Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

MechaniCraft 1.8 [2016 RELOAD! CUSTOM MUSIC & SOUNDS]

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eliminer01's Avatar eliminer01
Level 39 : Artisan Robot
You can listen to all the custom music HERE: Melodies of the Wasteland Vol. 1


The beta version for the pack's custom map made by Collincreeper is uploaded now! Download it here and now: MechaniCraft: North Ember


General Backstory:
The year is 2178. Planet Earth has suffered a lot of damage from the actions of the humans, and 40% of the forests and plains has turned into polluted wastelands. Do the people do anything about it? Nope. Humanity has since a few years back moved into huge underground cities, with fresh air and clean water, so why care about nature? The only humans allowed to go outside the cities are special soldier troops out on missions to gather supplies for the cities, and it's not fun being one of them. Not really a dream job fighting all the old malfunctioning robots not used anymore, and getting lost from your group... that's a total nightmare. You would have to survive on your own, in wastelands full of mechanic killing machines, and with no shelter at all. If you don't build one...

Note: Biomes not listed here have not changed enough to have a special backstory.

Wastelands (desert)
When R-power (redstone) was invented in year 2140, the world completely stopped using nuclear power. That might sound like a good thing, but all nuclear power plants that were active became abandoned and no one cared about them anymore. The radioactive materials began leaking out, and soon the area around them was completely destroyed by the radiation. Nothing grows in the wastelands, and the trees that were there before withered and became the dead bushes that you can find all around the wastelands. Also, watch out for the barrels full of radioactive waste (cacti).

The Darkness (nether)
The Darkness must be the most mysterious place in the world. If it even is in the world... The Darkness is a place without an official name, and the government even says that it doesn't exist. You can get there via a wormhole (portal), but I'm sure that you don't want to. Many people has tried to locate the exact position of The Darkness, but everyone reports that their compass spins around, and that Holo-GPS systems doesn't work. Or they don't come back and report at all...

The Moon (End)
As said in the "Wastelands" part, R-power was invented in 2140, but one thought came to everyone - what if we run out of R-power one day? The problem was solved by a strange idea: Energy crystal towers on the moon! Yes, and what's even more crazy is how they guard the towers. A giant robot dragon flying around on the moon? Sounds unreal, but it is true. Scientists figured that it would be the best way to secure the towers, and just to be sure they also placed an army of Warp Bots (endermen) on the moon. Security overkill? Maybe... Rocket fuel became very expensive somewhere around 2080 because almost all materials used to make it had become extremely rare. Another weird solution for that problem: Make a teleporter device for acess to the moon! These teleporters are rarely used, but can be found and activated in large military bases underground (strongholds).

Note: Mobs not listed here have not changed enough to have a special backstory.

Patrol Robot (zombie)
The Patrol robot is the most common danger in the wilderness - and thank God, one of the least dangerous. The Patrol Robot moves slowly, and it can only injure you by simple punching, no other weapons. One scary thing about these robots is that they contain parts of real people, to make a kind of cyborg system. DROPS: Human Flesh (rotten flesh). RARE DROPS: Steel, Steel Shovel, Knife (iron sword), Armor.

Sniper Bot (skeleton)
Sniper Bots are almost as common as Patrol Robots, but more dangerous. They carry plasma guns, and can shoot you from long distances. Moves pretty fast, and always circles around you when nearby and shooting. DROPS: Metal Rods (bone), Plasma Bolts (arrow). RARE DROPS: Plasma Gun (bow).

C.R.P.E.R. (creeper)
CRPERs (Compact Radium-Powered Explosive Robots) are one of the most dangerous robots built, and they have an interesting backstory. They were originally built for blowing tunnels in the uranium mines (yes, these guys can EXPLODE), but when the R-power came, the uranium wasn't needed for nuclear power anymore. The CRPERs were left behind, and they began to malfunction and blow up everything in their way. If you see one, shoot it from far away or (preferably) run. DROPS: Gunpowder.

Climber (spider)
The Climbers are arachnid-like robots made for patrolling skyscrapers in the cities, but was later also used for missions in mountain biomes and now they're almost as common as Patrol Robots. Very fast and can climb up walls, can be very dangerous in groups or if you don't have weapons. Crazy Fact: The camera receptors that the climber use to see with (spider eyes) contains enough organic materials to be edible (yuck). Eating them is not recommended though, the robot fuel inside it will react with your body and poison you. DROPS: Wire (string), Robot Camera Receptor.

Cave Climber (cave spider)
When the uranium mines (mineshafts) was still active, it was quickly discovered that the precious uranium was easy to steal because of the low level of security systems in the shafts. Someone had to make a new guard robot for the uranium mines, and it had to be able to climb ravines and deep shafts. The modified Climber called the "Cave Climber" was born. This special Climber is smaller to fit in the narrow passages of the mines, and also has a special poison injecting device to weaken intruders, and to make stealing uranium an especially unpleasant experience for the thief. DROPS: Wire (string), Robot Camera Receptor.

Slime Cube (slime, duh...)
Believe it or not, when water is polluted enough it can act very strange. These cubes are made from chunks of slimy cave or swamp water, and with enough radiation in the ground, the green Slime Cubes are born. Common in swamps, and quite rare in caves. The size of the cubes can vary from tiny to huge, and the bigger the cube is, the more damage the impact on you will make. DROPS: Slimeballs.

Cockroach (silverfish)
Cockroaches are insects notorious for being able to survive the most extreme situations, and they haven't changed in year 2178. These bugs can be found hiding inside stone blocks in mountain sides, or even inside walls! Watch out if you live in an underground stone house - one cockroach does next to no harm, but they can be very annoying and even slightly dangerous in large groups. DROPS: Nothing.

Warp Bot (enderman)
The Warp Bots are a very strange kind of robot. They are very tall, and as their name suggests, they actually have the ability to teleport. They were first used as crystal tower guards on the moon, and they had to be made very tall because of the low gravity. The teleporting was also useful on the moon, in case one had to get up on a tower quickly. They have very bad camera receptors, so they can't see you if you don't look straight at them. That would however be a very bad thing to do, because the Warp Bots can do lots of damage to a target if they only get the chance to locate it first. They were not only built as guards, but also as crystal tower maintenance workers - because of that, they can actually pick up blocks. DROPS: Teleportation Devices (ender pearls).

Moon Dragon (enderdragon)
The Moon Dragon must be the craziest idea for a guard robot... ever. A giant metal dragon used for guarding the energy crystal towers on the moon? Yes. This dragon flies slowly around the moon on it's large wings, looking for intruders to attack. Its attack powers are extremely strong, and death is almost certain if you try to attack it without very powerful weapons. One reason to why the Moon Dragon is so hard to destroy is that no matter how much you attack it, it will heal itself by charging its inner core with power from the crystal towers. If you don't destroy them first... DROPS: Places an emergency teleporter to Earth on the surface when killed (exit portal). You can also break and pick up the Dragon Core (dragon egg) on top of the teleporter.

Broken Patrol Bot (zombie pigman)
The first moving thing you are likely to see when entering The Darkness is the creepy broken Patrol Robots, wandering around all over the place in groups. While they look like normal Patrol Robots (zombies) and just rusty and broken, they don't act like normal ones. They only attack when you hit them, and then, the whole group will attack. They always carry uranium knives, and how and why they got them is a complete mystery. There is no uranium in The Darkness, and you can't find an explanation to why they act differently than other Patrol Robots either. Like most creatures in The Darkness, no one knows much about them. DROPS: Human Flesh (rotten flesh), Uranium Pieces. RARE DROPS: Uranium, Uranium Blade, HAZMAT gear (gold armor).

Heavy Sniper Bot (ghast)
The Heavy Sniper Bots have almost nothing in common with the normal ones (skeletons), except for the fact that both of them shoot plasma at you. These huge robots flies around in the darkness, making strange noises and blowing you up with plasma charges if you come too close. Their "face" consists of the plasma cannon and a huge screen used for aiming. Despite the size of the Heavy Sniper Bots, the quality of their metal is not very good and they can easily be taken out with a few shots from a Plasma Gun (bow). But that doesn't mean that they aren't dangerous - they have massive firepower, and one plasma charge can kill you if it's a direct hit. DROPS: Plasma Containers (ghast tears), Gunpowder.

Flamestick (blaze)
"Flamestick" may not sound like a scary name, but don't calm down - these flying robots are one of your biggest threats when in The Darkness. The Flamesticks are robots equipped with very advanced hover-technology. They are actually only made of a flying head, some smoke and a few spinning metal rods. Like most robots in The Darkness, they are plasma-powered. The spinning metal rods actually contains the plasma, so if you need plasma they can be very useful. But you have to fight to get the rods - and be prepared for a real fight when challenging a Flamestick. The name "Flamestick" comes from their uncanny ability to heat up the plasma enough to set fire to themselves. When they overheat like that, they shoot plasma charges at you similar to the Heavy Sniper Bot ones. They are smaller and don't do as much damage as the ones from the Heavy Sniper Bots, but it's still enough plasma to burn down everything they hit. Be careful. DROPS: Plasma Rods (blaze rod).

Acid Cube (magma cube)
Very much like the Slime Cubes found in swamps and caves, but made of acid instead of water. Also varies from very small to huge in size, and will attack you on sight by jumping on you. Pretty much like the Darkness equivalent of Slime Cubes, so not much else to say about them. DROPS: Acidic Slime (magma cream).

Survivor (villager)
People too poor to live in the underground cities, wanted criminals afraid of the city police, or ex-soldiers who have gotten lost from their group just like you. The humans called the "Survivors" are people who manage to survive outside the protected cities, and live in small villages in the wilderness together. They are friendly, because they know you are one of them - a survivor all alone in the wastelands. If you happen to find one of their villages, you can trade items you have for stuff you need - food, tools, equipment etc. The main currency used by the Survivors are emeralds. DROPS: Nothing.

GuardBot 2.0 (iron golem)
The GuardBot 2.0 is an old guard robot model made by Cube Lab Industries™ that stopped production somewhere around 2160. The factories were closed down, but somehow one of the Survivors managed to steal the blueprints and build one to protect his/her village from the robots. They can be made with 4 steel blocks and 1 Radiation Protective Helmet (pumpkin), and you can also find them in some larger Survivor villages. Even if you get angry at one of the survivors, don't hurt them... you might get smashed into the ground by a GuardBot. DROPS: Steel, Roses.

SnowBot (snow golem)
The SnowBot is another Cube Lab Industries™ robot, as a cheaper alternative to the GuardBot 2.0. While the GuardBot has a lot of attack strength, the SnowBot can only attack by launching snowballs at your enemies. Not very effective, but it can hold robots back for a while. However, the SnowBot is very easy to make, as the body is partially constructed of snow (!). You can build it with 2 snow blocks and 1 Radiation Protective Helmet. Be careful when using it though - the snow body melts in warmer areas, and it can be destroyed by robot attacks very easily. DROPS: Snowballs.

Darkness Guard (wither skeleton)
The Darkness Guards are amongst the most mysterious robots in the world. They are built on modified Sniper Bot bodies, but they are bigger and have green eyes instead of red ones. They can only be found in The Darkness (duh) and carry stunsticks (stone swords). When they attack you, you will be affected by a special poison that can be found inside their stunsticks. It will damage you rapidly, and the more you get injured, the more the Darkness Guard will heal. The chemical has no official name, and it is only called "Titanium Poison" because of the Titanium Robot projectiles (see the lore chapter below). DROPS: Batteries (coal), Metal Rods (bones). RARE DROPS: Stunstick (stone sword), Darkness Guard Head.

Titanium Robot (wither)
The Titanium Robot is an A-class war robot, believed to have been produced somewhere around 2140-2145. Despite using almost 40-year old technology, the Titanium Robot has cannons with unbelivable firepower and four times the health of a GuardBot 2.0. It shoots explosive projectiles filled with the chemical called "Titanium Poison", which is also used by the Darkness Guards. It will attack everything in sight, even other robots (but not other Titanium Robots). It has two types of projectiles: black ones, which is the normal ones, and blue ones that has a smaller and more concentrated explosion range but are more powerful. When the robot's health is down to half, it will activate a force field that can make Plasma Bolts (arrows) bounce off. You can build a Titanium Robot with 4 quicksand blocks (soul sand) and 3 Darkness Guard Heads. DROPS: Titanium Core (nether star).

Mad Scientist (witch)
Some of the survivors work as chemists (smith villagers) and they normally help the survivors, but sometimes an experiment goes wrong... The Mad Scientists are mutated chemists who flee the villages, afraid of the GuardBots, to use their knowledge for evil. They live in small labs (see Structures) and will attack you by throwing grenades (splash potions) at you if you come too close. DROPS: Test Tubes (glass bottles), Lightbulbs (glowstone), Gunpowder, Cables (redstone), Robot Camera Receptors (spider eyes), Stick, Sugar. RARE DROPS: Potion of Healing, Potion of Fire/Acid Resistance, Potion of Speed.

Note: Structures not listed here have not changed enough to have a special backstory.

Uranium Mine (mineshaft)
Ever wondered why you so rarely see uranium in caves? That's because it's almost out-mined. Before the invention of the R-power in year 2140, the use of nuclear power was extremely high and the uranium mines were working at full speed. When the uranium wasn't needed for the power plants anymore the mines closed, and they are completely abandoned today. One of the things you will quickly notice when entering one of the uranium mines are all the barbed wire sections (cobwebs) placed down by the Cave Climber guard robots.

Storage Room (dungeon)
A few years before 2140 and the R-power, the uranium miners were finding so much that they didn't have enough carts to transport all the uranium to the surface. It had to be stored somewhere safe until it could be moved... And so the storage rooms were built. These are small chambers made of stone, with chests to store the uranium (and sometimes other stuff) in and a Robot Builder (monster spawner) to protect it from intruders with a few guard robots.

Military Base (stronghold)
As mentioned in the "Moon" chapter (see Biomes), materials to make rocket fuel became very rare around year 2080, so moon teleporters (end portals) were made for acess to the energy towers on the moon. Large underground military facilities were built to secure the teleporters. Even though the teleporters are quite old, they can still be activated with enough Portal Finder devices (ender eyes). The Portal Finders (as the name says) can also be used to find the bases. Cockroaches (silverfish) are common in military bases.

Survivor Village (NPC village... duh)
Many people who illegally venture outside the underground cities die quite soon, but a few of them actually manage to survive - and perhaps even live a better life than before. This group of people is called the Survivors (see Mobs), and they live in small villages in the wilderness. The houses are quite small, and besides the normal huts there are a few special buildings: the church, the chemist house (smith) and the well in the middle of the village with (almost) clean drinking water. There are also a dozen farms with wheat, carrots and potatoes. These villages are mostly built of wood and cobblestone, but the villages in the wastelands (desert) have houses made of metal (sandstone) instead.

Swamp Lab (witch hut)
The Mad Scientists (see Mobs) live in small, simple labs far, far away from the villages they once lived in. Almost always located in dark swamps, the Mad Scientists makes dangerous experiments alone in the Swamp Labs that they call home. The small labs are made of wood, and contain a Matter Generator (crafting table) and a Water Container (cauldron). They will also contain a Mad Scientist that will get even more mad if you come in. Be careful.

Nuclear Power Plant (desert temple)
After reading the previous lore chapters, you probably already know about the nuclear power. In 2140, atomic power was replaced by the R-power. But a lot of the nuclear power plants were just abandoned, and the radiation leaked out and polluted the area around (see Biomes, Wastelands). You can still find the power plants today, and if you don't care about the radiation, you can actually find a few treasures in there like Energy Crystals (diamonds) or even some leftover Uranium (gold). But watch out when looting your treasures - you might overload the reactor core and blow the place up...

Water Cooling Tank (desert well)
Even if some of the nuclear power plants were safely destroyed and not just abandoned, a few of the water cooling tanks from the power plants were left. You can find the small metal (sandstone) structure with a block of water in it randomly in the Wastelands sometimes, but they are quite rare.

Cube Lab Industries Factory (jungle temple)
From the official www.cubelab.mine website:

Welcome to Cube Lab Industries™! "Making robots since 2107"
Our main factory is located in the Southern Jungle Biome, Minecraftia. Contact Mr. Steve at 09-12345678. The factory was built in year 2108, and it's still making robots just for the customers - and possibly for you? Come over and have a look at some of our best models! The factory is open 9:00-19:00 every day (Closed on sundays).

SECURITY WARNING: Don't go into the basement without a guide, we store our energy crystals and expensive robot parts down there and our security system is very advanced.

Darkness Compound (nether fortress)
The Darkness Compounds are huge structures found in The Darkness. Like everything in The Darkness, no one knows much about the compounds. They are mostly composed of towers and bridges made of Darkbrick (nether brick), and they are always very high up in the air and supported by pillars going down to the ground. Besides the usual Heavy Sniper Bots (ghasts), Flamesticks (blazes) are frequently generated by Robot Builders (spawners) placed around the compounds. A very special plant called the Darkness Flower grows on quicksand (soul sand) in some of the rooms.

Emergency Teleporter (exit end portal)
If the Moon Dragon (see Mobs) is damaged enough, its inner plasma reactor will fail and the dragon will explode. Besides dropping a large amount of XP orbs, something very interesting will happen. When you teleport to the moon you have no escape (except dying, which isn't recommended), but if the Moon Dragon explodes, the remaining metal parts will fuse into an emergency exit teleporter. The Dragon Core (dragon egg) will also drop on top of the teleporter.

Titanium Energy Towers (ender crystal spikes)
The Titanium Energy Towers (also jokingly referred to as "power tower") are the towers made of titanium (obsidian) supporting the Energy Crystals on the moon (see Biomes for more info). An interesting fact about these crystals is that they are not only used as an energy reserve - but also to charge the plasma reactor of the Moon Dragon.

DOWNLOADS: 2,5K DOWNLOADS! Everybody who downloaded - I absolutely love that you think this was worth a try. Thank you so much, once again :3

This is post-apocalyptic pack, with lots of technology, robots and machines. Do you want to play with nukes? Fight exploding C.R.P.E.Rs (Compact Radium-Powered Explosive Robot)? Go to the mysterious Darkness world and swim in acid? Click the Download button now! Give me an Energy Crystal (diamond) and subscribe if you like it! MechaniCraft changes both language and textures.

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MechaniCraft 1.8 [2016 RELOAD! CUSTOM MUSIC & SOUNDS] Minecraft Texture Pack

CreditCollincreeper for the official adventure map
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8.1

5 Update Logs

The 2016 Reload : by eliminer01 01/09/2016 1:51:35 pmJan 9th, 2016

- MUSIC (AND SOME SOUNDS) NOW IN GAME! This is something I've been promising for a long time, but haven't got around to doing before the second half of 2015. 8 tracks to set the mood for wasteland exploration, sounds for some of the hostile mobs, and more upcoming! All music made by me. Listen to all the songs here: Melodies of the Wasteland Vol. 1 

- Gold is now uranium! Have fun with your new atomic-powered tools and weapons, and be sure to wear your HAZMAT suits before you get too radiated, kids.

- Reskinned, revamped, re-textured! You might notice a lot of the mobs and blocks look a bit smoother now, I've decided to freshen up some of the older and less professional-looking textures.

- Brand new pumpkin HUD-thingy, the old version looked pretty terrible.

- Cobwebs are now barbed wire instead of Laser Fields.

- Probably lots of other stuff I've forgotten. Oh well, it might as well be a secret for when you download the pack. :)

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01/25/2016 11:54 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
CobaltReaper's Avatar
Wow, haven't downloaded it yet. Still, from the images, I think it'll be pretty good! I like the textures being featured in those images.
01/26/2016 7:19 am
Level 39 : Artisan Robot
eliminer01's Avatar
Thanks a lot! :D Have you tried it yet?
01/26/2016 7:25 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Narwhal
CobaltReaper's Avatar
I downloaded it, but haven't used it yet. I will shortly, however. :)
01/19/2016 8:58 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Collincreeper's Avatar
Currently Re-working the Mechanicraft: Ember beta, except not it is called "North sunset" and takes place on the surface. Hype hype hype!
01/20/2016 12:55 am
Level 39 : Artisan Robot
eliminer01's Avatar
Oooh, surface action sounds like great fun! Hype indeed :D
06/23/2015 5:03 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Rusguy's Avatar
Cool! Diamond for you! And subcribe.
06/26/2015 10:00 am
Level 39 : Artisan Robot
eliminer01's Avatar
Thanks a lot, dude! It really means something :)
06/26/2015 5:50 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Rusguy's Avatar
I think you need to change standart skin. It looks bad. Oh, alomost forget, standart skin didn't work with 1.8. (Sorry for bad english)
06/28/2015 3:30 am
Level 39 : Artisan Robot
eliminer01's Avatar
I know that the skin is completely glitched out, and I'm sorry. Currently fixing the issue and will be updating soon.
03/31/2015 4:35 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Engineer
Collincreeper's Avatar
got a NEWER computer WITH INTEL i7 DUAL CORE AND LOADS OF MENTAL AWESOME STUFF THAT MAKES IT FASTER!!!!! Now I am OFFICCIALLY making mechia my MAIN project. Spoiler images on mechia's page :3
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