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Level 48 Master Archer

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    05/21/2024 6:21 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    True; I mentioned as much. But what Microsoft is doing goes beyond EOL — they're basically saying We gave you support for free, of a Windows instance you never paid for, and if you do not feel like upgrading to Windows 11 as a matter of convenience for yourself, we'll quit giving you updates until you pay us for them, and we're going to do this for a limited time.

    Excuse me what? Nah, I'm not falling for it. Regardless whether it is within their rights, I will not bend the knee for anti-consumer horsecrap when open-source platforms people most often recommend never do this. There are people who don't like what Microsoft did to Tango Gameworks and Arkane Studios, yet still buy Xboxes and use Xbox Game Pass for playing select titles on PC. Speaking with one's wallet is a lot like modern-day privacy; if you really care, you'll excuse excise every bit of a brand which goes against your ideals.

    This is quite hard with Google, especially if using a Chromebook that might be locked down, with Google's online services and Microsoft's following suit with them off the same cliff face. but with Microsoft" It's dead-easy — stop playing their games, stop supporting their products in lieu of open alternatives and stop giving them the light of day. They ask too much for a limited experience, goad people into setting up OneDrive, then extort them once they hit their free limit as their money-making strategy. I'm not keen on representing that.

    if it wasn't for the fact Microsoft acquired Mojang Studios I wouldn't be using any Microsoft products, period.
    05/21/2024 6:01 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    I agree with many of your points you present, and you're right — I am being a little bit emotional about it, but that's because I am trying to appeal toward emotional people and use the emotion as an impetus to explain there is more than just Windows out there.

    Of the concerns in the OP FAQ you brought up, I'm producing a straw-man of the person who would say Ewww, Linux! Linux is trash! Linux is awful! Fsck Linux, nobody should use it! and presenting a counter-argument in a condescending tone against the straw-man, because I believe people who already think this way wouldn't listen to reason if you tried because they may literally have no time for you. It's a little bit of kayfabe schadenfreude which is meant to entertain the readers while at the same time telling people who actually think like that there is no time of day anybody should give them.

    Of the overall tone from the blog this thread is linked to, I'm not re-doing it because the intent is to cause some concern and be a little… sensational with it as a means to provoke conversation and exchange of ideas. This very fact compelled you to post, which I consider a success as more people will see there are others that use Linux, and — while not necessarily fanatical — use it habitually as a viable alternative to Windows for people who wish to do work with their computer. My angle is anything other than the mainstream choices are OSes without ads for people who already know what they want, and I am presenting that to an audience whose vast majority genuinely knows no better, and genuinely does not know what they want.

    Of the condescension in my tone, I could improve upon that. There are too many people already who address things in this way, but I am not going to lie about it; this is everywhere in the Linux space, as much elsewhere. But the one thing I will never insult anybody for is what they are using; a vocal minority of Arch Linux users want to rip users of derivatives to shreds. A Debian minority are still ever-spiteful for how Canonical massacred their boy with Ubuntu. There's likely a Fedora minority who doesn't take GloriousEggroll's Nobara project seriously. and it's all just so stupid but it's a reality that has coloured my commentary, and I do apologise for that.

    The version EOL for Linux distributions is not nearly as bad compared to Windows. They are not the same. Where Linux distros typically add features, do the occasional programme swap to something better-supported or adjust their live images to be at-parity with what a user should get when they install their Linux instance; Microsoft tends to take away from the end-user or figure out some way to shove more crap into the system which bloats it up and wastes our precious limited time.

    Microsoft would no sooner cut their nose to spite their face if it means another billion in their coffers, and what had happened to Tango Gameworks proves just as much. So the other angle I am presenting with my writings is an abolition of Windows as a matter of speaking with one's wallet, which is where the "OS bashing" comes from. Not using Windows means not supporting Microsoft, and the few times you must use it certainly has options; I have an AME-modified Windows instance — Atlas OS for Windows 10 — on an M.2 device I use as a Windows on-the-go instance, which operates just fine at 480 Mb/s. That doesn't mean I want to use it, but I am not that blinded with hate as to absolutely ignore it when my Linux solutions fall flat for my gaming needs with friends.
    05/18/2024 6:15 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    Well, officially it is. But the also-ran had also been popular in open-source circles for MOGAI spectrum persons as their representative for a good long while, even if she isn't official.
    05/18/2024 5:46 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    I cannot knock you for doing that. if you are responsible with your computer usage, then you will encounter no issues, or at least nothing catastrophic where you can't roll your changes back. But it goes deeper than that;

    Before, with the transition from Windows 8 to Windows 10 (and later iterations which made it feel less like some Microsoft fever dream knockoff UI, as they came to reason and made it look like Windows again) there wasn't anything major about the new shift of interface aside from it's different and that was that. Oh, inconvenient system reboots outside of active hours as if everybody's schedules could be so predictable as to interrupt unsaved work while not minding their computer elsewhere, and Microsoft continually insisting you use their Edge browser but aside from those issues, there was no big deal.

    With Windows 11, there's a major push for AI, machines with neural processing units (NPUs), later versions of trusted platform module and later CPUs that if people do not know any better will be cause for people to toss out perfectly good hardware because Microsoft will had successfully made these users feel inadequate without a shiny new machine that Windows 11 is happy with, whereas the machine being de-commissioned could had been perfectly fine for another decade by not accepting Microsoft's rhetoric.

    The thing which sucks — and likely, the reason why you were using Windows 8 until recently — is that eventually nothing you'd want to use will work by Microsoft's mandate or by industry peer pressure and you must upgrade your hardware, even if it's perfectly fine for why you are using it right now. Forsaking Windows isn't just about being counter-cultural, it's about ignoring the corporate noise from Microsoft in favour for a smoother jazz that assures you everything is going to be alright as things are, right now; no pressure, no fuss; just you, your computer and the things you want to do with it, for gratis, for good.
    05/18/2024 5:33 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    And for good reason; open-source operating systems provide end-users who wish for it, more capabilities without an obnoxious paywall for stuff that should had — and use to — come free with any Windows instance.

    Plus, there's zero commitment and you can run it alongside your current Windows instance, so there's almost zero risk to your Windows instance unless your media is soon bound to write its last and quit working due to a major disk manipulation event.

    tl;dr: We know what we want and we've learned how to get it legally for free.
    05/18/2024 5:02 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Of which; what, and where?

    I also do not know who this dude you speak of it but he seems rather cool by default.
    05/15/2024 3:07 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Ayyyy good on ye. More of an Arch guy myself these days, especially because certain software I use to fetch from PPAs no longer work out-of-the-box without going too far back in time to have a sane Ubuntu instance, but if your personal choice is what works for you, then there's nothing I can say against your decision.
    05/13/2024 7:28 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Just in case the way I phrased Xenia's character is misunderstood; the fox was always called Xenia, there is no dead-naming going on here. Notice how I said this;
    Xenia previously was a male fox in the Linux canon until a trans-gender person and advocate changed his narrative to be a trans-gender woman[.]

    Male pronouns are in the past tense. In present tense of any context, I would use female pronouns to describe Xenia, but because i never used pronouns after that, I didn't bother to use female pronouns.

    I am aware how sensitive trans-gender and trans-adjacent MOGAI-spectrum communities are about this stuff. There's nothing else to see here.

    05/12/2024 11:46 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Linux has had two mascots, actually. You might know Tux better, and the cute chubby penguin has a fun story behind it as well being a more corporate-friendly, inoffensive mascot everybody can relate with, but an alternative previously considered as part of a mascot competition early after Freax became Linux was Xenia. Not to be confused with Microsoft Xenix; Microsoft's UNIX-compatible competitor in the early DOS days, Xenia previously was a male fox in the Linux canon until a trans-gender person and advocate changed his narrative to be a trans-gender woman and the trans-gender Linux sub-community had gravitated toward that mascot as their representative since.

    Apologies if the above had offended anyone's sensibilities; the tech world is full of weird and peculiar people — especially in the open-source space, but also almost practically guaranteed to exist in various closed-source projects and everybody eventually relies upon each other in some way, small or large. As computing of all varieties relies upon being a global platform, it's various infrastructure which enables both your personal computer's hardware and our inter-connected world is made possible by all kinds of persons.
    05/13/2024 7:28 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Just in case the way I phrased Xenia's character is misunderstood; the fox was always called Xenia, there is no dead-naming going on here. Notice how I said this;
    Xenia previously was a male fox in the Linux canon until a trans-gender person and advocate changed his narrative to be a trans-gender woman[.]

    Male pronouns are in the past tense. In present tense of any context, I would use female pronouns to describe Xenia, but because i never used pronouns after that, I didn't bother to use female pronouns.

    I am aware how sensitive trans-gender and trans-adjacent MOGAI-spectrum communities are about this stuff. There's nothing else to see here.

    05/12/2024 3:47 am
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Well, it is my great hope you can consider setting up a Linux instance as part of a dual-boot setup and seeing if it's worth a damn. Double-check what partition table format is in use and act accordingly; diskmgmt.msc will reveal much of what you need to know.
    03/19/2022 7:12 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    I use a mod loader, free of charge.

    I add guns.

    I blast Bedrock and its microtransactions away.

    Boom gone. Java wins.
    09/07/2021 10:48 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Do you ever think I could receive some internationalization help with this resource pack?
    09/07/2021 1:47 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    They will care the moment someone takes a screenshot of your Discord client and they're using light appearance. And it's not entirely unreasonable for some people to be annoyed by this if they want to not have a light theme be the cause of screen burn-in.

    Mind this isn't a concern only for (AM)OLED, just that OLED is more susceptible to defects and burn-in over time. Micro-LED displays shouldn't be as easily affected because those are using a synthetic means to produce light, rather than an organic means.
    09/07/2021 10:17 am
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Yeah, humour be like that sometimes. I don't ever tell people to not use light appearance, I just heavily discourage it. There are several reasons I do;

    • Discord defaults to dark appearance, so any screen captures in Discord using light appearance will annoy dark appearance users.
    • Organic LED displays will wear out more quickly, and burn-in is more likely using preferences that produce intense light at all times.
    • If using a modified desktop client, most theme authors don't give a toss about light appearance users.
    Of course, you are free to make your own decisions and use your own preferences. But a lot of toxicity you may find in some technical venues isn't necessarily to pick on you which may cause your resolve to harden, but rather to provoke you into asking questions so you may inquire more information about the topic — for better or worse.
    09/07/2021 10:07 am
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    If you want to eat your eyes because they melt out of your sockets with the consistency of yogurt, then by all means use Discord's Light appearance without a special mod client theme (via BetterDiscord or PowerCord) to take better advantage of this mode — albeit less eye-meltingly bright. Your handset will also have this light preference, which is why most third-party theme authors say light theme be damned since it's less work for them.
    08/30/2021 11:52 am
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    Being out of ideas is great. It just means you can concentrate on other things you have other ideas for.
    08/28/2021 7:36 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Try to find a village and nurture it into your base of operations. With master-level armourers, toolsmiths and weaponsmiths, as well a suite of librarian trades that at the very least include Thorns III, Mending and Unbreaking III, you might have a fighting chance.

    Pair with with sword + Knockback II and bow + Flame and Mending (or Infinity, if you don't mind eventually losing your bow) and you'll have a decent distance combat kit you can siege with using your sword to push back against your enemy's advances.
    08/28/2021 12:27 pm
    Level 48 : Master Archer
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    Yep Here we go again. I am just going to publish this on Pastebin and people can tell me what's causing the website to hang.

    The forbidden text, according to PMC. - Pastebin.com

    I can spend five minutes writing a dummy post and savin that as draft but when I try to do ANYTHING with that PMC chokes on its own spit. What's wrong?
    06/14/2021 2:19 am
    Level 48 : Master Archer
    Hebgbs's Avatar
    Well, the issue has persisted, so I figure I will elaborate; I try to publish a blog, but I cannot commit because the website hangs attempting to do so. I can't even save as draft since the same crap happens then.

    What's going on with PMC?

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