Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

[1.12.2] Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber!

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CK20XX's Avatar CK20XX
Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
See images of the 1.12 updates here!

In the year 199X, a young user named The Creature Keeper (or CK20XX for short(?)) bought... oh forget it. Just watch this video here. It tells the story better than I can in text.

Megacraft Classic is a complete, definitive Mega Man themed resource pack for Minecraft. EVERYTHING has been modified, including blocks, items, foliage gradients, the End Poem, and... a good handful of sounds. OK, so it's not literally everything, but some of the more noteworthy features include:
- A HUD combining elements from all over the franchise, such as arcade-style energy meters, weapon panels containing your inventory, and a power meter to contain the energy from all the P Chips you collect!
- A custom font based off of Mega Man 6! (The font from 9 and 10 was far too wide and would always force text out of bounds.)
- A custom language file: English (Mega Man)! You have to manually activate it in the game options though, so don't forget to do that!
- Arm yourself with a Mega Buster and many special weapons like the Deep Digger, Super Arm, Leaf Shield, Rolling Cutter, and even the Wire Adapter!
- Work with electronics! Salvage circuit boards from buried scrap heaps, craft computer monitors that flash with streams of data, and watch redstone torches spark with power!
- Testificates that look better and may also be less annoying than the default ones!
- Equip your horse with a seat cushion and three different kinds of Rush adapters!
- Sound effects from all over the franchise! Feel yourself power-up as you eat, get a warning beep before something explosive goes off, and sound like Hard Man when you take a long dive into solid ground!
- Destroy holographic aliens, collect their cores, and use them to defeat the Mecha Dragon and claim Gemini Man's lair as your own personal pocket dimension!
- Megatunes! The game world music consists of classic compositions and the records contain the best of fan remixes! Take a look at the track list in the resource pack's "record" folder!
- NEW FOR 1.8: Randomized textures! Thanks to the new model and blockstate syntax, Megacraft Classic now features 2 varieties of obsidian, 4 varieties of sandstone, 8 varieties of smooth stone, 9 varieties of tall grass, 12 varieties of red sandstone, 19 varieties of coal ore, iron ore, and gold ore, and 256 varieties of netherrack! The timings of many block animations are now shuffled too so they don't look so strange by being perfectly in synch with each other!
- 100% VANILLA! No MCPatcher required!

[1.12.2] Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber! Minecraft Texture Pack[1.12.2] Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber! Minecraft Texture Pack[1.12.2] Megacraft Classic - Be the Block Bomber! Minecraft Texture Pack

About The Art Style

Mega Man games are known for their distinct artwork, using minimal colors and solid lines to convey depth instead of using pixel-by-pixel shading. They have most famously relied on trickery, taking advantage of contrast and how some colors can look like completely different colors when placed alongside other colors to keep things from looking flat, and animating smooth liquids by having a static tile cycle through three different colors. This effect doesn't work so well in Minecraft though because the player's view of an area is not fixed. Some classic 8-bit graphics look exceedingly strange when viewed up close and you also have to factor in how textures wrap around and tile with each other in a 3D environment. Besides, the games aren't exclusively 8-bit and in fact used the diverse color palettes of 16 and 32-bit consoles to create some gorgeous 2D effects. This is why some concessions, modifications, and a LOT of recoloring had to be done to adapt classic Mega Man graphics to Minecraft.

I originally began with very literal goals. Since Minecraft had apples and melons, Megacraft Classic had to have them too, and I ended up pinching graphics from the ZX and Legends games because of it. As I worked on it though, I began to see further. I realized the netherrack would work better thematically if it was turned into junk circuits instead of another rocky substance, and instead of having a solid, featureless, iron anvil, my resource pack could have something that looked much different, but was functionally the same. The end result is a resource pack that not only functions as a Mega Man tribute with all its blinking lights and food capsules, but also works very well as a general sci-fi themed resource pack.

It is also VERY animation-centric. I even created original animations for many graphics and icons that originally had none!

[Old Versions]

There's now a version of Megacraft Classic for every release of Minecraft all the way back to when texture packs were first supported in Alpha! The text in parentheses indicates what changes in the pack make it incompatible with the Minecraft version preceding it.

Alpha 1.2.2 - Beta 1.2 (the genesis of texture pack support)
Beta 1.3 - Beta 1.7 (ingot block detail reduced, redstone wire tiles moved)
Beta 1.8 (armor meter mirrored, smaller chests & 3D pig snouts added)
Release 1.0 - Release 1.2 (inverted livestock butts)
Release 1.3 (reorganized Creative mode menus)
Release 1.4 (dyable leather armor, taller zombie & zombie pig dimensions)
Release 1.5 (item and terrain files dissected, animation & HD resolution debut)
Release 1.6 (new Resource Pack structure, sound & music debut)
Release 1.7 (revised folder structure for music)
Release 1.8 (new enchanting GUI)
Release 1.9 - Release 1.10 (new brewing GUI, version number changed to 2 for model system upgrades)
Release 1.11 - Release 1.12 (version number changed to 3 for lowercase file names)


The music I had to spin off into its own resource pack cause I just went overboard and crammed too much in. Download Megacraft's music here.
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.12.2

27 Update Logs

Update #27 : by CK20XX 12/24/2017 11:31:54 amDec 24th, 2017

EMERGENCY CHRISTMAS UPDATE. I woke up this morning and discovered the double chest presents were wrong by about 16 pixels, however I've fixed them. Also got new mossy cobblestone and new quartz item textures, plus a new life bar to honor Mega Man 11. Enjoy these minor improvements and have a merry Mega Man X-mas... except classic instead.

No 1.13 snapshot support though, because this is the first round of snapshots that have consistently crashed the game on startup for me no matter what I do. I can't actually play the game to check my work!

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04/29/2019 7:24 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Magical Girl
SomeBasilKinGirl's Avatar
Is the sounds pack available for 1.12.2?

Also, I want to say the resource pack is good, but that's the problem. It's too good and it makes my game go to a maximum of 25 fps.
Erick Santos
12/15/2018 4:56 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
Erick Santos's Avatar
It looks like you're working hard at version 1.13 of the texture, continue with this amazing work, I hope you finish this version soon.
02/27/2019 5:28 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
CK20XX's Avatar
I've been trying to at least. My work schedule suddenly jumped up last December and hasn't let up yet, unfortunately. There's been holiday madness, coworkers on vacation to cover for, and then THIS month three feet of snow caused chaos and injury at home and at work. Lately I've just been focusing on how all the fill-ins I've been doing at least let me afford some cool stuff from Etsy.

Sorry to let you down. Most of what's been delaying my progress has been beyond my control. In the words of the late, great Satoru Iwata, "Please understand".
10/31/2018 2:28 am
Level 1 : New Miner
IllumeFlame's Avatar
Hey, I downloaded it and loaded it up, but all textures worked except things like logs and stairs which were pink and black squares. This was a pack I used to use a while back and I would like to use it again! Many Thanks, Illume~
11/22/2018 6:40 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
CK20XX's Avatar
What version did you download and what version of the game are you trying to use it on?
Erick Santos
10/14/2019 12:15 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Engineer
Erick Santos's Avatar
I have the same problem and i'm using the texture in 1.14.4
09/07/2018 9:29 pm
Level 24 : Expert Procrastinator
faust1973's Avatar
hands down, this is like THE coolest resource pack i've seen in a while. keep up the good work, dude!
07/23/2018 9:24 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
CK20XX's Avatar
Hey, so this update is taking a while. I only just got my feet repaired by my podiatrist, my work schedule is keeping me busy as my brother moves back in because it's nigh impossible to live independently anymore, and you may have heard that The Update Aquatic is kicking the butts of many a resource pack maker on top of all that.

But as long as Hermitcraft is still inspiring me, as long as TangoTek is still calling lava "Happy's fun sauce", and as long as my modifications to kelp cause Dive Man's theme to instantly pop into my head, I'll still be chipping away at all the updates and repairs Megacraft Classic needs. It also helps that we're seeing a Mega Man revival with Mega Man 11, Mega Man Fully Charged, and almost definitely Mega Man X9 to boot. But updating ALL those individual item sprites and transferring and recoding their animations and so on takes time and my attention span is not very compatible with such busywork. So please understand.

...holy SPLATS the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate rumors... 85 flippin' characters?! That's 84 trophies for Mega Man to hang on his wall...
10/27/2018 5:04 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Scribe
CK20XX's Avatar
Second Update

Attending the Retro Gaming Expo in Portland, Oregon turned out to be just what I needed to get my creative spark back after various assorted frustrations and difficulties. Course, now we have 1.14 snapshots coming out and Megacraft Classic still isn't ready for 1.13, but I'm going to focus on just 1.13 for now. One thing at a time, you know.

This has been complicated by Mega Man 11, which has brought with it many new exciting ideas and textures. New sounds, new oak logs, new iron doors, new carrots, new prismarine bricks, new witches, and more. That's a problem because I SHOULD be working on the pack's rebuild so all the old textures, names, and sounds work like they used to in 1.12, but that's the boring part! The exciting part is scouring a new Mega Man game for assets to adapt, so that's what I find myself doing instead!

I tried a couple tools to convert all the old textures to 1.13 format, but they didn't work. The problem is that Megacraft Classic has so many animations and randomized textures that the tools didn't know how to convert them properly. So I have to do everything one file at a time or get someone to help with all that busywork.

Oh well. One way or another I'm gonna make it to the end.
05/20/2018 11:32 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Blaze49's Avatar
Someone should turn this into a Bedrock pack. It's really cool!
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