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I shooting u lol
Level 48 Master Sus

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    04/24/2024 2:06 am
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    It would be insane if minecraft really does that lol
    Still it would be so funny if minecraft responded to all his notifs
    04/24/2024 12:36 am
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    Of course
    What do you think about that, minecraft?
    04/23/2024 11:16 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    minecraft we still waiting for your return
    03/28/2024 8:21 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    that's so deep honestly...
    03/22/2024 3:10 am
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    02/13/2024 5:13 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    01/16/2024 5:14 am
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    How would you improve the 3 countries in North America?
    01/15/2024 7:27 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    Oh! Interesting!
    01/15/2024 5:40 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    A contest in threads and not in jams!?
    So much nostalgia... People who met the contests in threads must feel old fr
    01/15/2024 4:42 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
    Rob333's Avatar
    No problem, comrade!
    01/15/2024 3:44 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    I only find a little weird the "They are skilled in the PvP scene and they've earned my respect" one, I don't think it has much to do with the jam, specially the PvP, and the "earning your respect" can lead to contestants taking it as corruption
    01/06/2024 4:51 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    Matching couples
    01/03/2024 9:53 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    Go ahead, do it
    01/02/2024 8:50 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    Israel-Palestine have the same land rights as both have been living in that land since thousands of years probably, they both belong to there, so, in that case, both have the same lands as homeland, and there can be even homelands inside other homelands, for example, something that I forgot to mention was the indigenous people in North America, and precisely also Israel and Palestine (sorry for that, ADHD), in the case of Mexico (because it is the best one for me to tell an example of this), there are many ethnical indigenous groups original from here, some of those don't identify themselves as Mexicans because they don't identify with that same culture, and they have authonomy over their own communities due to a proposal by Emiliano Zapata during Mexican Revolution, so they consider their own town as their homeland, then Mexicans consider Mexico as their homeland, so that makes a homeland be inside another homeland, in the case of Palestine and Israel this is what happens, but Jewish identity is more religious because they have been expulsed from many countries, they united again as a people due to their religion,that after centuries of not having a homeland, and the Israel-Palestine conflict is not a conflict about homeland, it is religious, each government has much influence from their own religion and claim that land as only theirs, so, they need to make that land a shared homeland, and with a neutral and laic government that cares for both nations' peoples and respects both religions also promoting peace and respect between both. And non-Arab Palestinians already lived there since the same time as Jews.

    I didn't mention China or the border conflicts because they are part of other terms not related to these kinds of homeland, I am still working on redacting about those problems and those other terms, but when I do, it might get a little materialist, but I can say that those are not stuff related to homelands, that stuff is related to countries, nations and projects of nations, and those are the terms that I'm developing, but I'll tell you 1 example of each one: The countries on map are countries, in that work I'll explain them; things like the lands lost by Mexico, or the German speaking territories in Europe where there was a desire of union between all of them during 19th century are nations, and things like Hitler's Lebensraum were projects of nation, and it is specially the projects of nation the main cause of border conflicts, for example, the plan to get the German Lebensraum led to Germany starting World War 2, I'd probably consider the Chinese conflicts with India as a project of nation, as well as Taiwan and the dominion over the South China Sea, but the sea is not a homeland, a sea cannot be considered as part of a homeland, the territorial seas are part of a country, but not of a homeland, homelands and nations are more a thing related to communities and individuals, meanwhile countries and projects of nation are more a materialist thing and are related to the material possesions, Africa has its own land conflicts, European countries had their projects of nation during colonization of Africa, and that split up different homelands and now they're claiming them back, and then the countries get conflicts for lands, but those conflicts in Africa are because projects of nation of Europeans. Independence of countries is because they get a different homeland identity and then they create a new project of nation for themselves that includes independence and in some cases apart of independence they also propose more stuff after gaining independence.
    01/02/2024 8:09 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    Paul Robeson was a mistake by me due to English being too confusing for me, I sometimes express myself wrong, however, Paul Robeson indeed liked the egalitarian laws in Soviet Union, and he even went to Spain during the Spanish Civil War, but however, the point was not even to mention Paul Robeson, I didn't find any better way to give an example of people finding their spiritual homeland.

    The US patriotism thing, that thing that you explained is what I explained there, their army does not fight for their country anymore, for example, in Vietnam they fought for another country, and their wars are for political interests and not exactly for "making their nation greater or prosperous" (that might not be the best explanation either) like for example Prussia during Franco-Prussian War, nor for self defense like they did during WW2 after Japan invaded Pearl Harbor. Specially that part of my text that you quoted was an opinion, I think that their patriotism is kinda in troubles, and when I said that htey are disorganized as society I said it because I know people who can confirm it because they live there, and by what you're saying about multiculturalism, I can only confirm my theory about homelands, they accept the US as a homeland, as the homeland they're living in currently, but their culture is different because their birthing homeland is different and they got the culture from that homeland, and they can even miss that other land.
    Truly all political groups are heading to their respective extremes, and truly the US power on the world is controversial and can makes them kinda unpopular, specially for other countries.

    This one is something that the governments from Mexico and the US don't talk about because they're simply focused on other stuff, but there are already some people who have made theories about how in a few decades there will be so many Mexicans in the southern states that they will give the Mexicans there special rights to prevent social problems, and maybe even apply some Mexican laws, those are theories of what will happen in the future, but based in identity changes in those territories, and actually, decades ago there was a Chicano movement where those former Mexican territories were called Aztlan, they wanted to reunify those lands with Mexico, and here in Mexico there is really a nostalgia for those territories lost to the US, it is similar to the Russian nostalgia for Soviet Union, I can really tell and many people here can really tell, it is also not very mentioned but hte feeling is there.
    And yes, they know that they're in the US, but many people thinks that those lands should be Mexican again because it was not fair the way the US got them from Mexico.
    12/18/2023 5:06 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    Sí, no veo por qué no
    11/10/2023 1:26 am
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    11/09/2023 9:23 pm
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    11/09/2023 8:01 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    ALL the bodies~
    11/09/2023 7:34 pm
    Level 48 : Master Sus
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    I know, I only know about that bc when I published stuff it appeared between the group content-

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