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Desolation Detention Center

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BalackRanger's Avatar BalackRanger
Level 28 : Expert Architect
Desolation Detention Center
Status Offline Pinged: 03/28/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Server IP: MC-DDC.org

Status: Grand Re-Opening

(No whitelist! Anyone can join!)

TeamSpeak 3 Server IP: ts.mc-ddc.org:10096

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Mine, work, PvP, rank up your way to freedom!

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Desolation Detention Center holds some of the most notorious criminals ever to be convicted. Included in the center's collection of criminals is you. You have been thrown in to rot for eternity, with nothing but a speck of hope to be free once again. That speck of hope is your objective in the prison. You must undertake the task of earning Points and using it to buy your way to freedom.

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Server Rules are rules that apply to everyone in the server. If these are not followed, punishment consists of: mute, kick, or ban.

1. No hacking/exploiting (e.g. Hacked clients, X-Ray, etc.)
2. No spamming/advertising
3. No abusing glitches (e.g. Abusing a duplication glitch)
4. No harassment (Treat each other with respect)

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Prison Rules are rules that apply only to players inside the prison. These rules are enforced by the guards. If these are not followed, punishment consists of: death, confiscation, or time in a jail cell.

1. No PvPing
(If you PvP and a guard sees you, he will chase you and try to kill you. If you run into a No-PvP zone and the guard hit you one time within the last 40 seconds, the guard will count to 5 and you have those 5 seconds to get out before he/she jails you for 5-10 mintues. If someone is PvPing with you, but you do not want to be punished by a guard, run away and do not hit back.)

2. No abusing/camping the No-PvP and PvP zones/Warps
(Do not hide in a No-PvP zone, pop out, hit someone, and go back in. If a guard sees you abusing the No-PvP and PvP zones, he/she will jail you for 5-10 minutes. Also, do not push others out of PvP zones. Lastly, do not warp while PvPing.)

3. No possession of illegal items
(Weapons are considered illegal inside the prison, such as swords, bows, and arrows. Gold and Chainmail armor is also illegal. If a guard sees you holding Gold or Chainmail Armor, he/she will ask for it. If you do not comply within 5 seconds, you will automatically be jailed, even if you kill the guard.)

4. No griefing any work area or mine
(Do not grief work areas of mines in anyway that it is not meant to be used. Do not break saplings in the tree farm, and do not place blocks in a mine that do not belong there. Punishment varies depending on the situation at hand.)

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Come from another Prison Server? We offer Prison Transfers! You will get the rank below the rank you came displayed in your screenshot. Use the format below and post it here.

We only accept Prison Transfers from the following Prisons:
- Convicted
- Killion Detention Center
- Don't Drop the Soap

- Mumau's Prison
- (Notify us if you think we missed a major server.)

1. What is your IGN (In Game Name):
2. What Prison Server are you transfering from?:
3. Paste a screenshot of you with your rank on the Prison Server you are transfering:

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Low on funds? Want easy money? Vote at the links below to earn 500 Points for each vote, for a total of 1,000 Points! You can vote every 24 hours.


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Need more Points? Have extra cash laying around?
Check out: http://store.mc-ddc.org

You can attain Points, Donor Blocks, Colored Names, Weapon/Armor Packs, and much more!

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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." III is your first rank. You will find that this is the most populated block with frequent violence and a lot of rule breakers. As an III, you are provided with a tree farm, and you are expected to replant the saplings while using it. Also in III is a basic Quarry, consisting of stone, iron ore, and coal ore. (Obtainable items can be sold in the shop.)

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Cost: 15,000 Points
Nice job! You have reached your next rank. Your new rank presents you with two new mines as well as cells you can rent and build in. You now have access to a Gravel Pit, which contains gravel, obsidian, iron ore, coal ore, and diamond ore. II also present you with another mine, the Mud Pit, which you can gather dirt, clay, iron ore, coal ore, and diamond ore in. You may also encounter some water in the Mud Pit. Continue your hard work to move along your journey in the prison. (Obtainable items can be sold in the shop.) Under II is an event area, where Wardens will hold events that the whole prison can attend.

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Cost: 35,000 Points
Horray! You have been granted access to a block with less PvP zones, meaning more protection from being looted and stolen from. Also granted to you is two new mines, along with a passive mob farm. Acquire Points mining in the Sand Pit, where you can find sand, the four types of sandstone, iron ore, coal ore, and diamond ore. The other mine included in I is the Netherrack Mine, where you can attain netherrack, iron ore, and diamond ore. (Obtainable items can be sold in the shop.)

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Cost: 65,000 Points
Almost there! This your last rank before tasting sweet freedom. Elite is massive and there are absolutely no PvP zones. There is a map room in Elite, with warps around the block because of its colossal size. Elite comes with a Stone Brick Mine, which includes all types of stone bricks, diamonds, iron ore, gold ore, and coal. Additionally, a Mossy Cobblestone Mine is also accommodated to you, where you can procure mossy cobblestone, diamonds, iron ore, gold ore, and coal. (Obtainable items can be sold in the shop.) Need exp and Points? A passive and aggressive mob farm is accessible to you where you can slay mobs.

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Cost: 100,000 Points
FREEDOM AT LAST! Congratulations! You are free to leave the prison or return at any time. You can explore the world outside the prison or you can return and visit your prison friends. (You still have to follow Prison Rules, if you are inside the prison.)

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Congratulations! Welcome to the staff ranks. Your guard application has just been approved by a HeadGuard or a Warden. You must patrol III and enforce the Prison Rules. If a HeadGuard or Warden sees you are worthy, you can get a promotion to a full Guard.

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With loyalty and hard work, you have been promoted to a full Guard! You are now permitted to patrol II, along with III. Perform your duties, be active and loyal, and with time, you might see a promotion coming your way.

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You have been entrusted with a new rank. Your duties remain the same, but you have been conveyed a new kit: archer.

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At this point, only the HeadWardens can promote a SrGuard to a NobleGuard. You must be very trustworthy, responsible, and active to achieve this rank. You now have access to many more commands, such as /warp, /mute, /kick, and /ban. Chainmail armor has been added to your arsenal, rather than the guards' gold armor. You must protect the server from players who break the Prison Rules and the Server Rules. You have access to the entire prison, and are permitted to leave the prison as well.

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HeadGuards are responsible for managing the guards. New HeadGuards are chosen every 3 weeks (elections for HeadGuard begin in 1-2 months). The duties of HeadGuards are to watch over the guards and promote those who are active and loyal. HeadGuards must also look over guard applications and appropriately approve or deny apps, then promote those who have been approved. HeadGuards must also report guards who are misbehaving to a Warden. Alongside with the NobleGuards, HeadGuards can access the entire prison and can leave the prison at any time. They must also protect the prison from players who break the Prison Rules and Server Rules.

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Wardens are hand picked by the HeadWarden from the and HeadGuards. Wardens administrate the server and ensure that all players are receiving the full experience in the server.

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This rank belongs to the server's two owners and is unobtainable.

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Want to be a guard? Fill out the application below in a post, and a HeadGuard or Warden will approve or deny it within the next day.

1. In Game Name (IGN):
2. What is your time zone?:
3. How active can you be?:
4. Have you read ALL the rules?:
5. What is your current rank?:
6. How long have you played on Desolation Detention Center?:
7. Do you have a lot of experience in other prison servers? If so, have you ever been a guard?:
8. Why should you be entrusted with a guard rank?:
9. Is there anything we should know about (notes)?:
*Ensure that you have a screenshot of your rank (if you are higher than III) before you apply for guard. If you do not have a screenshot of your rank, you will not get it back if you are demoted or retire. By default, you will get III.

"Stamps" for HeadGuards+:
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Join the Guard Faction to prevent harming fellow guards. Notify a NobleGuard or a HeadGuard if you are not in the faction.

If you are killed 3 times in a row by the same prisoner, you may jail that prisoner for 15 minutes.

Include "fluffy unicorns" in your application or you will be denied.

Act mature and respectful.

Jail griefers for 30 minutes, and notify a NobleGuard or higher.

Do not abuse these!
/guard - You receive Protection 1 Gold Armor and a Sharpness 1 Gold Sword
/food - You receive 3 cooked porkchops
/sword - Use this command if you need a new sword
/archer - (SrGuard and higher) You receive a Bow and 16 Arrows
/arrows - (SrGuard and higher) You receive 16 Arrows
/nobleguard - (NobleGuard and higher) You receive Protection 1 Chainmail Armor and a Sharpness 1 Gold Sword
/jail cell#(up to 27) - Used to jail rule breaking prisoners (Do NOT forget to add a time limit.)

Do NOT store or giveaway kits!

If you see a prisoner hit another prisoner, kill the prisoner who PvPed. Do not kill the other prisoner if he/she does not swing back. If the prisoner runs into a safe-zone, tell the prisoner to come out, and count down from 5. If the prisoner does not come out within the 5 seconds, jail the prisoner for 10 minutes. You can only ask the prisoner to come out if you tagged/hit the prisoner 40 seconds or less before he/she ran in.

If a prisoner is abusing/camping a No-PvP zone/Warping, then jail the prisoner immediately for 10 minutes.

If you are killed by a prisoner, you may not go back to the prisoner and kill him/her (unless you see the prisoner engaging in a fight again).

If you see a prisoner hold an illegal item, ask for the item and count down from 5. If the prisoner does not comply or runs away, and you are in a...

...No-PvP Zone, then jail the prisoner for 5 minutes.
...PvP Zone, kill the prisoner.

If you see a prisoner with Gold Armor or Chainmail Armor, ask the prisoner for the armor, and count down from 5. If the prisoner does not comply or the prisoner kills you, jail the prisoner for 15 minutes (if you die, jail the prisoner after you respawn).

Once you have confiscated the illegal item, use the disposal signs around the prison to get rid of the confiscated items. You may sell items you obtain from killing rule breakers.

If the prisoner has many swords and is "trolling", ask for all of their swords. Jail or kill the prisoner if he/she does not give all of their swords.

NobleGuard and HeadGuard Guidelines

You may use X-Ray to spot prisoners who are X-Raying.

/kit nobleguard - (NobleGuard and higher) You receive Protection 1 Chainmail Armor and a Sharpness 1 Gold Sword
/mute - Used to mute players
/kick - Used to warn players before a ban - Always provide a reason!
/ban - Used to ban players - Always provide a reason!
/broadcast - Used to broadcast to the server
/warps - Lists warps
/warp - Warp to
/vanish - (NobleGuard) Use to spy on suspisous prisoners
/setrank - (HeadGuard) Use to promote or demote guards

Mute prisoners who:

- Spam
- Frequent capitalization
- Advertising
- Harassment

Ban prisoners who:

- Hack/Cheat/Exploit (e.g. Hacked client, X-Ray, etc.)
- Advertise/Spam (more than once)
- Abuse Glitches (e.g. Purposely glitching out of the prison)

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Banned? Want to come back? Fill out the application below in a post, and a HeadGuard or Warden will approve or deny it within the next day.

1. In Game Name (IGN):
2. What was your rank at the time of your ban?:
3. Reason for your ban:
4. Who issued your ban? (N/A if answer is not known):w
5. Approximately when were you banned?:
6. Do you admit to committing the offence stated in the reason?:
7. Why are you worthy of being unbanned?
8. Is there anything we should know about (notes)?:

Special Thanks to:
  • SkeletonRuler (2nd Owner/Writer of this Page)

  • ZeAllMighty1 (Screenshots)

Our Signature:

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Desolation Detention Center - Click Me to Learn More

Copy the code below to your signature:

[color=rgb(102,102,0)][[/color]size[color=rgb(102,102,0)]=[/color][color=rgb(0,102,102)]4[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)]][/color][color=rgb(102,0,102)]Desolation[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Detention[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Center[/color] [color=rgb(102,102,0)]-[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Click[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Me[/color] to [color=rgb(102,0,102)]Learn[/color] [color=rgb(102,0,102)]More[/color][color=rgb(102,102,0)][/[/color]size[color=rgb(102,102,0)]][/[/color]url[color=rgb(102,102,0)]][/[/color]center[color=rgb(102,102,0)]][/color][h3]Additional Notes[/h3]Desolation Detention Center is a Prison server. You must survive in a prison and work your way up to freedom. IP: MC-DDC.org

5 Update Logs

Grand Re-Opening : by BalackRanger 03/22/2013 12:01:41 amMar 22nd, 2013

Server has been re-opened!

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04/01/2015 4:16 pm
Level 26 : Expert Architect
Sakleysi's Avatar
After it being down for so long I still miss this old server.
11/01/2014 6:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DimitrisNacouzis's Avatar
color=rgb(0,102,102)]1.[/color] (IGN):GingersGoRawr
2. time zone?:Central
3. How active can you be?:almost everyday
4. read ALL the rules?:yes
5 current rank?: elite
6. How long have you played on DDC?:2 days
7. experience in other prison servers? been a guard?tons of experience i love them. havebeen guard
8. Why should you be entrusted with a guard rank?i am responsible and will do my job as well as i can
9. (notes)no x564 ps3 aka 678890 ?/ami construckedede jgl 564785 %% %appdata% server ip;:;:.minecraft dnf 487376483746 jehf ei3kq (up) sfs))):{"}:"]]]\\\\\\\\\\||||||||g ouiy  ``f !!!`~~~~897698768698769 {bolor color76x656}
08/12/2014 2:33 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IoCalisto's Avatar
ddc you where one of my first and favorite minecraft servers..... R.I.P.
06/20/2014 7:39 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
epikpepsi's Avatar
Sucks this server is down... so many good memories... I remember that this server was one of the main reasons im so into this game, and still love it after so long. Rest In Peace DDC.
10/26/2013 4:37 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Painter
ThaumasTheIceBeing's Avatar
It says no whitelist and yet it won't let me in because I am not whitelisted.
08/27/2013 6:14 pm
Level 21 : Expert Blacksmith
extremeSGH's Avatar
Can i plz get unbanned! -SuperWyatt15
07/18/2013 4:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SoupahMario's Avatar
I cant get in, it says I need to be Whitelisted. Although it's probably just my laggy computer.
07/21/2013 9:31 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
epikpepsi's Avatar
They are resetting it, all progress you have will be lost. It will be up in 1-3 weeks.
07/17/2013 4:10 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
xXZpcieliteXx's Avatar
Play Minecraft (You prob do :3)? Join this server! :D! :D Kit Newbie has PRO IV D armor! Join today! We have about 3 DP's a day! (Copy and paste if your nice <3)
07/25/2013 1:31 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Taco
epikpepsi's Avatar
Are you really so silly as to post this on another server's post?
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