Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Village Defense (Java Tower Defense)

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BerryPenguins's Avatar BerryPenguins
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight

Village Defense V1 (Java) Trailer - YouTube

Village Defense V2 (Java) Trailer - YouTube


VERSION 2.0! New Waves, Enemies, Cosmetics and More.

NOTICE! Must be Gamemode Adventure (You should Automatically should be in Adventure Mode now in V2.0) or otherwise will Break the Map and 1.20.1 is the Version we made this for so if any issues on any Other Versions, try 1.20.1.

The Download will give you a .zip File, in that File is the World so take it Out, Delete the original .zip file and Move the World into ( AppData > Roaming > .minecraft > saves )

4 Days Ago, me and PenguinBob12 decided to make a Tower Defense Minigame in Minecraft (More Updates Coming Soon). Basically, you will get some Money as you start, use this to get some Basic Towers to defeat the First Couple Waves of Easy Pillager Raids. Each wave you Want to Change Your Setup otherwise You will Find yourself with a Broken Bell which ends in a Defeat.

Upon Joining, walk Through the MiniMap items Hallway to remind Yourself What things Do, then walk Through the Other Hallway, go Either Left or Right, Depending on if you want to Spectate or play as a Player (You need 1 Player Selected to Start the Game) then Click the Start Button.

How to Play:

1. Click Start to get Your Starting Money and Walk into the Mine in the Cave side, on the Left Side of the Map as you Spawn.

Village Defense (Java Tower Defense) Minecraft Map

2. Once in the Cave, take another Left to End up in the Map Room. The Map Room is where the Main Part of the Game is also Held as when you Buy an item, You Must Place it on one of the Plots (Green Concrete Powder) Labelled with "1, 2, 3 & 4". This will Place the Actually Tower in the Actual Map. Also, All places on the Map, no matter what is placed there, are not Dependent on Eachother.

Village Defense (Java Tower Defense) Minecraft Map


1st Wall:

Village Defense (Java Tower Defense) Minecraft Map

- A Golden Pickaxe you Get for Free, used to Destroy anything on your MiniMap that You've Placed Already. (You Get all your Money Back for the Things you Break, Keep this in Mind when Switching your Setup between Waves, Maybe your Close to Buying a Better Tower but Your 5 Money of so you Can Destroy Maybe a Spike Trap You've Place Down)

T1 ARCHER TOWER - Cost: $10 - The Archer Tower is the First thing You Need to Buy when You Start as these Towers are going to Be the Main Part of Your Damage Throughout the Game, Mainly Because you can Upgrade them up to Tier 5 (ALOT of Damage), so the Quicker you start Upgrading a Tower, the Better! Do remember though that you can only use a T2/T3 Upgrade (The Smithing Template) on an Archer Tower TWICE Before you HAVE to use a T4/T5 Upgrade (The Beacon) To Upgrade it even Further. If you Want to Check which Tier a Turret is, The Block above them on the Ceiling Shows which Level. The Blocks that Show you Which Tier it is are All Shown Below:
Tier 1: Wood Planks
Tier 2: Stone Bricks
Tier 3: Iron Block
Tier 4: Emerald Block
Tier 5: Diamond Block

UPGRADE T1-T2 / T2-T3 - Cost: $35 - The Upgrade is Used to Upgrade all Tier 1 and Tier 2 Towers on Your MiniMap, Which is Only Archer Towers and Tnt Walkers as of Right Now. You apply these Upgrades by Directly Throwing them onto the Towers on the MiniMap.

2nd Wall:

SELL BOUGHT ITEMS - This Button Basically clears all Bought Items, Because Maybe you Accidently Bought something, Who Knows?

T1 TNT WALKER - Cost: $30 - Tnt Walkers are Towers that Place spawners, Meaning no Matter Where you Place a Tnt Walker on the MiniMap, Its always gonna Spawn the Mobs in one Place. These Spawners spawn Tnt Minions at the Bell, and they Walk Towards the Wave, and the More Walkers Placed the More Frequent they Spawn. Aswell, you Can Upgrade these Towers to Tier 2 But no Farther. The Upgraded Version is a Gilded Tower, They Make Every Tnt Minion That Spawns to a Gilded Variant, Meaning Alot Quicker and Still can be Spawned More Frequent the more T1 and T2 Towers there Are and Place a Polished Andesite Block on the Ceiling to Show its Tier 2, So they Work Really well EndGame. (I also Recommend having One Of these Before Wave 4 Occurs as they Spawn Really Quick Pillagers, which can Sometimes Dodge Archer Towers so Tnt Minions are Really Useful then)

SPIKERS - Cost: $5 - Spikers don't do Any Damage however they Spawn Spike Traps which slow Every Type of Raider when they Walk Through them, this Makes them Really Useful for either Tnt Minions to Catch up to them, or for The Pillagers to Get More Archer Tower bullets into them! They Aren't the Most Useful EndGame item but Early Game they are Really Useful.

UPGRADE T3-T4 / T4-T5 - Cost: $100 - These Upgrades work the Same as the T1-T2 / T2-T3 ones However they are Only Used on Archer Towers that are Tier 3 or Tier 4, or Tier 1 Electrical Traps. The Reason there so Expensive is because the Emerald and Diamond Tiers Shred the Waves, Making them Exactly what you Need Late Game!

ELECTRICITY TRAP - Cost: $20 - This Trap works on its Own Independent Cycle, Dealing Quite a Big Amount Of Damage Every 3 Seconds aslong as a Raider is standing in the Shock Zone, Displayed by the White Spark Particles. They Are Good Early Game but not really EndGame. T2 Electrical Traps are Really Good EarlyGame and MidGame but will Need Changing at some Point (Waves 15-25).
Tier 1: Stone
Tier 2: Tuff

3rd Wall:

REGENERATE BELL - Cost: $50 - This Purchase shouldn't be Bought all that Much Unless the Bell is REALLY Low, but if Bought it Refills the Bells Health by a Quarter.

3. Once Your Setup is Placed, Go Back to the Previous Room and Click Start First Wave to Begin. Head outside to See How well you do Aswell

4. The Raiders will Come From the Dark Pillager Cave at the Top of the Village When clicking Begin.

5. They Will all Head towards the Bell and if they Reach it, they Will Damage it, Bosses do ALOT of Damage aswell as Tnt Pillagers (The Ones Moving slow with a Black Fuse Particle Around it) Once the Bell is at 0 Health you will Lose and Be Sent back to the Lobby. If you Survive the 40 Waves, you Finish and Get Sent Back to the Lobby (More Waves Coming Soon!)

6. You Can Also use the Tp Pads to Get Around Quicker.


There is Now a New Currency! Gems! Every Wave completion will Give you +5 Gems and there are some Gems Spread across the Map (Right-Click to Collect). Gems can now be Spent using the Custom GUI in the Cosmetics Shop (Enter the Headquarters and take a Left). Left-Click the items in the Shop to see their Prices and Names, Right-Click to Purchase. Anything Bought from the Cosmetics shop can be Equipped in the "Closet" Located Right of the Cosmetics Shop (Right-Click to Enter).

In the Closet there are 3 Walls, Each with Items Spread out. The Wall to Your Left as you Enter has an "Axe" (Angry Villager Trail), a "Magma Block" (Flame Trail), a "Music Disc" (Music Trail), all can be Right-Clicked to Equip. The Wall Ahead of you has an Armor stand (Illager Clothes), Each piece can be Right-Clicked to be Given Manually, then you can Equip them, As well there's a "Brain" (Conduit), and a "Banner" (Emerald Banner). On your Right, is the Pets, a "Bell" (Bell Pet), a "Villager Spawn Egg" (Villager Pet) and a "Zombie Head" (Zombie Pet), all can be Right-Clicked to Equip. Also in the Room is a Lever, Where flipping it will Alter what will Happen When you Left-Click a Cosmetic, You can Either make it Inform You the Items Name, or Make it Unequip the Item you Left-Clicked on. You can Only have one Head Cosmetic on at a time, all the Trails at once, but Only 1 Pet Active.

The Cosmetics you can Buy:

Zombie Pet - 90 GEMS
Villager Pet - 100 GEMS
Bell Pet - 120 GEMS

Music Trail - 50 GEMS
Angry Villager Trail - 50 GEMS
Flame Trail - 50 GEMS

Illager Head - 30 GEMS
Illager T-Shirt - 40 GEMS
Illager Leggings - 35 GEMS
Illager Boots - 30 GEMS
Emerald Banner - 30 GEMS
Brain - 30 GEMS

How to Install on Java Edition:

Click Here for Tutorial! (Not Mine)
CreditPenguinBob12, AgentXL10
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Update #2.0 : by PenguinBob12 06/05/2024 9:36:44 amJun 5th

Cosmetics Shop!
New Currency Type!
+15 Waves!
New Enemies!
New Bosses!
New Tower Upgrades!
Archer Towers have a new look!
New UI for Gold., Gems and Waves!
More Tips for the General!


Gilded Minions Glowing,
T4 Archer Towers bullets,

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05/27/2024 4:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
kralvefo31's Avatar
05/27/2024 4:26 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
BerryPenguins's Avatar
Thank u bro :D
05/22/2024 1:47 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
KLR89540's Avatar
can i play this map with more than 1 people?
05/24/2024 12:21 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
BerryPenguins's Avatar
yus, very much so
03/02/2024 2:39 am
Level 1 : New Miner
minecraftplayer9000's Avatar
help, I can't improve the towers. I throw an upgrade at the tower, but it doesn't improve
03/02/2024 3:50 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
BerryPenguins's Avatar
Thrown on it directly? and is it one that can be upgraded anyway?
03/02/2024 5:24 am
Level 1 : New Miner
minecraftplayer9000's Avatar
yes, I throw it straight at the tower, it's an archer
03/02/2024 8:54 am
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
BerryPenguins's Avatar
Has it been upgraded already previously, if so how many times?
06/08/2024 2:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5173547G's Avatar
Throwing at the archer has not improved before
06/07/2024 8:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5173547G's Avatar
I can't either.
06/08/2024 2:44 am
Level 1 : New Miner
User5173547G's Avatar
improvements don't work
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