Minecraft Texture Packs / Simplistic Packs

[32X][1.7.X][14w25a] SmoothTex 32X V1.1.0 BETA [CAN WE GET 20 DIAMONDS ?]

  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 7,268 views, 2 today
  • 852 downloads, 0 today
nebulr's Avatar nebulr
Level 56 : Grandmaster Artist
SmoothTex 32X
[Version 1.1.0 BETA]

>Here you can download older versions of this texture pack<

Official SmoothTex Download Site

>Here are some other sites where you can download this texture pack<

Official SmoothTex Site





1) You're not allowed to modify and then to Upload my Texture Pack
2) You're allowed to post my Texture Pack if it's not modified
and if the link to this site is in the description.

Your donation helps me to improve the texture pack and allows me to upload more updates!
[32X][1.7.X][14w25a] SmoothTex 32X V1.1.0 BETA [CAN WE GET 20 DIAMONDS ?] Minecraft Texture Pack

>Dont forget to leave a Diamond and a comment if you love this texture pack!

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[32X][1.7.X][14w25a] SmoothTex 32X V1.1.0 BETA [CAN WE GET 20 DIAMONDS ?] Minecraft Texture Pack


Known issues:

click to reveal
If you find a bug please report them to me via PM

Change Log:
click to reveal
v1.1.0 Beta:
-Added iron trapdoor texture
-Added sunflower texture
-Added large fern texture
-Added red tulip texture
-Added orange tulip texture
-Added pink tulip texture
-Added white tulip texture
-Added allium texture
-Added azure bluet texture
-Added oxeye daisy texture
-Added blue orchid texture
-Added lilac texture
-Added rose bush texture
-Added peony texture
-Added wet sponege texture (14w25a)
-Added coarse dirt
-Added new cursor textur
-Added bow texture (x16)
-Added diamond texture (x16)
-Added new icon
-Improved iron door texture
-improved brick texture
-Fixed cursor bug
-Fixed minor xp bar texture bug
-Fixed baked potato texture
-Fixed potato texture

v1.0.2 Beta:
-Added beacon texture
-Added beacon beam texture
-Added hopper GUI texture
-Added horse GUI texture
-Added resource pack arrows

v1.0.1 Beta:
-Added blaze texture
-Added saddle texture
-Added entchantment table book texture
-Added bat texture
-Added squid texture

v1.0.0 Beta:

-Added acacia planks texture
-Added dark oak planks texture
-Added podzol texture
-Added Furnace texture
-Added all wool colours
-Added all carpet colours
-Added all stained glass textures
-Added all stained glass pane textures
-Added spawner texture
-Added TNT texture
-Added torch texture
-Added trapdoor texture
-Added daylight sensor texture
-Added farmland texture
-Added command block texture
-Added brick texture
-Added redstone dust texture (block)
-Added redstone lamp texture
-Added dropper texture
-Added dispenser texture
-Added stonebricks texture
-Added cracked stonebricks texture
-Added chiseled stonebricks texture
-Added mossy stonebricks texture
-Added lillypad texture
-Added repeater texture
-Added redstone torch texture
-Added lever texture
-Added mossy cobblestone texture
-Added tall grass texture
-Added comparator texture
-Added tripwire hook texture
-Added brown mushroom texture
-Added red mushroom texture
-Added oak log texture
-Added birch log texture
-Added spruce log texture
-Added jungle log texture
-Added dark oak log texture
-Added acacia log texture
-Added oak leaves texture
-Added birch leaves texture
-Added spruce leaves texture
-Added jungle leaves texture
-Added dark oak leaves texture
-Added acacia leaves texture
-Added destroying animation
-Added brewing stand texture
-Added workbench texture
-Added soulsand texture
-Added netherrack texture
-Added piston texture
-Added sticky piston texture
-Added noteblock texture
-Added jukebox texture
-Added mycelium texture
-Added flower pot texture
-Added fern texture
-Added double tallgrass texture
-Added sugar cane texture
-Added clay texture
-Added netherbricks texture
-Added netherbrick fence texture
-Added quartz ore texture
-Added glowstone texture
-Added anvil texture
-Added cactus texture
-Added melon texture
-Added iron block texture
-Added coal block texture
-Added lapis block texture
-Added gold block texture
-Added diamond block texture
-Added emerald block texture
-Added redstone block texture
-Added itemframe texture
-Added deadbush texture
-Added dragon egg texture
-Added chest texture
-Added ender chest texture
-Added arrow texture (entity)
-Added boat texture
-Added sign texture
-Added xp orb texture
-Added endportal frame texture
-Added stone slab texture
-Added vine texture
-Added sponge texture
-Added snow block/top texture
-Added pumpink texture
-Added jack o'lantern texture
-Added melon stem texture
-Added pumpkin stem texture
-Added cauldron texture
-Added ladder texture
-Added bed texture
-Added cake texture
-Added cocoa beans texture
-Added wooden door texture
-Added iron door texture
-Added emerald ore texture
-Added iron bars texture
-Added lapis ore texture
-Added hay bale texture
-Added all stained clay textures
-Added cobweb texture
-Added powered rail texture
-Added detector rail texture
-Added activator rail texture
-Added rail texture
-Added oak sapling texture
-Added spruce sapling texture
-Added birch sapling texture
-Added acacia sapling texture
-Added dark oak sapling texture
-Added jungle sapling texture
-Added poppy texture
-Added dandelion texture
-Added nether warts texture
-Added mushroom blocks texture
-Added ice texture
-Added packed ice texture
-Added wheat texture
-Added quartz block texture
-Added chiseled quartz block texture
-Added pillar quartz block texture
-Added quartz stair texture
-Added quartz slab texture
-Added sandstone texture
-Added smooth sandstone texture
-Added chiseled sandstone texture
-Added endercrystal texture
-Added map texture
-Added difficulty lock texture in settings GUI (14w02c)
-Added slime block texture (14w02c)
-Added granite texture (14w02c)
-Added polished granite texture (14w02c)
-Added diorite texture (14w02c)
-Added polished diorite texture (14w02c)
-Added andesite texture (14w02c)
-Added polished andesite texture (14w02c)
-Improved iron ore texture
-Improved snow on grass texture
-Fixed font bug
-Updated/Improved resource pack order
-Updated resource pack icon
-Updated texture pack to resource pack, so it's now cmpatible with Minecraft 1.7.X
-Updated the background of the menu
-Updated the GUI (currently just with 16x pixels)
-Updated entchantment GUI (14w02c)

v1.1.0 Alpha:
-Added obsidian texture
-Added gravel texture
-Added snow texture
-Added enchantment table texture
-Added bookshelf texture
-Added wooden planks texture (jungle, birch, spruce, oak)
-Added wooden halfsteps texture(jungle, birch, spruce, oak)
-Added wooden stairs texture (jungle, birch, spruce, oak)
-Added wooden pressure plates texture
-Added fence texture
-Added gate texture

v1.0.0 Alpha:
-Added stone texture
-Added cobblestone texture
-Added bedrock texture
-Added sand texture
-Added dirt texture
-Added grass texture
-Added iron ore texture
-Added coal ore texture
-Added gold ore texture
-Added diamond ore texture
-Added redstone ore texture
Progress70% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.8

7 Update Logs

Smoothtex 32x v1.1.0 Beta : by nebulr 06/19/2014 4:05:04 pmJun 19th, 2014

v1.1.0 Beta:
-Added iron trapdoor texture
-Added sunflower texture
-Added large fern texture
-Added red tulip texture
-Added orange tulip texture
-Added pink tulip texture
-Added white tulip texture
-Added allium texture
-Added azure bluet texture
-Added oxeye daisy texture
-Added blue orchid texture
-Added lilac texture
-Added rose bush texture
-Added peony texture
-Added wet sponege texture (14w25a)
-Added coarse dirt
-Added new cursor textur
-Added bow texture (x16)
-Added diamond texture (x16)
-Added new icon
-Improved iron door texture
-improved brick texture
-Fixed cursor bug
-Fixed minor xp bar texture bug
-Fixed baked potato texture
-Fixed potato texture

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06/22/2014 2:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DullSwordX's Avatar
I made a review of this texture pack to help it gain popularity! Here is the link if you need it for the list: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxbBy6Q6NFw&list=UUeE6qPCIpNEplC_lT4k9u_w
02/11/2014 6:40 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
tesla_block's Avatar
\(^ω^\) Epic ( /^ω^)/
01/02/2013 9:21 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
Charri10's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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