Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

OrgCraft (with sounds)

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een_organisme_he's Avatar een_organisme_he
Level 20 : Expert Architect
This is a texture pack, but this is also a sound pack.

If you are bored of all those normal sounds, try this!

Some words are spoken in dutch, though.

There are also some animations coming.

And the music discs are minecraft song parodys :D

Update log

-Some music discs are now other cds/songs (minecraft parodys and a dramatic classic music piece for a 'scary' cd)
-Doors, trapdoors... have a 50% chance of doing a... strange sound.
-XP-orb sound is now 'Ping'.
-The 'pop'-sound for items is now 'genomen' (dutch for taken)
-Ghasts laugh because they cry. Realism.
-Cows are evil :D
-Minor changes

-some XP-orbs are now alive! :O
-zombies should go to a doctor with their fingers. :S
-withers (boss) have no eyes.
-mob spawners retextured.
-little retexture of chests (single)
-since cows are considered evil...
-friendly creepers.
-arrows are colourful :D
-little beacon beam update
-boat (not tested yet)
-steve is happy with is world. :D
-ah, mr. moon.
-title screen
-pumpkin blur badly retextured (will be done better later on)
-1 new painting (will be done better later on)
-haste icon changed

-music discs now have the same volume (more or less)
-I like lapis, so it deserves... bling bling :D
-torches are animated
-minor changes

-beacon block is now 128x128
-glowstone block is now 64x64 + strange texture
-lapis block is now 1024x1024 because it's cool
-redstone block is now 64x64 with relief
-fire_layer_1 is now 32x32 (fire_layer_0 encounters error)
-colormap --> grass.png is red :D (looks pretty cool actually :S)
-spider eyes are disco-ish
-zombies are ghosts
-beacon beam laughs
-boat doesn't bug entirely anymore
-witch is santa now :D
-rain is all smileys (/toggledownfall is a must now :D) + updated splash to those smileys
-sun is blue
-beacon interface is more simplistic
-retextured crosshair
-retextured hearts
-fireball is more detailed
-snowball is less detailed
-eggs --> easter eggs :D
-retextured shadow under entities

-extra splashes on the title screen
-2 new paintings: HD wither painting and computer screen painting
-rewritten en_US and en_GB language files for even more awesomeness
-added oc_OC (orgcraft) language but doesn't work (comment if you know if this is possible, if yes then how)
-retextured emerald block (256x256)
-animated redstone ore (16x16)
-rain is no longer all smileys, but I think the ghasts are suddenly sad in the overworld
-retextured armor bar (8x8)
-retextured brewing stand (64x64)
-carrots evolution bar test (if you like it, comment, if you don't like... ehm comment as well :D)
-retextured enchantment table (16x16)
-clay is now the normal color, completely covered in 1 color (black is like the void, pretty scary actually)
-colormap --> grass.png is blue :D, much nicer than red
-retextured item frame (64x64)
-melon stem now says 'ik ben klaar om geoogst te worden', which is dutch for 'I'm ready to be farmed!'
-animated red mushroom block, looks like it turns around and around
-retextured birch planks (512x512) to the wooden planks in my garden house
-iron and diamond shovel are now the shovels in my garden house (no I don't have a diamond shovel in real life)
-oak sapling is now a maple sapling (little mistake, though I will retexture this to oak saplings in the future)
-sponge is now cheese, which is much more realistic (cuz cheese sucks up water much more efficiently)
-guess 3 times who found the clouds.png file! (hint: me)
--big dark thundercloud
--pretty big blue cloud
--spaceship-cloud :D
--red smiley-cloud
--grey cloud
--light blue cloud
--Find 'em all! :D
-inventory retextured (the background where your human turns around is my house at my favourite server :D)
-retextured anvil interface
-a nice little (ok it's giant) blue smiley on the title screen panorama
-retextured buckets to the real buckets in my garden (I also don't have lava in my garden, neather do I have 10l milk)
-arrow where you are on the map
-retextured vignette.png
Progress30% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.2

4 Update Logs

Update 1.3.0 : by een_organisme_he 05/17/2014 10:28:48 amMay 17th, 2014

Texture changes.

Language changes.

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05/17/2014 11:57 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Ruinenlust's Avatar
05/17/2014 1:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
een_organisme_he's Avatar
Do the sounds actually work?
I don't hear them anymore since orgcraft update 1.2.0, I don't know what happened.
08/29/2013 1:36 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Network
Bethamez's Avatar
Temporarily disabled the submission. Changes are required. This submission is incomplete. You must include an appropriate title, description and necessary images to accurately present your submission to the community. Thanks.
Submission Rules
08/29/2013 3:03 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
een_organisme_he's Avatar
Eh, ok.

I was still uploading it at mediafire and wasn't able to upload it in time so 4 minutes later I put the good file in there.

I will change the title because that is indeed a bit not good now you say it xD

and images are a bit impossible at the moment because animations and sounds are hard to catchin an image.:S
08/27/2013 9:52 pm
Level 41 : Master Artist
shirtman+123's Avatar
best sound ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
08/28/2013 12:55 pm
Level 20 : Expert Architect
een_organisme_he's Avatar
thx :D
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