. I know everything in the game, I know what to expect and how to deal with it. I'm a former very successful modder, you can check out my PMC profile for proof. I do coding and I know how to deal with audiences. I also owned a fairly popular server where I configured every plugin on my own, and I'm extremely experienced with very popular plugins such as Essentials, WorldEdit, WorldGuard, CoreProtect, LogBlock, Factions and mcMMO. Again, you can check my PMC profile for additional proof. I know what it's like to be an admin on a server, and I can assure you that I have what it takes.

    How long can you dedicated to the server weekly?: Probably 20-30 hours a week, depending on my schedule.

    Could you donate to the server in the future?: Yes, I definitely can.

    Thanks for reading and your consideration!
    10/14/2016 5:31 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    1. What Coding Language(s) Do You Know: Java

    2. Age: 18

    3. Previous Experience: I'm a former successful modder and previous server owner, in which I configured all the plugins myself. Check out my PMC profile for more proof. I have real experience in managing a server, and I'm also experienced in working with plugins and configuring them. Online Minecraft, I've been playing this game for 5 years now, and I'm extremely experienced in working with players, helping them out, and being an active staff member. I have owned a somewhat popular server before, so I understand what to do in many many different situations.

    4. How Long Can You be On Each Day?

    I can be online for 5-8 hours a day, depending on which day of the week it is. On weekends and holidays I can definitely play for 8 hours or more.

    My IGN: felixmc
    Skype: dragonlol1

    Thanks for your consideration of this application.
    10/11/2016 11:34 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    IGN: felixmc
    Position: Admin
    Experience: I'm an extremely experienced Minecraft player, a former successful modder, and previous owner of a SMP server(check my profile for proof). I know how to play Minecraft, and I know how to run a server. I setup my SMP server and configured it on my own, and I'm really experienced with plugins such as WorldGuard, WorldEdit, Essentials, and Factions. My server had all these plugins.
    Why I want to Join this server: I've been getting back into the server business, and been looking for promising new servers that could potentially become popular. I'm interested in helping out and being active to the best of my abilities.
    Age: I'm 18.
    Timezone: I currently live in China on the other side of the US, so I can provide coverage while the US staff are asleep.
    Gender: Male
    Skype: dragonlol1
    10/11/2016 11:26 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    2-I'm an extremely experienced Minecraft player, a former successful modder, and previous owner of a SMP server(check my profile for proof). I know how to play Minecraft, and I know how to run a server. I setup my SMP server and configured on my own, and I'm really experienced with plugins and such.
    3-I've been getting back into the server business, and been looking for promising new servers that could potentially become popular. I'm interested in helping out and being active to the best of my abilities.
    4-I'm 18.
    6-I currently do not, I will get it if needed.
    7-I currently live in China on the other side of the US, so I can provide coverage while the US staff are asleep.
    11/09/2014 7:59 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    IGN: felixmc
    Name: Felix
    Skype(Required): dragonlol1
    Timezone: GMT +8
    Experience as Staff: I have been owner on my own server, MCDestiny, for over 2 years until our host went down. McDestiny was a successful server that held over 50 players at all times. During my time as owner I have gained much experience. Additionally, I have been co-owner on Lilly2018245's server, who is my irl friend, origin pvp. I have also been moderator on countless number of servers, after i dropped my minecraft modding career.
    What can you bring to the table: I live in a different timezone then most others, I will be able to help out on the US night shift and also I will be active during the day shift as well. I can be online for up to 8 hours every day, perhaps more on weekends and holidays. I have enormous amounts of experience in plugin configuration and coding, being a member of the staff, administrating servers, and minecraft in general. I have been playing since 3 years ago in the alpha days.
    Why should we pick you: I am a very talented and experienced minecraft server staff member and player. I can hold the entire night shift plus some of the day shift of this server. I am very exerperienced in plugin configuration and coding, managing my server for over 2 years. I am also good friend of head-mod lilly2018245.
    What do you think "Moderator" do: Be active and enforce the rules, watch for hackers and xrayers, watch for spammers and apply kicks, bans, and mutes as neccessary according to the intensity of the rule break. I have been moderator on over 10 servers before, and I know how to handle things very well.
    Are you staff on any other server at the moment: No, I can dedicate all my time to this server, I find lots of potential in this network. Thanks for reading.
    10/22/2014 4:00 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Skype: dragonlol1
    name: Felix Yu
    Staff experience: I was the owner of MCDestiny, a pretty succesful server. It was up for over a year and always had at least 50 - 100 players on at a time. Unfortunately the host went down so I had to close it. I am also friends with quasarhybrid and I was co-owner of Origin PVP, which was also successful. I've also been moderator on countless servers in my old days, however they are all gone now.
    How i could help: I am an extremely experienced player who has knowledge of all of minecraft and its coding. I also know how to teach and help other players who may be less experienced, having my own successful servers before. I feel like this server has some real potential, and I'd like to help it on it's way to success.
    Why my apps are better then others: I'm really trustable, as you can see I have a lot of reputation on PlanetMinecraft and I am a veteran player. I am also very mature and educated.
    Anything else we should know: I'm a very famous retired modder, now I am into servers and I hope that this can be my next server.
    Why i should be staff: I am very high ranking on PlanetMinecraft, I've been playing Minecraft back in the Alpha days, and extremely experienced. I also have reputation around the minecraft community.
    Applying for: Admin
    10/22/2014 3:53 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Skype: dragonlol1
    name: Felix Yu
    Staff experience: I was the owner of MCDestiny, a pretty succesful server. It was up for over a year and always had at least 50 - 100 players on at a time. Unfortunately the host went down so I had to close it. I am also friends with quasarhybrid and I was co-owner of Origin PVP, which was also successful. I've also been moderator on countless servers in my old days, however they are all gone now.
    How i could help: I am an extremely experienced player who has knowledge of all of minecraft and its coding. I also know how to teach and help other players who may be less experienced, having my own successful servers before. I feel like this server has some real potential, and I'd like to help it on it's way to success.
    Why my apps are better then others: I'm really trustable, as you can see I have a lot of reputation on PlanetMinecraft and I am a veteran player. I am also very mature and educated.
    Anything else we should know: I'm a very famous retired modder, now I am into servers and I hope that this can be my next server.
    Why i should be staff: I am very high ranking on PlanetMinecraft, I've been playing Minecraft back in the Alpha days, and extremely experienced. I also have reputation around the minecraft community.
    Applying for: Admin
    have you ever been banned: No
    Email(must have): felix00.yu@gmail.com
    04/07/2014 7:06 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Name: Felix
    Age: 16
    IGN: felixmc
    Origin:(US,ASIA,UK,AUS): USA
    What role you are applying for: Admin or Moderator

    Why do you think you deserve this role?

    I am a very experienced server manager and Minecraft player. I've been playing Minecraft since Alpha days and have owned a fairly popular server called MCDestiny, as well as being Admin on 3 other servers. I set up MCDestiny all by myself, I have a clear knowledge of plugins, including WorldEdit, PermissionsEx and more. I am very proficient at the admin position, I have had lots of experience as I mentioned before.

    What qualifications do you have?

    I have been owner of a fairly popular server called MCDestiny, it held 200 slots and had 50 players on average. I am extremely experienced with managing players and keeping them in line. I am very good at setting up plugins and their configurations. I am also a very experienced Minecraft player.

    Why should i trust you?

    I have owned my own server before, I know what it feels like. I have also made several other servers successful with me at the admin position. I have been playing Minecraft since 2009, and I understand what servers are about.

    What plugins do you specialize in?

    WorldEdit, PermissionsEx, Essentials, WorldGuard, Group Manager plugins, Any plugin configuration.

    How can you improve the server?

    I've managed many servers before. I have an experienced knowledge of both Minecraft and server plugins. I can improve the server to get much better plugins and configure them to make them the way we want. I can also advertise this server really well, I am well known around this place.
    10/10/2012 8:48 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Endermen are epic! They are so cool!
    10/07/2012 2:29 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Drop parties every week now so join today!
    10/06/2012 10:36 pm
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Level 70: Bedrock Breaker

    With fists of iron
    10/06/2012 4:26 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Some ideas I have:

    Level 35: Coder, Librarian, Forger
    Level 50: Teleporter
    Level 15: Nyan Cat, Astronaut
    Level 40: Obsidian Miner, Mastermind
    Level 60: Genius, Creeper Slayer, Vanguard
    Level 30: Diamond Miner
    08/12/2012 5:11 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    Hamachi IP does not work
    08/12/2012 5:09 am
    Level 74 : Legendary Programmer
    felixmc's Avatar
    IGN: felixmc
    Age: 14
    Building Skills: Pretty awesome manually and with WorldEdit
    About Myself: 14, started MC in Beta 1.3, thinks MC is awesome, mods a lot, makes mods, currently lv. 61 on PMC.

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