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Level 69
High Grandmaster Technomancer

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    11/06/2023 11:55 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    ScotsMiser, you are correct, sir. That seed, that location was a desert temple from Java 1.7 through 1.17, changing to other biomes at 1.18+. Interesting.
    So the game had decided there would be temple there, but when the chunks there finally loaded in 1.20.2, it was no longer a desert. Interesting.
    11/03/2023 9:24 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Trying to reproduce. You're right doesn't work on a new world. This world is an old world of mine... been through many updates over time... maybe somehow that affected it?!? But the terrain both old world and new tests matches exactly... so... not sure how the pyramid loaded in my world in that spot, but there it is.
    11/07/2020 9:41 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
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    That’s awesome! I love this community.
    10/23/2019 5:20 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Using tags and counters, each player could see only their own relevant boss bar.
    10/21/2019 4:32 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    “They treat the whole thing because you obviously fail to provide the information in the description,”

    I do. People are just people.
    10/21/2019 1:00 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    You said "these will show up for everyone on the server"

    Only if the boss bar code is improperly written! Another example of poorly written code being passed off as "single player".

    Just like the vanilla dragon boss bar doesn't show for the entire server because it's properly written.

    Any custom boss bar, if execute-position is defined properly and it's targeting players properly, will only show to players who are within range of the boss mob.

    I don't know how you are writing your boss bar code because you didn't post any, but written like this will only show to players who are within 100 blocks of the mob.

    execute at @e[​tag=giantboss] run bossbar set minecraft:giant players @p[​distance=..100]

    edit to add: of course instead of selecting players based on distance, you could select them based on tags such that ONLY the players that injure any specific mob can see that mob’s boss bar. It’s all in how you use target selectors and execute positioning.
    10/21/2019 12:45 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Your sample code actually makes my point as a perfect example of "single player code" which is really malformed code that isn't targeting players correctly. Your code as-is will only work correctly if there is only one player on the server.

    It could function properly in a multiplayer setting if the player targeting is corrected.

    I hope this feedback will be taken constructively, because it can really improve your datapack making skills... and it took me quite a bit of time to write for you :D

    To explain:

    @p targets the player nearest to the positioning of the command being run.

    You use @p every time without first determining a position from which to run the command... so the datapack mcfunction will default to running the command positioned at the world spawn point, which has nothing to do with your intent. You can end up selecting an irrelevant player if more than one player is present. This is a common target selector error which causes datapacks to malfunction in a multiplayer setting... unless you are actually trying to target the player closest to spawn, but from the description of your intent, you actually mean to target a player relative to an armor_stand position, not spawn.

    As written your code will malfunction if:
    1. Player furthest from spawn is the player within range of a beacon.
    2. Player furthest from spawn is the player to place a beacon.
    3. Player furthest from spawn is the player to mine a beacon.

    Instead of executing every command positioned at spawn (irrelevant to your intent), better would be to position the execution of the command at the armor_stand around which the command intends to function... then any following @p will target the player closest to that armor_stand... which is your intent.

    For example:

    You wrote:
    execute at @p if entity @e[​tag=beacon,distance=..128] run gamerule doMobSpawning false

    But you meant to do:
    execute at @e[​tag=beacon] run execute if entity @p[distance=..128] run gamerule doMobSpawning false

    Another example:

    You wrote:
    execute at @p if score @p beaconPlaced matches 1.. run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ 64 ~ {Tags:["beacon"],Invisible:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,NoGravity:1}

    First off... comparing a score to a fixed number doesn't require the use of "if score matches".

    AND you don't care who is closest to spawn at all... you care who's beaconPlaced score is 1, no matter where they are.

    You meant to do:
    execute at @a[scores={beaconPlaced=1}] run summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ 64 ~ {Tags:["beacon"],Invisible:1,Invulnerable:1,NoBasePlate:1,NoGravity:1}

    But EVEN IF you did want to target the player closest to spawn, it wouldn't be "execute at @p if score @p" it would be "execute at @p if score @s". Your target selectors are just all over the map... literally! The first @p searches and finds the player closest to spawn... who can thereafter be identified specifically as @s... why make the game look all over the entire map again to find the same guy twice by using @p a second time?

    I hope you understand how improper player targeting is what's causing your datapacks to malfunction. No worries, mate. We all climbed this same learning curve. You're datapacks are getting better because YOU are learning and getting better.

    Cheers and good luck!
    10/18/2019 7:49 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    I’d be willing to help you out. What code can’t you figure out?
    10/16/2019 12:58 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Maybe consider the fact that if a datapack requires a mod (optifine or other)... it might then be better placed in the mod section. It is making changes to a modded version of minecraft, not vanilla minecraft.
    10/16/2019 10:56 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
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    I would argue “multiplayer” and “not multiplayer” really means “Properly written” and “Poorly written”.

    In my experience, packs for “single player only” are usually due to improper use of @p and @a, omitting “execute as”, and similar mistakes in the code, so they work properly only because there is only one player to which they can apply.

    Better then maybe to label those datapacks that fail to properly function in multiplayer as “broken” rather than accommodating improper code with the label “single player only”.
    10/14/2019 1:29 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Maybe better to allow datapacks to link to related texture packs, so users understand/accept they are distinct.

    The two install differently. When I bundle them together, users treat the whole zip as as datapack, so then none of it works and I have to explain for the millionth time to unzip it, and install each part as appropriate.

    would be VERY useful for the datapack to have two side-by-side download buttons... one for datapack, one for resource pack.
    10/14/2019 12:43 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    If we’re adding datapacks, it will be helpful for consumers to see a number representing how many lines of code the datapack intends to run per tick. A pack that adds zero per tick, for example, is far less a burden on a server than one that runs a thousand. An average per-tick rating is thus a helpful rating to have as a required description Input.
    10/14/2019 12:19 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
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    For sure. Even “Item” implies the pack adds a new item to the game. Recipe acknowledges the pack adds nothing new, except to add just that recipe to get to an item that’s already in the game.
    10/13/2019 9:06 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
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    Considering a LOT of datapacks are simply recipe packs, adding "recipe" as a category is an almost must.

    edit to add: same for advancements.

    recipes and advancements are both super-plentiful because they are so easy to make, and don’t by themselves change the game. They truly are a category each unto themselves.

    Other datapack types change/add/delete concepts from and to the game.
    07/21/2019 5:26 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Turns out in 1.14.4 dragons can't be hurt by diamond swords NOR rockets... both of which I brought to the fight :'(
    06/28/2019 12:05 am
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
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    The Minecraft World is an ever expanding universe...

    03/06/2019 5:06 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    PMC was super responsive, and the problem seems resolved. Great community!
    03/06/2019 12:00 pm
    Level 69 : High Grandmaster Technomancer
    GatKong's Avatar
    Hi Cyprezz, yes I took screen shots for you. I don't see a button to click for attachments here. Is there a best way to present them?

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