Minecraft Mods

Twisted minecraft rules

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SethHaloCat's Avatar SethHaloCat
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
This adds...
Zombie cows-
- go's really really fast
- Soon kills you fast
- Invisible

Steve (aka you)
- Runs fast
- possibly can fly but i havnt found out how
- when in air, will go slow

Plans for up coming events
We plane on adding a website but for now its flakecraf.webs.com/
We will also take off the effects to steve and we will add new ones. I plan
on having steve burn in day or get hurt in water. Its up to you guys! the burning
in day is a copy but its a good idea Im also adding new textures to these so
please try not using a texture pack But it is compatible with texture packs. And
we will add a video! :D

Evil chickens-
- go's slower then cows
- kills faster
- more week

Evil bats-
- Same speed
- Jumps on head to suffocate you
- Very strong
- takes some damage

Police Zombies-
- Kills Evil cows
- all most never kills villager
- kill you if you walk into them (has a 1 block sight for humans)
- Very Very Fast
- takes alot of damage

Evil Bunnys-
- Kills everything besides steve
- Can pick up and move blocks
- Can teleport
- Only apears in nether
- If you attack it will attack back harder

Evil Angel Gorilla's
- Has wings and can fly
- Will kill  you but if a villager is near then your on the second priorty list
- Runs from Police zombies
- Goes as fast as bat
- Takes 8 damage (4 hearts)
- Drops Gorilla toy (Takes 30 damage (15 hearts))

Back story for zombies
A long time ago very far back there was a baby zombie, though he wasn't like the rest
he was slow and was small. One day the baby zombie was being picked on so he went in
the forest like usually. But this time something happened. He saw cows, the young boy had
no idea what they were or what they wanted so he walked up to them. The cow knew what
a zombie was and saw what they did to the villagers so, he tried to eat the little child. Off
came the leg, then the arm, and before his head was gone a warrior with shining blue
chopped off the cows head and killed all of the cows, the young zombie told the story to his
parents and that's how it came to be. Though they didn't know about the other mutated
creatures out there...

BTW looking for a helper for a new mod, you don't need to know how to code or texture for this mod, just need skype! message me if your intrested
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by SethHaloCat 03/17/2015 7:36:29 pmMar 17th, 2015

Updated to this version of MC

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04/02/2015 11:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Whitewolfhart's Avatar
zombie pigwoman she nags the zombiepigman and steve XD 5 block radious
06/22/2015 4:21 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
HAHAHAHHAHAHA YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/17/2015 7:38 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
SethHaloCat's Avatar
Updated to 1.8.1 and its compatible with or without forge mod loader. check it out!
06/30/2013 10:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The-gull-girl's Avatar
I think there should be a pig that is evil and puts a saddle on you and sits on you then takes 1 heart but with the block takes a half
07/01/2013 12:29 am
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
SethHaloCat's Avatar
Well i will think about this but right now there are no "new" creatures or animations and stuff like that, im working on creatures blocks and more for a dif. mod. This is just a edited cow which kills you.
06/30/2013 10:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
The-gull-girl's Avatar
07/28/2014 7:09 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
SethHaloCat's Avatar
is that wow because ur impressed or cause u think its stupid?
06/17/2013 11:53 am
Level 36 : Artisan Zombie
UndeadGaming606's Avatar
Random, yet AWESOME.
07/28/2014 7:08 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
SethHaloCat's Avatar
06/17/2013 11:04 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
HockeyGuy147's Avatar
this is random but cool xD
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